
Soundtrack: A Song for You

Corey and Matt were the weirdest couple AJ had ever known. They were extremely close to each other and seemed to share an almost mystical chemistry, but there was something in the younger one that didn’t fit the picture. AJ is good at reading people, but this pair were a tough nut to crack. Matt is a happy-go-lucky guy who doesn’t seem to have a care in the world, but who turns into an intimidating protector when it comes to Corey. On the other hand, the little one looks like a fragile scaredy cat who wouldn’t hurt a fly, but with a fire in his eyes that is hard to explain. His interest increases the more he gets to know about the two guys. The more he finds out, the more he wants to know. Misunderstandings, severe traumas and dark secrets become his daily dose and soon he’s no longer able to pull away from them. He has to know more. ---------------------------------- Slowburn gay romance about family and friendship loyalties when love gets involved.

Mac_letter · LGBT+
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21 Chs


AJ's head got blown up with a full and sudden headache as anger ran through his veins, pulling him up to his feet in seconds. The guitar almost dropped to the floor in an unexpected movement. His skin burned at the thought of the crazy man coming back for more; only this time would be different. This time, he wouldn't let him go so easily. He would make sure he paid for what he had done.

Whatever that was.

The musician forced himself to push back the anxiety growing inside from wanting to console the blond guy again, but knowing for sure he wouldn't be able as long as that crazy man was still around. So, he ignored the desperate crying behind the counter and headed for the door that was hidden from his sight behind a gallery full of flutes and other small instruments.

His mind took the second hit that night, and it had him stopping in his tracks. He stared at the door with eyes wide open as he no doubt tried to reel himself down to a non-threat stance.

"AJ! Have you seen Corey?!" Matt rushed inside the second the door opened. He had the same crazy look Corey had sported hours back, fed by fear, but heightened by uncertainty.

In the blink of an eye, a small body passed right by AJ, almost shoving him to the side in his rush to crush himself against an unprepared Matt. The guy stumbled back a few steps on impact, not knowing what hit him. He recovered quickly, though, and hugged the little blond guy as if he was afraid of losing him a second time.

Matt sighed; the relief was clear on his features. He must have been scared to death when he couldn't find his soulmate in the apartment. He showered the little guy with tender kisses on top of his head as they both squeezed each other in an endless embrace that erased everything around them.

"Thank God…," whispered the taller, joining their foreheads. "Babe, are you ok?"

He tried to peel himself off the little guy so he could check for himself if he had any injury or needed anything. Their eyes locked in another of those silent moments where they seemed to exchange thoughts as Matt kept showering Corey with delicate caresses, drying his tears, and fixing his hair.

"Why weren't you at the apartment?" He questioned him in a whisper that held no ounce of reprimand but endless waves of concern.

"You took so long to come back that I got worried…," the voice came barely audible, but enough for his partner to hug him once again.

"I'm so sorry, babe." There were no more explanations after that, only kisses, loving whispers and soft touches that had the blond guy melting against his chest.

After a while, Corey had visibly gotten better. Their foreheads were still connected and their eyes locked as their breathing seemed to sync. Matt was tracing little circles on his cheek and Corey held his wrist as if making sure he wouldn't go away.

AJ watched the entire scene from a safe distance. They had this way of making him feel completely left out when their energies blended into one, but this time, it was on a whole other level. Still, he was glad Corey looked better. The touch of his soulmate sure did wonders for him.

"Thanks, man." Matt finally acknowledged him, giving him a faint smile. "I'm sorry for all the…," he nodded towards the door.

"What? No. You have nothing to worry about." His heart clenched, watching the little guy recoiling away from him once again after he tried to fix his eyes on him.

Reality check. The moment they had shared a while back was gone; if there ever was one.

"Matt," AJ's brows knitted together in concern, "There was a shady guy and Corey had some sort of meltdown. It was very intense." His friend's features darkened. "I don't know what happened exactly, but he didn't look physically hurt. I didn't call the ambulance, so he wouldn't freak even more…"

Matt dropped his gaze back to Corey, reading in him something more than what AJ had said, and his muscles tensed. He turned back to the musician as his lips twitched in a faint attempt at a smile that came out broken and sad.

"We should go." His student turned towards the door with his soulmate tucked safely under his arm. AJ stayed back, confused, as he watched them walk away from him, wrapped in a mist of secrets and mysteries he didn't seem worthy of knowing.

Silently, he watched as Matt and Corey argued standing next to a green sedan he hadn't noticed parked in front of the store. By the look of it, the blond guy was not keen to ride on it, and Matt was having a hard time convincing him otherwise. AJ studied their dynamic as scientists study wild animals: quiet and still in the background, doing his best not to get noticed and disturbed the moment.

Matt was pouring all of himself into the task. He caressed his cheek tenderly while whispering what only could be loving words that had the blond guy nodding softly. They talked a little, followed by a tight hug Matt used to massage his back in soothing circles until the little one was putty in his hands.

That did the trick; with a last nod and a deep breath in, Corey got into the car on the back seat together with Matt. A few seconds later, the driver pulled the car away from his spot and into the night.

AJ was on his own, filled with more questions than his tired mind could process at the moment. Practice with the band was long forgotten; he would explain everything the next day.

Inside, the store looked as if a tornado had run loose, but that too would have to wait until the next day; not having it in him to clean any time soon. That night was catching up to him quickly. His legs barely carried him upstairs, and he didn't even bother with lifting the covers before slumping on the bed and letting his eyes finally close.

As he waited for the slumber to take over completely, his mind drifted to the events of the night. Corey's terrified expression had left a mark on him that would be impossible to erase; followed closely by his heartbreaking crying. The guy was so lost and scared he didn't even pay attention to the fact his mask was no longer in place, nor his cap.

He would no longer have to imagine what was under his disguise; because for sure that's what all that was. He was hiding from something. Sleep was threatening to erase all recollection of the events, but AJ fought against it for a little longer, just enough to conjure the clear image of Corey in front of him.

He was not bald. AJ smiled to himself. He had golden locks. They had been all ruffled, but he could picture them in a neat and fashionable way. They would for sure be the perfect frame for his face with golden skin; clear, round brown eyes that had stared at him with sheer terror, and yet they still had a special glow. AJ smiled fondly, remembering his round cheeks. All the rubbing they had withstood had left them swollen, but he could imagine them giving Corey that childish air of chubby cheeks; the kind grandmas love to squeeze.

His mind drifted into the darkness of the much-needed sleep, yet something in him rebelled against it. He had that nagging feeling of having forgotten something. There was more to get out of this night, out of an exposed Corey, but didn't know what.

He retraced his steps, knowing that something was in there. He just needed to focus on the details.

A flash of anger gushed at him once again when he remembered the bruises on his jaw, but there was more. Something about the way he looked, his face, his skin.

Sleep took over. Slowly but steadily, his mind was shutting down and there was nothing that could stop it. He would have to think about it the next day, but then it hit him.

A scar! There was a scar on his face!

That was it! He remembered it now. Corey had a scar in the shape of a straight line going from his right temple, down dangerously close to the eye to continue its way across his right cheek until almost joining with the corner of his mouth.

At some point, that scar must have been deep enough to leave such a scar. It was not as notorious as it could have been, but it explained why he used the mask. These little pieces of information were helping put together the puzzle the blond guy had become. Now he knew why he was hiding.

What left that scar? Was it an accident or an attack? Who would do something like that? Damned. If he was attacked, that would explain why he's so scared all the time. What the hell happened to this guy?

Matt was clearly his safety net, being the only one allowed to touch him and calm him down the way he did. In the middle of all the horror from the night, he had let AJ hug him, but he wasn't in his right mind. He probably wouldn't even remember it now. The moment he was mildly aware of what was going on, he recoiled immediately from his touch.

There was so much information, and yet it felt as if he was even more in the dark than before. But that would have to be for another day. Sleep took over him almost too fast for him to even try to stay awake, but not before he made a point to himself of figuring more about the whole thing.

Tomorrow it will be clearer.

First mystery solved! Now we know why he wears a face mask.

New mystery unlocked! Why does he have a scar?

What happened with Matt? Where was he?

So many questions!!!

I hope you liked it!

See you in the next chap!

Mac_lettercreators' thoughts