

Sofia's POV

"Mom, if you keep pestering me like that I'm gonna be late on my first day of work". Mom chuckled.

"Baby. You have to look good" she said.

"Mom, you know me and you also know how I feel about makeup and stuff and besides I'm a vet mom. I'm probably gonna get dirty so what's the need" I said giving her the 'like seriously ' look.

"Besides you know how ruthless the manager of that ranch can be mom. "

She eyed me skeptically then eventually sighed. I took that as my cue to go. I placed a kiss on her head then walked out.

"Take care love" I heard mom say.

"I will" I shouted back before stepping out of the house to make my way to the ranch.

Not before kissing my late dad's portrait as always. "Give me the strength to go through this day dad" I sigh as I walk out.

Actually I had been hired by the "De la cruz" ranches back here in Mexico city a week ago. I can say I got very lucky because not everybody gets hired just a month after they have a degree.

Mom owns a restaurant not far away from the house, and Anna our benjamin helps her during the day while attending an online course for a college degree.

My other sister Irina, is in fourth year culinary arts department. She had her license and is now doing the masters. She works regularly at the restaurant when she is free. Although she recieved multiple proposals to work in big restaurants due to her brilliant performance. She always refused saying she wants to make our restaurant great. And true to her word, the restaurant was always crowded.

As for me, I'm a vetinary doctor and I'm probably gonna be late on my first day of work. Great!

The thing is; the manager of this place gives me the creeps. Him and his weirdo assistant . They both look like the wicked step-mothers in Disney cartoons. Don't tell them I said that.

I reached the stables on time. Fortunately. I started examining the horses a familiar voice interrupted me.

"Morning sunshine. "

"Diegooo... ". I got up and ran to his arms. Actually he was the one who recommended me here. I'm so glad he did. Him, his mother and sister, Daniella always help us out. They are like family.

"Well, well, well, I believe I don't pay you guys to cuddle. " I heard a deep vicious voice say behind me. Diego tensed in my arms and I turned to see a man.

He was tall, lean and fairly well built with black hair and eyes. I recognized him immediately as the manager of the ranch. Alfonso Guttierez. Crap.

"Sir, good morning, sir" I said and moved away from Diego.

"How are you today my dear Sofia? "

He asked.

"F-Fine sir" I stuttered.

"Diego, you may take your leave" he said and my face paled. This man gives me creepy vibes and I'm not sure I can stay calm anywhere around him. But then again I can't let Diego get in trouble because of me. So I turned and nodded at him to go.

He was reluctant at first but eventually accepted.

"How c-can I help you sir? " I asked once we were left alone.

Then he did something that actually made me want to dig a hole and crawl inside forever . He chuckled.

"My dear, why are you so tensed. I won't hurt you, you know" he said but I still didn't like him.

"S-sir, c-can I return to work now? "

"Yes, of course, Sofia. " He said and then left with long strides. As soon as he was out of sight I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, fortunately. But I noticed the animals were a bit weak. Maybe they are not well fed. I'll talk to the manager about their nutrition later.

Actually the 'De la Cruz' were amongst the world top billionaires due to the multiple businesses they own. I even heard that they were the world's top billionaire family in the recent ranking .

They have many farmhouses all over the world and I just happen to be working in one of them.

I finished packing and got on my way to 'La reina' restaurant which was our main source of income.

Diego was already waiting for me near the pick-up so I joined him and we drove off.

When we arrived at the restaurant, we met Aunt Maria who was Diego's mom and she was crying. Mom was trying to console her but she was unstoppable. Anna, Daniela and Irina had solemn looks on their faces.

"What's going on here? " I asked.

Aunt Maria just cried harder.

My three sisters came to hug me and I just hugged them back. I was so confused.

"Sofia-" Irina started. "- some people came here the other day saying they wanted to buy the restaurant. When we refused, they said they were going to come back. "

"You didn't tell me that" I said

"Yeah I know. We just didn't wanna border you guys. Besides we were very clear that day" Anna said

"Yeah an what happened then? "

"Today, they came back with a construction permit. They left a cheque of $50000 and they left saying we have 1week to leave" Daniela continued. By this time, I was fuming. "They have no right! "

"Oh no Aunt", I ran to hug her. Diego too looked solemn. You may ask yourselves why we were sad despite the fact that we got so much money.

Well, this restaurant has always been our family treasure. It has been in our family for generations. It has a value no money can buy.

After our little break down I asked. "Who bought it? ".

"A woman called Veronica De la Cruz "

I froze. I'm working for the people who are abput to ruin my family's business.

I felt bad for that but then again, they pay quite well and I need that money. As soon as I find a new job I will get out of that place. It gives me creepy vibes anyway.

"Auntie. You know I love you but we need to to leave. Diego will start looking for a new place to make a new restaurant. But for now let's just leave okay. Please Aunt. "

"You may be right. I will show those people I'm not weak. I'll get up and look for a new place. But this place had soo much value to me. Guess it's time for a change "

"Who do they think they are. Its not because they have money that they can have all they want. We're gonna leave this place with our heads held high and show to those people they can have the restaurant but not our dignity. "

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaand : CUT

Yup end of the first chapter.

Hope y'all liked it.