
Soundtrack: A Song for You

Corey and Matt were the weirdest couple AJ had ever known. They were extremely close to each other and seemed to share an almost mystical chemistry, but there was something in the younger one that didn’t fit the picture. AJ is good at reading people, but this pair were a tough nut to crack. Matt is a happy-go-lucky guy who doesn’t seem to have a care in the world, but who turns into an intimidating protector when it comes to Corey. On the other hand, the little one looks like a fragile scaredy cat who wouldn’t hurt a fly, but with a fire in his eyes that is hard to explain. His interest increases the more he gets to know about the two guys. The more he finds out, the more he wants to know. Misunderstandings, severe traumas and dark secrets become his daily dose and soon he’s no longer able to pull away from them. He has to know more. ---------------------------------- Slowburn gay romance about family and friendship loyalties when love gets involved.

Mac_letter · LGBT+
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21 Chs


"That's what I'm talking about!!" Owen came down the stage, cheering and clapping. "They're still screaming our name!"

"Well, we did throw one hell of a show, didn't we?" Tony seconded, with his playful surfer smile flashing and high-fiving his grinning friend.

"Good job, guys." AJ patted everyone's shoulder and nodded towards the bar section. "Let's celebrate!" He cheered with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

"Are you ok?" Mark mumbled next to him, nudging his shoulder while walking behind the other two that kept sharing their experiences. "Something wrong?"

After a few seconds of consideration, AJ shook his head. Nothing was wrong. They've just had one of their most successful shows in a while and had more dates already booked; everything was perfect. Mark threw a last doubtful stare at him and dropped it.

Outside, the pit was still bustling with people talking, laughing and mingling; waiting for the next show that will make them bang their heads once again. The bar was crowded. Not a needle would fit in there, so they changed directions towards the lounge area at the back, upon Maria's signal.

It was a small waiting area that played the part of a green room. The only difference was that it was an open area that had been assembled on a whim at the intersection of two hallways. It had a couple of couches, a coffee table and a few chairs scattered around.

The guys plunged down and let out a tired sigh, slowly coming down from their high. Tony sat on one of the small couches and quickly typed something on his phone; a smile didn't take long to illuminate his face. 

Mark threw his head back on the backrest of the larger couch in silence. Owen, on the other hand, was different. Owen was always the last to calm down after a show. He sat next to a resting Mark and kept talking about the different moments he had shared with his fans next to the stage and how good it was to play every week.

"We had a good crowd, didn't we?" Tony took his eyes away from his screen. "It was bigger than last time."

"The word is spreading, my friend," sang Owen. "That we're back!" he clarified. "We haven't had any shows for months and suddenly we're back with two in a row." Owen pointed a finger at a smiling Tony, who couldn't more than agree with him.

"Who stole your mic?" Tony joked, but AJ just shook his head. He had taken the last spot opposite Tony, but wasn't too into celebrating that night. "What's wrong? Something with the show?"

"Leave him, chicks dig moping guys," Owen raised a suggestive eyebrow to AJ as if approving his mood.

"Oh, is that how it is?" Tony mocked him with his own brow.

"In what world do girls like moping guys?" Mark lifted his head just to scold the man with a glare.

"I'm not moping!! I'm just tired."

"Don't listen to them. What do they know?" His comment earned him a slap from Tony and a deeper scowl from Mark. "What? You both are neutered, so you know shit about chicks now." Owen wasn't quick enough to avoid their slaps on the back of the head.

It took them a minute to consider AJ's reply before the room fell silent. Tired was not exactly in the musician's vocabulary, especially after a show where the adrenaline was still kicking off. But there was no denying it, they all felt it. Something was off with their lead singer, but none of them wanted to push. Instead, they exchanged meaningful looks as AJ stared at his hands pensively.

A happy-looking girl came over them with a tray full of beer bottles and some bowls with random salty treats. The boys cheered the minute she entered the scene, making quick work of helping her to set everything down so they could dig in.

"Hey, handsome. Everything alright?" She placed her cold hand on the back of AJ's neck to massage it soothingly.

"Why won't everybody stop asking me that?" The guy grunted. "I'm fine! Nothing's wrong!" The girl looked at him defiantly.

"Want to try that again?"

The teasing from the boys didn't take long, and the area filled with jokes and laughter that had even AJ laughing a little. It was a pleasant change in the mood. 

AJ let out a deep breath and leaned his head back. The girl was still waiting, standing next to him, apparently not accepting the first answer she got. He wanted to ignore her, but just like Maria, she had an exceptional way to let her presence known and her annoyance even more.

She wouldn't go, that was for sure.

"Would you stop?" He asked in a tamed voice, but without staring back at her. "Really, everything is fine."

The girl said nothing and for a while he thought he had actually won, for once. But he realized his mistake sooner than later when the couch next to him sank and her body heat came in waves against him. Of course, she wouldn't leave.

The boys kept joking and talking about different things, including the girl now and then. Her focus was on AJ, though. He didn't say a word after his evasive reply, and that just didn't sit well with her. She tried a second time by brushing his hair with her fingers, sliding them slowly and making sure her nails touched his skin softly.

When AJ tried hard to hold back a smile, she knew she had him.

She knew better than anyone how to coarse something out of him. The shivers going down his spine from her massage had him sighing in no time, feeling his heart rhythm slow to the point of almost drifting off to sleep.

"Something I can help with?" She whispered, resting her chin on his left shoulder while her hand continued its dutiful task.

That was such a 'her' thing to say.

AJ slid his hand over the girl's bare thigh, fully enjoying her favorite garment—denim shorts—that allowed him to feel the warmth and softness of her skin. He let himself get distracted by it and turned his head to the side, almost pressing his forehead to hers. 

Her brown almond eyes remained locked on his, calmly coaxing him to talk to her. She wouldn't pry more than she already had, but he knew she was waiting and would continue to wait until he caved. That was her thing. Outlast the other by displaying an unhealthy amount of patience and interest in the topic at hand.

AJ smiled; he could never not to her.

She was awesome, and he knew it. Everyone was lucky to have her on their side. Just by sharing this perfect little moment of intimacy, staring at each other's eyes and breathing the same air, was enough to appease his mind and relieve it from all the toxic thoughts.

Slowly, AJ closed the distance between them and brushed his lips against hers, waiting. He didn't fully kiss her—he wouldn't—not until she gave the consent for it, which she did by applying pressure in response. Oblivious to the knowing stares around them, they shared a lazy kiss, too short to reach any other level and yet enough to light AJ's eyes.

"Let's go home," he whispered, brushing their noses and pecking at her one last time. She smiled in acceptance and soon they left the band and all their craziness behind, along with all the noise of the bar.

Who is Lydia? What is their relationship?

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