
Sovereign of Death, King of Heroes: Izuku Midoriya

As a child, Izuku Midoriya dreamt of becoming a Hero like many others but can't for a lack of Quirk. With the appearance of Gates and Dungeons, the occupation took on a new meaning and changes were made. Seeing his chance, he leapt into the Hero World. Will he fail or succeed?

WorthlessMonkey · Anime et bandes dessinées
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13 Chs

Chapter 8

"99,100...101" Izuku groaned before getting up, dusting himself in the process. At least he is truly certain that this method won't do anything. The time whilst fighting against the Salamanders proved that already on its own but he still held out some hope. Maybe the System has certain unspoken laws when it comes to improving the Stats.

"Nothing?" Saiko asked. To which Izuku re-affirmed with a single nod. Truly a shame because he had desired to cheat a little by improving his stats via exercising. At least when it comes to the physical stats.

"Considering you can't raise your physical stats via exercise, it's safe to assume the other three stats cannot be improved through repetitive actions." Saiko's lip clicked. In the young girls' opinion, it's rather odd how that stats cannot be raised through repetitive actions and yet skills can. Or at least that's what her friend told her.

"Right, upgrade your stats and use those skill books and runes, we'll also have you leveled up skills you currently have," Saiko spoke, secretly watching Izuku tapping away at the empty air. If she hadn't been informed earlier the young girl would assume he has gone insane. Though given what she has learned from their experience, he is not right in the head to some extent.

"Hmm, how should I go with this," Izuku wondered, looking at the stats. Mars dropped some Skill Books that require a very impressive amount of stats. All the experience accumulated from the prior Red Gate gave him a massive boost.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level: 40 ]

HP: 2300 MP: 310

[STR: 29 DEX: 25 CON: 23]

[INT: 17 MN: 31 LUK: 11]

[110 Stat Points.]


'22 Level ups. The last two level-ups came from killing the remaining Constructs.' Izuku noted, ruminating on the stats allocation. His Luck requires a big upgrade and the same went for the others. While he truly wished to learn all of the skill books, he also wanted to raise his mana stats as he relied on his summon quite a lot.

If he could've gotten Mars and Vulcan as summon it would be incredible but sadly he couldn't. He didn't know why though. Maybe they are far stronger than him or perhaps they do not wish to obey.

Though thinking about the possibilities wouldn't do him any good. Taking a deep breath, he poured the points into the stats in mind.


[Name: Izuku Midoriya]

[Title: Quirkless Hero (Unremovable) Quirk: None]

[Class: Necromancer Level: 40 ]

HP: 5000 MP: 500

[STR: 29 DEX: 36 CON: 50]

[INT: 70 MN: 50 LUK: 11]

[0 Stat Points.]


When he clicked confirm, three notifications popped up, and reading them took him by surprise.


[For hitting the fifty-mile points for Constitution, you have gained the passive skill 'Strong Heart']

[For hitting the fifty-mile points for Mana, you have gained the passive skill 'Ghoulish Fervor']

[For hitting the fifty-mile points for Intelligence, you have gained the passive skill 'Monkey's Wit']


'That's nice, gonna need to check that out later.' Izuku jotted down. It appears he can even gain passive skills for


[Do you wish to learn the Skill Book 'Reinforcement']

[Do you wish to learn the Skill Book 'Bladefist']

[Do you wish to learn the Skill Book 'Soul Sight?]

[Do you wish to learn the Runestone 'Great Fireball']


These three were the only skill book he can learn with the current stats. While Heatwave and Arm Shift are far more versatile, he doesn't feel right using those given the implication behind their creation. Those powersets doesn't feel like magic spells and looked more like Quirks. In addition to that, they were called Constructs, not High Orcs and Cyclop respectively which makes him feel more suspicious of their existence.

With a single click and all three books disappear into light particles. Knowledge unknown flowed into him causing Izuku to stumble backward whilst clutching his head in pain. Growing concerned, Saiko went forward to check but stopped when Izuku raised a hand and offered a small but forceful smile. As if trying to say he is fine.

"It's fine. I just have a headache." He waved. Taking a deep breath, Izuku settled into a boxer's stance. Hands relaxed and slightly atop the balls of his feet. Saiko eyed him briefly before taking a position.

By knowledge gained, Izuku willed the mana to course through his vein. Not too dissimilar to Darkness Transfer, the familiar cold sensation flowed throughout his body, enveloping it in its' coldness. Though much to his chagrin, the cold feeling disappeared.


[The Skill 'Observe' and 'Soul Sight' has now fused into 'Soul Observe']

[Reinforcement Skill has failed]


'What?' It was the only thing he can think before opening the Skill List page. Wishing to check on the other ones he recently acquired.


Reinforcement (Lvl 1: 0.00%)

One of the most renowned abilities belonging to King Keras, this particular skill is only taught to the most promising warriors. By channeling the mana into one's nervous systems, bones, muscles, and skin, they can fortify each of those greatly. Masters of Reinforcement are even able to make themselves harder and stronger than the very steel weapon they wield.

Increase one's nervous system by 3%, making it able to take more punishment

Increase one's healing factor by 3%, making it able to heal faster.

Increase one's bone durability by 3%, making it able to take more punishment

Increase one's muscles strength by 3%, allowing the user to exert more strength

Increase one's skin durability by 3%, allowing the users to take more punishment

The chance of activation is 5 percent and will increase based on the level of proficiency. Has a 50 percent chance of disappearing if the user does not maintain focus. Chance of success will increase with profiency

Activation Cost: 20 Mana points Maintenance Cost: 5 Mana points


Bladefist (Lvl1: 0.00%)

A moveset that involves harnessing Mana into one's fist while shaping it like a spear. This move allows one to penetrate the soft spot of any intended target. Developed by King Keras after watching the mighty Giant King in action. A true master of this can pierce even through the sturdiest of metal.

Increase striking attack strength by 10%

Increase striking attack speed by 10%


Great Fireball(Lvl 1 :0.00%)

By kneading the magical energy inside the stomach, user is able to exhume flames. The more energy used, the larger the fire. User can shape it in the form of a ball or a stream of flames.

Activation Cost: 25 MP

Fuel: 10 MP to increase its size and maintain it.


Seeing the descriptions' of each skill took him by surprise. From what he learned Reinforcement is like Darkness Transfer but internalized. There was also the fact that both skills mention King Keras who appears to be the creator. Does this mean the Orcs have kings of their own? Then what about the other species of monsters.

Are the monsters of the Dungeon invading their world at these king's behest? Considering there is a so-called Giant King, the Giants must have a leader of their own. Implying these Magic Beast are much more than they appear.

But this in turn raises more questions. Why are they coming to the human world? According to studies, Saiko mentioned there is a heavy implication the monsters they combat aren't strictly savages. Besides, this wasn't something he had predicted as he only cared about getting stronger. What kind of skill requires for a proficiency mastery?! Was the fifty-three stat points wasted meant nothing?!

"Is there a problem?" Izuku briefly wondered whether he should tell her about this but ultimately decided against it. All it would do is create unanswerable questions and distract them.

"One of the skills got a chance of failure," Izuku stated, surprising Saiko. Enough to have her pause briefly in contemplation. Seizing his chance a front kick was launched.

"I see. You will need to fix that." Saiko stated, casually parrying the offending limb with her spear. Retracting back his limb, Izuku struck with a fist and kicks too which every blow had the spearwoman deflected using the spear.

"Of course," pouring as much Mana as humanely possible into the stomach, he fired off a powerful ball of flame. Luckily, a ball of fire roughly the size of a boulder erupted forth. Taken by complete surprise, Saiko quickly spun the spear in hand in a protective manner, diffusing the flames in an instant. By the time it died out, Saiko was greeted with the sight of Izuku charging forth. A haymaker thrown by the greenette receives a casual redirection, sending him sprawling to the ground. Though he quickly recovered by landing on his feet and charged forth.

Fighting her only have the young man remember the disparity between their skills and raw power. Although Saiko rarely fought on the front lines, she is a B-ranked Awakened who had received personal coaching from one of the world's top Pro Heroes. Someone of her caliber can take care of herself just fine in a Dungeon barring the A-ranker.

"You mentioned getting a spear, you're not planning to use it are you?" A single thrust of the spear dodged by Izuku. He tried to punch but had to reel back when a wide horizontal arc was swung.

"Sword-spear actually, there's a difference apparently." Izuku amended. "Why, is that a problem?" In mid-questioning, he tried to sweep her up with his legs but failed. A faint trace of a smirk on Saiko's face before she landed. Only to have another fireball, slightly smaller than the previous one coming at her. Annoyed, she swung the spear in a circular manner around her repetitively, creating powerful gust of wind that scatters the flames aside.

"Adding a new weapon to your fighting style is rather difficult since you'll need to learn how to utilize it. A pair of fist is different than a hammer; reach, weigh, and so forth." Saiko explained once finished, paused before shifting her holding on the spear. Seeing how Izuku was holding his breath, a hint to that fireball skill he recently acquired, the young woman quickly charged forth to prevent another one from coming out.

Leaping high into the air, she brought down the spear to which Izuku sidestepped. The resulting missed attack embedded itself into floor, tip burrowing halfway into it. Seizing his chance, Izuku tried to punch only for Saiko to let go momentarily, gripping the wrist and applying some force. At those, Izuku winced at the forceful.

'No, she's not using brute force. This method, did she practiced martial arts?!' A plausible explanation. While he wasn't an avid fan of martial arts, there were several heroes that utilize them so he read up on them.

"Aikido, I took 3 hours to fully grasp it and another five to modify it for modern combat." Saiko spoke, as if sensing her friends' thoughts. While her Quirk isn't a particularly powerful one, it is quite versatile when it comes memorizing and processing information.

"Very difficult for something so old and outdated. I've been meaning to try and make it more suitable to fight Magic Beast." Saiko sighed before noticing Izuku puffed out his chest. Quickly she backed away only to realize no flames were fired. Izuku in turn rushed forward, grinning at how he managed to trick her.

"So, you're saying I shouldn't use it?" Izuku asked, throwing a series of punches. Flurries of jabs, hooks and cross and every other known punch mixed in seamlessly. All were nimbly parried and/or dodged by Saiko. Occasionally, she threw in an Aikido move to interrupt him, sending the green-haired fighter stumbling before he rushed back in.

"I'm not saying that. I'm saying you keep that thing. So long there is a will, there is a way. If you want to use it, use it. If you don't what to, you can sell it." Saiko spoke. Izuku hummed at her words.

Hero gears are highly expensive due to the amount of work put in. After all, it would be quite unfortunate for the wielder's equipment to break down while in combat. One of them could easily be sold for millions of yens and the most expensive items are worth an entire building.

That and he has been meaning to get rid of the salamander scales inside his inventory. There's no need for those but he doesn't feel comfortable selling of that spear. It is a S-grade item and those are hard to come by.

"I'll keep that in mind," he relented, bringing down a leg down, heels first into her head. Saiko leaped to the side and aimed the spear at the greenettess' legs but missed her mark, breaking a chunk of the ground yet again. Taking his chance, Izuku stepped down on it, preventing it from moving.

"Light, light, light." Three words was all it took before a bright flash of light emitted from Saiko. The sudden appearance blinded Izuku for a brief moment. Immediately she swept him up, causing him to fell. Pulling out her spear quickly.

Already his friend was upon him, the spear's but coming down. Quickly he rolled out of the way and got up, surprised by how she let him recover.

[Pain Tolerance Skill has leveled up]

Reading that only had the young man gnashed his teeth in frustration as he spun in a reverse clockwise on the ball of his feet, delivering a powerful spinning backhand to the jaw. Or it would've had not Saiko backed away while delivering a single powerful jab, resulting in his first swatting the incoming spear point.

Hand clearly in pain, Izuku ignored it and bolted forward as he saw a chance. Raising the left hand and making it in the shape of a spear hand, he willed the mana within to flow in. Much to his delight, the cold sensation engulfed his left hand and didn't disappear. The practice spear's shaft in Saiko's hand collided against his hand and much to his delight, his finger didn't break. Although the spear's shaft did not break, there are small dents inside it.

Bladefist was a very good skill in his opinion. The first few offensive skill he finally gained. For a moment Izuku wondered what the other skills Mars dropped can do. Suddenly Izuku got the idea of the reason behind Bellion's struggle to take down the Runaway Construct even though he is on the same level as that monster.

A flurry of powerful thrusts came and Izuku steeled himself, forcing Reinforcement to work. Much to his chagrin, it failed and Izuku fired off a series of Bladefist. In retaliation, Saiko blocked every last one. As each strike was tanked, the pain began to build up little by little.

[Bladefist skill has leveled up 2x]

[Free-Style Fighting has leveled up 2x]

[Pain Tolerance has leveled up 1x]

Hearing the notifications pouring in brought a smile to Izuku's face. Every desired skill is leveling up as he planned. Even the pain has seemingly begun to dull.

'More, more, more!' gleefully Izuku kicked high to which Saiko retaliated similarly. The participating fighters retracted back their legs and kept on kicking each other repetitively, their legs sticking to one another. Each resounding clash caused Izuku to smile wider and wider. Even more, Saiko herself seems to be having the time of her life.

Their little bind ended when Saiko tried to kick and Izuku did it. Only to realize his target isn't struck for she had sidestepped. Izuku's mind ran with various possible methods to react but did not conclude, accepting only one possible outcome. Summoning Reinforcement only to be let down yet again by another failure, Izuku braced the metallic shaft slamming hard into his stomach. Upon contact, a great deal of pain erupted as he clutched the injured area.

"Don't move." Izuku's body stilled when a spear's tip hovered dangerously close to the jugular. Despite the dangerous gesture, the green-haired Awakened knew she wouldn't harm him. Saiko heaved heavily as a smile decorated her features. Though those were replaced by confusion when shadows underneath him stretched outwards and a familiar swordsman standing behind her, the whip wrapped around her throat.

Even without Bellion's threatening presence, she probably wouldn't be able to do much. All eighteen Salamanders snarled, teeth sharper than daggers glistening dangerously at the woman.

"Izuku-kun, you didn't happen to order them to come out, did you?" The spearwoman asked, a slight trail of fear slipping in the tone. Meanwhile the greenette only glanced at the small group of undead nervously, surprised by how much devotion they'd shown.

"Stand down, Bellion. All of you as well." The sword-wielding summon pulled the sword back, bowed as it dissolves into the liquid. The others underwent a similar transformation as they traveled back into his shadow. Saiko breathed in relief and visibly sagged once they disappear.

"Thank you." Despite what had recently transpired, Saiko offered a hand which Izuku took, getting hoisted up as a result. Her mind was still reeling from what had occurred. One wrong move and she was certain there wouldn't be another morning for her.

'Not only the number of Summons is far higher than what even an A-rank Mage could call for, they did so of their own volition to protect their master.' A logical conclusion is given what had occurred. Even though both had agreed that it would be a simple spar, they had immediately come out at the possibility of a threat to their master.

"Right, I-I think that's enough for today." Izuku breathed, dusting himself in the process. "I need to get home now since it's pretty late already."

"I understand. Your clothes should be done by now." Saiko gestured to him to follow. As the two walked, he noticed several flying droids are already coming out of the built-in hatch on the far side of the walls. They immediately hovered over the spot that suffered the brunt of their fight and began fixing the spot.

'Robots, just...wow.' Seeing those mechanical devices going at work just reminds Izuku of the difference between him and her. Even now, he still can't grasp how someone the same age as him is one of the richest girls in the entire world. A hero's monthly salary is one thing but hers is an entirely different thing.

A door slide open as they approached it and they entered the room. A spacious one with a single multi-armed robot working on his tracksuit. If he remember correctly, Saiko mentioned in passing how the robot was made with the help of a friend. A working prototype of some sort for an idea of hers.

"Hello, Master Intelli, your request is already completed." The mechanical robot spoke, lifting the suit for display. Izuku couldn't help but marvel as it looked brand new. The design is pretty much the same though.

"I've replaced 90 percent of the constituent materials used with Arachne Silk, a stronger material that is more tear resistant, flame resistant and less resistant to friction. At your request of course." The robot spoke, giving the costume to Izuku who in turn took it, running his fingers along the smooth surface.

Arachne is a breed of spider-like monster known for looking like a cross between a woman and a spider. While they aren't a particularly powerful breed, they are capable of spinning webs that are stronger than steel. A wonderful material that was used in making nets to capture monsters, items for heroes and if he strongly recalled, there were rumour how Eraserheads' main weapon was made out of the same materials.

"I-intelli-san, I'm grateful for what you did but you shouldn't have done that. You really don't need to waste such wonderful materials on someone like me. I mean, I'm only a..." He paused, realizing he's no longer an E-ranker. Despite that, he still doesn't feel worthy to wear something made out of undoubtedly expensive materials.

"I'm only me, after all." A lame excuse but it's the simple truth.

"Nonsense, you are, well, I don't really have many friends but still, you are a good friend of mine. If you need any help, all you have to do is put in a simple request and I'll try to the best of my ability." Hearing those words made the young man teared up slightly. Though he quickly wipe them away.

"Th-thank you." He croaked out. "Anyway, I gotta go now. Thank you. For this."

With that said, he hurriedly left the room. Saiko watched his retreating back, a worried expression replacing her happy ones. Thinking back to the reports found on the computer worries her. There were no records of Pro Heroes possessing that high degree of Mana of Darkness. Then there was also Izuku's summon, all of them were practically made out of that horrible substance.

Simply standing in their presence make her froze up with fear. However, the most pressing dilemma is how her friend has a substantial amount of that stored within.

"Izuku Midoriya, just what you had mixed up with you." She groaned, shaking her head. The scholar within her wishes to lock him up for study but the humane aspect tells her that it is inherently wrong. To do something so horrible to not just a human being but a close friend is just...wrong.

'Should I tell Uncle Reid? This is a very pressing concern.' Saiko pondered but decided against it.'No I don't think I should. Uncle would definitely want to end him as soon as possible.'

Already knowing what she wants, the young girl decided to take a long break after this.


As he walked down the streets, Izuku hummed a jaunty tune. Several people spared a glance but no one commented as they all had their own lives to attend to. The greenette had never felt happier in his entire life.

'Hmm what should I do next? Perhaps I should apply for another examination? Or maybe go back home. It's getting late to begin with.' Izuku thought as he saw the sky has already turned a shade of orange due to the setting sun. Even now, his mind is still abuzz with what had just transpired.

Growing curious at Bellion's current strength, he called forth the Summon List as discreetly as possible. A screen popped up, showcasing all the Summons he currently possessed.


[Summon List: 19/40]

Knight Grade-Summon (1): Bellion Level 7

Elite Grade Summon (2):

Phobos Level 35

Deimos Level 33

Normal Grade (16):

Salamander Level 16]


The rest listed under the Normal Grade for summons went ignored as they are of no pressing concern. To see Bellion has attained some level up is quite the sight given how the summon has done nothing but fought against weaklings. Then again, it did slew a large group of Salamanders and all of those were bound to give him a few levels.

Reading this list reminded Izuku of that one book he received, the Soul Fusion. If he could reach the required stat, he can use it. No use in keeping the weak ones around. A shame he couldn't extract the elemental Construct nor the two monsters. He would've loved to add more into his squad.

Already knowing what is the next course of action, Izuku kept walking forward while casting and trying to maintain Reinforcement. Since the journey is rather lengthy, he might as well make the bets of it. A full thirty minutes passed, he finally found the cafe where his mother worked. Several of the patrons were on the outside, eating their ordered meals. One of the waitress was a familiar woman who was practically the spitting image of Katsuki.

Izuku waved at her and the woman's response was a slight nod of acknowledgement but she doesn't do anything else. Granted this is because she is busy attending to the customers hence he doesn't blame her. Carefully navigating through the crowd, he entered the cafe and took one of the empty seats. Oddly enough, he noted how the closest to him shivered. Several noted he was the cause and decide to leave the cafe.

'Odd, why are they leaving?'

"Hey Izuku-kun, how are you doing?" The woman, Mitsuki Bakugou cheerfully greeted, a hand on the hips. Izuku smiled politely, bowing his head.

"I'm doing fine." Izuku spoke. "I-I'm waiting for my mom. Of that is okay with you."

"Oh, that's fine. She's about done anyway and I see you're still wearing my husband's work. Nice breastplate though." She remarked, tapping on the breastplate he's wearing. Only a simple but weak smile was offered at the gesture.

"T-thank you. So, how is Kacchan doing?" He asked. The woman scowled hearing that.

"Oh that boy is busy doing hero work. Ever since ethat botched up raid of his in Kyushu, he's been throwing himself into those portals without stopping. Heck, he rarely comes home these days." Hearing that took Izuku by surprise.

"Anyway, I'll get you a drink while you wait. Wouldn't want our local hero getting parched while waiting." Mitsuki teased.

"No, no need for that." Izuku hastily spoke but it was already too late as the older woman had headed to the back. For a moment he was tempted to go after her but decided against it. Sighing in defeat, Izuku quietly sat back down. A single waitress walked by him and she suddenly shivered. A single glance was given before she quickly walked away with a distasteful look.

'What is her problem?' Izuku idly note. It's not just her but other people as well. The people he walked by acted strangely around him. Feeling cold and looking disgusted at him. Sure, back in middle school, he doesn't have any friends but none of them looked at him with hate or disgust. At best they had simply ignored him. Katsuki did lead some people to pick on him but that was it.

'Strange, Saiko didn't provide any answer about this.' Izuku hummed, thanking Mitsuki when she brought a glass of Coca Cola. Sipping on the soft drink, the young man leaned back in his seat. There is so much he still must learn and more questions he desired to be answered.

"Izuku, you're here?" His mother's words snapped him back to reality. The woman was dressed in a conservative jacket that hid her figure and the uniform she wore.

"Hi mom. I just want to pick you up." Izuku spoke. The older green-haired woman smiled at those words.

"T-that's great. Finish that drink of yours first." Complying with his mother's words, he quickly drank it all in one gulp before wincing slightly. His head freezing up from the sudden large intake of cold drinks. Seeing his son in distress, she checked what was wrong with him but Izuku quickly put his mother's worries away.

"I-I'm fine." He croaked out, relaxing once the pain has gone.

"That's good to hear." She stated. At once the two Midoriyas departed. The two walked for several minutes before Izuku spoke up. Weirdly enough, more people that passed by him immediately moved away, giving the young son and mother a wider berth to traverse. Inko noted such odd behaviours but made no comment.

"Hey mom, do you remember how dad was like?" Izuku asked, earning a glance from her.

"Why the sudden question?" Inko returned. The young man scratched his ears' back nervously. His father had always been a sore subject to her ever since he disappeared.

"Well, I... you know about the last dungeon I went to? The one where I almost died?" Inko stiffened at that but gave a slight nod, encouraging him to continue.

"In that Dungeon, many people died. I, kinda caused it because of my instructions. Has dad ever failed in saving...any lives?" Izuku's question had her paused in brief thought.

"No, never. I don't think he ever did." Inko's words had her son fell to despair.

"Heh, I see." He chuckled darkly, wondering gods derive pleasure from the pain of mortals. If they do, then they are genuine sadistic arse. His dad was the world's greatest hero who had never failed to rescue a single person and yet he caused more casualty than an average Pro Heroes.

"So, if he was here, what do you think he would say?" Izuku asked.

"Get stronger." Izuku paused briefly at her words, surprised at the choice of words.

"Just those two words?" Izuku couldn't believe what he heard. To his question, his mother only nodded affirmatively.

"Yep, I told you your father was someone who wouldn't mince words for anyone." Inko chuckled. "Though I can tell you this; being a Hero is no easy task. Remember, for all your strength and power, you are only one human being. You still need to eat, drink, rest and we'l, still be my son."

'That's what Lemillion said,' Izuku noted. But some part of him wnated to disagree. All Might was strong and he saved many lives.

"B-but what if I want to save everyone? What if I couldn't get stronger?" Izuku asked. To which her mother smiled.

"Oh, Izuku, you don't have to worry about all of those. Just...focus on what's in front of you. That's all you have to do. Your father is his own person and so are you. Just because your his son doesn't mean you have to wound up like him." Inko answered. Her son noted how it is similar to what Lemillion had spoken only with different words. There was also a trace of sadness in it.

"Fine, so what's for dinner?" Izuku asked.

"Well, I just got my paycheck and since it's already late, why don't we go to eat at some local restaurant? My treat." Inko offered to which Izuku smiled. Having settled on that, the two make way to the nearest restaurants. Briefly his thoughts went to Katsuki. Call him crazy but that guy was a friend of his and having heard what had occurred to him make shim wonder:

'Are you fighting in a Dungeons Kacchan?'


"Fucking hell, that all you-achoo!"

Wiping away the snot, Katsuki Bakugou swiftly rolled to the side. Once he recovered, a single powerful explosion propelled him forward with both legs tucked in. At the final moment, he launched both legs out, connecting it to the Ogre's skull. Bones breaking underneath as it was unable to handle the weight behind his attack. It stumbled back, clutching it's injured head while flailing it's club around.

"Power, Power, Power, Power,Power." Uttering those words in rapid succession, he can already feel power coursing through his veins. A small boost but they should be good enough. This Cantrips Spell is worth the time taken to practice.

A hand placed forward and the other placed backward, explosions were unleashed as he spun in the air, missing the swung club. Quickly he changed trajectory and flew forward and grabbed onto it's chin.

"Goodbye, sucker!" Katsuki yelled with murderous glee, heating up both hands as much as possible. The last thing he saw was fear in it's eyes before the head blew up, engulfing in a roar of flames and explosions. Chunks of flesh and ashes filled his vision, blocking his sight as a result. Katsuki's ears vibrated due to the powerful eruption of sound but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle.

Now lifeless and headless, the body slowly fell backwards. Clinging onto the body as it feel to cushion his own fall. The ground shook greatly once it made impact. Grinning, he immediately got off the dead body, making his way to the bag sitting safely at the far end of the room. Taking out a bottle and a cellphone, he popped open the bottle and chugged down all the contents of the energy drink.

Rejuvenated by the mana-enhanced drink, he threw the empty bottle away and dialled in the number of an associate of his and placed it by his ear. After the third beep, a person picked it up.

"Hey, Bakugou-san, how's my favourite customer doing? Say, that phone of mine works quite good right?" Katsuki cringed hearing the loud bombastic voice of Mei Hatsumei.

"Keep it down a little would ya? I just finished killing some monsters. And yeah, it works quite well. This Mana Phone of yours is quite the item." Katsuki admitted. Truthfully, he was a little skeptical at the girl's proposal but decided to entertain her because she did made some of the finest equipment.

"Oh, I know it would work. Do you want to know how it works? Oh, please say yes. Please I insist." She moaned. The teen sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose in distress.

"Look, I'm sure you got great plans and stories to tell but I'm a little busy at the moment. I call cause I want to sell you a monster so grab your dismantler friends to come by and pick them up. Also, you'll have to take them yourself since I left them in the Dungeon."

Hearing her squealing like a high school girl make him cringe even harder as he pulled it away as she was quite loud. Honestly, she's basically that green-haired punk except more confident and having the opposite sex.

"Oh, thank you, thank you so much. You want me to make anything for you with those? Anything at all? Shoes, breastplate, or maybe a helmet? What monster was it by the way? Aah, never mind that, I'll come by and check them out myself."

"Careful, don't forget to breath." Katsuki sarcastically remarked.

"Haha, you're funny. Anyway, bye now." After the line went flat, he placed the phone back into the bag. Cracking his neck as he did so. Given that the Dungeon hasn't crumbled yet, it's safe to assume that the boss isn't dead yet. After all, an Ogre is quite strong on their own and if this things death isn't good enough, then that means there is something else.

'Right, might as well rest for a while before head to the boss. Be pointless to drag out the body into the city.' Katsuki decided. Swiping away some of the dust, he crumpled to the ground as soon as possible. Snoring away in bliss as a result despite the place he's in. However, the young man begun to freeze up as he begun yet another horror-filled dream.