

[ Reboot of my Story, Source: A Multiverse Travel ] Many people have asked questions like how it all originated... What came first, the chicken or the egg? Was God the one who created everything? Are we the product of a species that gradually adapted to the world? Welcome User to Source, here you will be able to discover the answer that so many wise men have been looking for but it will be a hard road... full of dangers in every corner where not only your intellect will be put to the test, but also your power, your will and your preparation. Are you lucky enough to make it to the end? Are you brave enough to take the first step? Can you find the strength to keep going? That... only you decide... advance or give up... Only you will decide how far you want to go... Welcome to Source... Do you want to start your journey? -- Donate Me On PayPal https://www.paypal.me/Xuefang1 --- WARNING : hey guys I'm using Mobile and my laptop was having shorting problem and I don't know when I'll be able to fix it So there will be grammar and spelling mistakes Hope it'll be readble UPDATE SCHEDULE : NOT FIX --- Original Author : GenoXX Original Name :: Origen (Espanol) ---- I'm just Translating

Xuefang1 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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719 Chs

Chapter 650 ( Melusine Underwater Ruins - VI )

It took 10 minutes for all trace of the poor sea slug, which had ended up dying a slow and painful death, to disappear.

The group began to check the exit, only to see that it led to a dead end, so it was obvious that this was not the way to the end of the maze.

"Maybe the exit was in the room?" - Shea asked as she closed her eyes to better focus her senses.

Cloud set about investigating the place as he tried to find the answer to his little problem.

Yue was sitting on a nearby rock because she couldn't sit on the wet ground.

"Where did that thing come from?" - Kaori asked, in the process gaining everyone's attention - "What?"

"You're a genius" - Shea said as she gave her new companion a few small pats.

Cloud didn't say anything, although he had to admit that it was a good opinion, more so when he noticed that this place was easily destroyed - "I think we found our way inside the maze."

"Wait, Cloud, I feel a scent coming from the walls" - Tio said as she walked to a part of the wall that had previously been covered with that strange corrosive jelly, and gave it a firm tap, showing a new entrance.

Cloud frowned as he looked around and started tapping on some strange protruding parts of the wall, uncovering other entrances - ". . ."

"Such it seems that this labyrinth is much more complex than we thought" - said Tio while squinting her eyes.

"Or it is possible that the inside of this place has been modified by the same person who tried to prevent our attempt to enter the great labyrinth" - answered Cloud as he started to think - "Whatever the possibility, this complicates things a lot."

The girls looked at each other with concern because they didn't know what would happen now that they knew that the unknown person was much more trouble than they thought.

"Cloud, what do you think is the real reason for this situation?" - Shizuku asked as she looked at her leader.

"The second" - Cloud answered seriously - "I can still sense the aura of the person who created these artificial barriers, besides, I don't think there's any need to block the exits of this room when they were being blocked by that strange corrosive jelly."

"You have a point" - nodded Shizuku with concern - "So, are we all in agreement with the idea that we have an intruder who is capable of altering this place to freedom?"

Cloud and the others nodded at these words as some serious expressions appeared on their faces.

"I think we'd better take a little break for now" - Cloud said as he watched Yue nod weakly - "Then we'll see which way to go."

"Ok" - nodded the girls.

Cloud was silent for a few seconds because he could feel that the mana surrounding these exits, was still fresh, which meant that the culprit passed this way not too long ago, which made all his senses to be at their maximum capacity, after all, he didn't know when the culprit might attack them.

Yue noticed Cloud's slightly altered state, but decided not to say anything because she knew it was better for him to rest so she could give him her full support.

Tio also noticed this change, although she kept silent for a different reason, she had full confidence in Cloud, and if he didn't say anything, it was because they weren't in danger yet or he simply didn't have enough information.

* * * * *

"Mom..." - Myu said worriedly because she felt a bad feeling.

She together with her mother were walking around and buying some things to celebrate the return of Cloud and the others.

"I know, I'm a little tense too" - Remia replied while frowning.

After awakening her draconic ancestry, Remia's senses were much sharper, as were her instincts, and what she was currently feeling was as if a storm was approaching Elisen.

"Is Dad okay?" - Myu asked as she looked at her mother.

"Of course, your father is the strongest man in the world" - Remia replied, though her expression changed as she felt something strange, as if she was inside an icy prison - ". . ."

"Mom?" - Myu asked with concern.

"Interesting, a member of the Dagon tribe who has awakened her ancestral heritage" - said a female voice.

Remia quickly pulled Myu behind her as she looked at the stranger, who was not suspicious at all, note the clear sarcasm. The woman was only showing her amethyst eyes because her whole body was protected by her strange clothes.

"Tell me, how did you manage to awaken your ancestral heritage?" - The woman asked while squinting her eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about" - Remia answered as she felt how her whole body was starting to tense up.

The hooded woman was silent for a few seconds before turning around and walking away, as if she had lost interest.

Remia let out a sigh of relief, though her expression quickly changed as she felt the danger suddenly increase.

Before she could do anything, she saw how the strange woman's hand was just inches from her eyes. It was at that moment that Remia understood the vast difference between their abilities - ". . ."

"I'm being kind just because you're protecting your daughter" - said the hooded woman as she looked at Remia with disdain - "But that doesn't mean that my patience doesn't have a limit, so I'm going to ask you nicely to answer my question."

"Let mommy go!" - Myu exclaimed as she raised one of her hands and began reciting an incantation.

"Myu-chan, no!" - Remia exclaimed in terror because she knew that if her daughter finished the incantation and attacked this woman, it was quite possible that she would end up hurting her baby.

The hooded woman looked at Myu with mild interest before appearing in front of the little girl and giving her a small smack on the neck.

"No!" - Remia exclaimed as she ran to her daughter, only to receive a hard punch to the stomach - "Ack!"

"I'm going to ask again, how did you awaken your ancestral heritage?" - The hooded woman asked.

"Ugh!" - Remia felt as if her whole world began to spin as she looked at her daughter in this stranger's hands.

"Still don't want to talk?" - The stranger asked with a frown.

"I-I'll talk!" - Remia exclaimed as she looked on with concern - "I only ask that you don't hurt my baby!"

The hooded woman glared at Myu before tossing her to her mother.

Remia quickly caught her daughter as she checked her condition, only to let out a sigh as she saw that she was unconscious - "Thank you for sparing her life."

"As I said, my patience has a limit, now tell me what I want to know" - said the hooded woman.

"Leviathan meat" - answered Remia as she hugged her daughter - "Someone important to us fed us Leviathan meat, that's when a small part of my draconic blood awoke"

"I see" - muttered the woman before turning around and retreating silently.

Remia watched the woman, only to see her disappear without a trace. She quickly picked up her daughter and took her home, only to look at the book Yue had given her for her training and swear that she would not let something like this happen again.

Just seeing how her daughter was in the arms of a dangerous person had awakened her desire to be stronger, after all, she didn't want to feel helpless again by not being able to do anything to protect the most important thing in her life.

* * * * *

"This era has so many different things" - the hooded woman muttered as she shook her head - "Though it's a relief that many others haven't changed during the time I've been back."

The woman let out a sigh as she remembered the little Dagon girl and how she had tried to defend her mother.

She shook her head as she saw that she had reached the seashore before she jumped off and began swimming at full speed towards her destination, Fuhren, a place she would use as a point to go to the great labyrinth [Raisen].

"This epic hasn't changed, and many things have changed" - muttered the woman as the sea released a part of the clothing covering her head, revealing a short aqua green hair - "But the most important thing hasn't changed"

The woman grunted with irritation as she thought about the past and all that she had lost before readjusting her clothes and making sure not to show her features again, after all, she didn't want someone to know about her presence, at least not until she managed to accomplish all her preparations.

"I wonder what you would say if you saw me" - the woman murmured regretfully as she continued swimming towards her destination, not knowing that in the future, she might receive the answer to this question that was tormenting her along with the fateful memory of their separation.



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Current Chapter - 701

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