
Sovereign's Choice

Sorin escaped his unfortunate childhood and bad neighborhood, then graduated from university just to suddenly be kidnapped by a demonic cult to be a sacrifice for their ritual. Growing up in a hell hole, how could he let them do whatever they wanted to him? But in an unexpected turn of events, their curse backfired, and now, he received an uncalled blessing. [Immortality] …or was it… a curse? [Choose wisely, Sovereign.] *** Tags: Immortal, System, Action, Romance, Reincarnation, Overpowered, Weak to Strong, Mystery, Supernatural, Superpower

YorozuyaDanna · Fantaisie
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38 Chs

You Shouldn’t Kink-Shame When You’re a Serial Killer

"He was able to use the faces of people we know. That means he entered our minds with his power."

Sorin explained to Elara and Brother.

"I also noticed that we started to be able to meet each other again when Brother started using his power. What did you do, Brother?" Sorin asked.

"Oh, it's just my reign," Brother answered. He then asked, "So, what are you going to do next?"

"I'll use my reign next. I just need to reverse the curse to enter his mind like he invaded ours. That's all I need to do to be done, right? After this, I can go back to my life, right?" Sorin asked.

"Yes. We just wanted you to have at least one experience for you to decide," Elara answered.

"Then, I have one last question," Sorin paused; his eyes became increasingly cold and solemn.

"To exorcise him... are you sure I just need to beat the shit out of him?"



Sorin dodged the man's attack. As the dagger missed his ribcage, Sorin grabbed the man's arm and attacked him with his knee to his stomach.

Elara and Brother arrived behind them, witnessing Sorin's nimble and decisive movements.

"He's good at fighting," Elara muttered.

"But that fighting style..." Brother scoffed... "It's from the streets."

Sorin's makeshift weapon, a golf club, swung through the air with reckless determination. The dark figure started to meet the blows with agile evasion, his gleaming dagger a deadly extension of his will.

The clash of metal against metal echoed through the space as they engaged in their deadly dance.

Sorin's movements were raw and untamed, born from the desperation of his past. He lunged forward, his club arcing toward the murderer's side.

A quick sidestep saved the murderer from the full force of the blow, but a grazing strike left a trail of pain in its wake. The killer retaliated with a swift jab of his dagger, aiming for Sorin's torso.

Sorin twisted and ducked, narrowly avoiding the deadly thrust.

Both of them had no hesitation. The murderer was there to continue his murderous rampage even after his death.

But Sorin had faced countless encounters with people like him. People who acted like they could do whatever they wanted just because they were raised in unfortunate situations. People like them... disgust him.

"Just die. Die a second time, you sick bastard!"

The golf club whistled through the air again, this time in a sweeping arc aimed at the murderer's legs. The killer leaped, his body becoming a blur as he vaulted over the swing.

"So what if I'm a sick bastard?" he landed lightly and lunged forward, dagger poised for a strike. "Why can't I have them? THOSE WHORES!"

Sorin reacted with instinctive agility, sidestepping the attack and countering with a fierce kick to the killer's chest. The impact sent the murderer stumbling back, but he quickly regained his balance.

The two faced each other.

The black figure slowly revealed his face. From the precious shadow of black, now everyone could see his face.

"They deserved it all. They deserved their death! That's what you got for being a fucking slut!"

"Just because someone fucked your Mom in front of you, you destroyed other people's life. You thought everyone was a bitch like your Mom? You hate women because you yourself are a pussyless fucking twat."


Their fight continued.

The murderer's attacks were fueled by a mix of rage and madness, each swing of his dagger a wild attempt to overpower Sorin.

But he was wrong if he could overpower him with physical power. Even though reckless, Sorin was someone who survived the slum and his unforgiving neighborhood.

Sorin's sneer kept mocking the murderer, giving him a sense of helplessness. The longer it went, the more the murderer wondered... who was this fucking monster?

"They fucked outside because they were sinful bitches. If, as you said, they didn't deserve it, why would they even want to do that?!"

Sorin scoffed. "This is why you got no pussy."

"What?" the murderer didn't understand why, but he felt as if this man knew something he didn't know.

"It's because those men got nice balls, you shithead! When women are ready to do it whenever and wherever, it means your dick is that good that they don't even care!" Sorin exclaimed.

"And what's wrong with that?! Are you trying to shame people's kink? Not when you murder women to get off!"

Sorin leaped forward to strike him once more. His golf club connected with the murderer's shoulder. And he wasn't done with just that; he tied it along dozens of consecutive attacks.

After shoulder, torso, ribcage, knee, and then...



Sorin hit the jackpot—the murderer's golden balls.

As the murderer lay on the ground, agony seared through his body. His crotch throbbed with an intensity that sent shockwaves of pain radiating through his being.

A chilling realization gripped him as he stared at Sorin, a mix of fear and disbelief clouding his eyes. This man... must be the demon himself!

"Hang on there. Don't disappear yet. I haven't had enough of beating you up yet."


Hot bullets formed holes in Sorin's body. The murderer pulled up his gun as his last retaliation. But, to the murderer's horror, Sorin didn't even flinch. He continued to beat him like a madman. Pain like that couldn't even tickle him anymore.

He's... crazy!



Brother and Elara stood there speechless. While Brother's mouth hung open in disbelief, Elara wondered why such a serious case would end up so crazily anticlimactic when Sorin handled it.

Mammon... and then this murderer.

What was with this man's ability to handle things so... humanly and also so unhumanly at the same time? It was almost as if he disrespected those evil entities so bad she almost felt sorry for them.


Sorin didn't stop.

As he beat him up, he recounted, "Barbara Locci, your first victim, might be famous for being promiscuous. But you killed her in front of her six-year-old son. You twat also caused the boy's father to be accused of the murder. You ruined a boy and his father's life, you shit fucking bastard!"

"The other couples you murdered were lovers or engaged who had families they loved and loved them very much. Not like your sorry ass who had no one in your fucking miserable life."

Sorin had no reason to stop even when the murderer had begged him to.

Seeing how it all resolved, Elara couldn't hold her smile.

He hadn't changed at all.