
Sovereign Of Void

Meet Ye Chen, an orphan with nothing but an unyielding spirit and a mysterious past. In a world where power is everything, Ye Chen discovers he's got the ultimate jackpot: the Void Physique and the Immortal Emperor's Bloodline. Yeah, he's basically destined to be a legend. [Ye Chen's Awakening] > "Who knew getting beat up by bandits could unlock the strongest physique in existence?" Ye Chen's journey kicks off with a bang when a life-threatening encounter triggers his hidden powers. Suddenly, he's absorbing energy like a sponge, and his enemies? They don't stand a chance. [Joining the Sect] > "A small village can't contain me. It's time to see the world!" Leaving his humble village behind, Ye Chen joins a powerful sect. He faces rivalries, undertakes dangerous missions, and quickly rises through the ranks. His adventures are filled with face-slapping moments where he crushes arrogant opponents, proving he's not just lucky—he's unbeatable. [Epic Tournaments and Fierce Battles] > "Bring it on. I'm not here to play nice; I'm here to win." Ye Chen's fame skyrockets as he dominates inter-sect tournaments, facing and defeating the best cultivators from around the world. Each victory brings new challenges, powerful allies, and formidable enemies. But no matter how tough things get, Ye Chen always comes out on top. [Unlocking Ancient Secrets] > "What's this? Another ancient artifact? Looks like today's my lucky day!" Exploring ancient ruins and unlocking hidden secrets, Ye Chen uncovers the true potential of his bloodline and physique. Each discovery makes him stronger, preparing him for the ultimate showdown against cosmic threats. [Building Alliances and Facing Global Threats] > "United, we can conquer everything. Divided, we fall by nothing." As Ye Chen's power grows, so does his responsibility. He forms alliances with top cultivators and powerful beings from different realms, ready to face interdimensional threats that endanger the entire universe. [The Ultimate Battle] > "This is it. The final showdown. Let’s end this once and for all." In an epic climax, Ye Chen faces the most powerful villain the universe has ever seen. With everything on the line, he transcends reality itself, becoming the eternal guardian of the multiverse and leaving a legacy of peace and power. "Sovereign of the Void" is packed with jaw-dropping battles, mind-blowing discoveries, and a protagonist who never loses. Ye Chen's journey from an orphan to the most powerful being in the universe is one you won't want to miss. Get ready to dive into a world of cultivation, adventure, and epic face-slapping moments that will keep you hooked from the first chapter to the last. || •My Other Works:— "Ascension Of Malachor","Bitten By Vampire Princess, I Was Forced To Transform". •This Novel Is Participating In "Webnovel Spitity Awards".

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29 Chs

2. The Awakening.

Ye Chen stood before the imposing gates of the Azure Sky Sect, the jade pendant clutched tightly in his hand. His heart pounded with a mix of excitement and nerves. This was it—the beginning of his new life. Taking a deep breath, he stepped forward, determined to seize the opportunity before him.

The gates were guarded by two stern-looking disciples, their sharp eyes taking in every detail of the newcomers. Ye Chen approached them with confidence, holding up the pendant.

"I'm Ye Chen. I've come to join the Azure Sky Sect," he announced, his voice steady despite the nervous fluttering in his stomach.

One of the guards glanced at the pendant, his eyes widening slightly in recognition. "Where did you get that?" he asked, his tone respectful.

"A wise old man gave it to me. He said it would grant me entry into the sect," Ye Chen replied, holding the pendant higher for the guard to inspect.

The guard nodded, motioning for Ye Chen to follow. "Very well. Come with me. We'll take you to the elders."

Ye Chen followed the guard through the gates, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the grandeur of the sect. The Azure Sky Sect was vast, with towering buildings, lush gardens, and disciples training in open courtyards. Everywhere he looked, there was a sense of purpose and discipline.

The guard led him to a large hall at the heart of the sect, where the elders convened. The hall was decorated with intricate carvings and tapestries depicting the history of the sect. At the far end, a group of elders sat in a semi-circle, their expressions serious as they discussed sect matters.

"Elders, this is Ye Chen," the guard announced, stepping aside to allow Ye Chen to step forward.

Ye Chen bowed deeply, showing his respect. "Greetings, honored elders. I seek to join the Azure Sky Sect and learn the ways of cultivation."

One of the elders, a wise-looking man with a long white beard, leaned forward, his eyes examining Ye Chen closely. "The pendant you carry is a symbol of great significance. It is not given lightly. Tell us, young one, how did you come to possess it?"

Ye Chen recounted the events of that fateful evening, how he had saved the old man from the bandits and how his Void Physique had awakened. The elders listened intently, their expressions shifting from curiosity to intrigue.

"So, you possess the Void Physique," the elder with the white beard mused, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "And you say an old man gave you this pendant as a token of gratitude?"

Ye Chen nodded. "Yes, elder. He told me that with this physique, I could become one of the greatest cultivators."

The elders exchanged glances, and a silent understanding seemed to pass between them. Finally, the white-bearded elder spoke again. "Ye Chen, you have shown great courage and potential. The Azure Sky Sect welcomes you. From this day forward, you are a disciple of our sect."

A wave of relief and excitement washed over Ye Chen. "Thank you, honored elders. I won't let you down."

"See that you don't," the elder replied with a slight smile. "You will start your training immediately. Liu, show Ye Chen to the disciples' quarters and ensure he has everything he needs."

The guard who had escorted Ye Chen bowed and motioned for him to follow. As they walked through the sect's grounds, Liu explained the basic rules and expectations of the sect. Ye Chen listened attentively, eager to begin his training and prove himself.


Ye Chen's days at the Azure Sky Sect were filled with rigorous training and study. He rose early each morning, joining the other disciples for physical exercises and cultivation practice. The training was grueling, pushing his body and mind to their limits, but Ye Chen thrived under the pressure. His Void Physique allowed him to absorb and manipulate Qi with incredible efficiency, making him a quick learner.

The sect was divided into different ranks, with core disciples being the most elite. Ye Chen started as an outer disciple, but it didn't take long for his talents to catch the attention of the sect's leaders. His progress was nothing short of astounding, and soon, whispers of his potential spread among the disciples.

Despite his rapid advancement, Ye Chen remained humble and focused. He spent hours meditating, refining his control over his powers, and studying ancient texts to deepen his understanding of cultivation. His determination was unwavering, driven by a burning desire to become stronger and uncover the mysteries of his origins.

One evening, after a particularly intense training session, Ye Chen sat cross-legged in his small room, focusing on his breath and the flow of Qi within him. He could feel the energy pulsating through his veins, a testament to his growing power. But there was still so much he didn't understand, so much he needed to learn.

As he meditated, a knock at the door interrupted his thoughts. He opened his eyes to see Liu standing in the doorway.

"Ye Chen, the elders have requested your presence," Liu said, his tone respectful.

Ye Chen nodded, rising to his feet. "I'll be there right away."

He followed Liu through the sect's winding corridors to the main hall, where the elders awaited. The atmosphere was solemn, and Ye Chen could sense that something important was about to happen.

"Ye Chen," the white-bearded elder began, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "Your progress has been remarkable. We have decided that it is time for you to undertake your first major trial."

Ye Chen's heart quickened with anticipation. "What is the trial, elder?"

The elder's gaze was steady. "You will venture into the Misty Forest, a place known for its danger and mystery. Your task is to retrieve the Azure Lotus, a rare and powerful herb that grows deep within the forest. This will test your strength, your skill, and your resolve."

Ye Chen felt a surge of determination. "I understand, elder. I will not fail."

"Good," the elder replied, nodding approvingly. "You leave at dawn. May the heavens watch over you."


The Misty Forest was a vast, dense woodland shrouded in an almost perpetual fog. It was said to be home to fierce beasts and treacherous terrain, making it a true test for any cultivator. As dawn broke, Ye Chen stood at the edge of the forest, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension.

He took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenge ahead. With his sword strapped to his back and a small pack of supplies, he stepped into the forest, the mist swirling around him like a living entity.

The forest was eerily silent, the thick fog muffling any sounds. Ye Chen moved cautiously, his senses on high alert. Every rustle of leaves, every snap of a twig, set his nerves on edge. He knew that danger could be lurking around every corner.

As he ventured deeper into the forest, the air grew thicker, and visibility decreased. The trees loomed like dark sentinels, their twisted branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. Despite the oppressive atmosphere, Ye Chen pressed on, his determination unwavering.

After several hours of navigating the dense underbrush, Ye Chen came across a clearing bathed in a soft, ethereal light. In the center of the clearing, surrounded by a ring of thorny bushes, was the Azure Lotus. Its petals glowed with a faint blue hue, and it seemed to pulse with an inner light.

Ye Chen approached cautiously, aware that such a valuable herb would likely be guarded. As he reached out to pluck the flower, a low growl rumbled from the shadows. He spun around, his sword at the ready, as a massive beast emerged from the mist.

The creature was unlike anything Ye Chen had ever seen. It was a hulking, bear-like beast with eyes that glowed a menacing red. Its fur was matted and black, and its claws gleamed wickedly in the dim light.

Ye Chen's heart raced, but he forced himself to remain calm. He had trained for this. He had prepared. He took a deep breath, feeling the flow of Qi within him, and prepared to face the beast.

The creature charged, its roar echoing through the forest. Ye Chen met its attack head-on, his sword flashing as he struck. The beast was fast and powerful, but Ye Chen was faster. He dodged and weaved, landing precise blows that weakened the creature.

Despite its size and strength, the beast couldn't match Ye Chen's agility and skill. With a final, powerful strike, Ye Chen drove his sword into the beast's heart. It let out a final roar before collapsing to the ground, its lifeblood soaking into the earth.

Ye Chen stood over the fallen beast, his chest heaving with exertion. He had done it. He had faced the challenge and emerged victorious. With a sense of triumph, he turned back to the Azure Lotus and carefully plucked it from the ground, tucking it safely into his pack.

As he made his way back through the forest, Ye Chen couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. This was just the beginning. He had proven himself, but there were many more challenges to come. And he was ready for them.

When he finally emerged from the forest, the sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the landscape. Liu was waiting for him at the edge of the forest, his eyes widening in surprise and admiration as he saw the Azure Lotus in Ye Chen's hand.

"You did it," Liu said, his voice filled with awe.

Ye Chen nodded, a determined smile on his face. "This is just the start. I'm going to become the greatest cultivator the world has ever seen."

With the Azure Lotus safely in hand, Ye Chen returned to the Azure Sky Sect, ready to continue...

—To Be Continued