
Soundless Echoes

Silence has a sound. It can be said to be the phantom sounds we have heard, or we think we have heard in the past because our brains cannot handle silence, so they try to fill it. If echoes are rippled reflections of the sounds created in the past, what does the echo of silence sound like? What do the echoes of someone's present and future look like if they cannot hear the sounds of their past because their past is silent? ------------------------------------------------- A young Chimera lycan found almost dead on the streets wakes up in the hospital and finds that she can't remember a single thing about her past. After recovery, she is taken under the wing of Lynx Swift, a lycan with a mysterious yet strong past. Lynx gives the little lycan the name Echo, in hopes that one day she will be able to get what she wishes for, to answer the song of her currently silent past. With time, Echo learns to live her life instead of chasing melodies of the past, making new memories, and living apart from her ever silent history, unaware of the fact that she has slowly started to hear glimpses and fragments of the songs of her past, and they weren't anywhere near close to what she and everyone else thought they would sound like. ------------------------------------------------- I'm new at this... You are allowed to hate, but don't hate too harshly. This is the first time I will be exposing my writing to others, just to see what kind of reaction from the stories I mostly kept to myself. If you're going to read it, Good for You! I will attempt to live up to the subconscious expectations seeing as you are giving me a chance. I hope I can hear some good feedback too. If you're not going to read it, I thank you for the small bit of consideration and interest you have given my creation. Feel free to come back anytime when your interest is sparked. Now go do something else with your free time or take your procrastination elsewhere. Try doing something productive or self-fulfilling to make up for the time you think you have wasted here.

Atlantys · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

I Want Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere... BUT NOT LIKE THIS!!

I feel like so much time has passed since I started my recovery. Lynx says that it has only been around 2 months from when I first got here, and I was supposed to spend at least 6 while I was under observation to determine whether it would be alright for me to leave.

I have been healing up pretty well. Most of my bones were completely healed so the only thing left was for me to go through physical therapy and not to overstress my body because even though the wounds were healing, it wasn't complete yet.

My previously broken wing was no longer in a cast, and the feathers were growing in nicely. Still, I had to wear a smaller support-like brace because my muscles weren't strong enough to lift and support the wing by themselves. My other wing wasn't doing much better seeing as I hadn't used it all this time either.

But I'm tired of this place. I don't want to stay here any longer. Don't get me wrong, I love spending time with Lydia, Dr. Talis, and sometimes Kenny, really, I do. But the only experience I have with the real world is that of which I've seen through the TV screen or the books that lynx has read to me. I want to get out of here and see the world outside the hospital.

That's why, about a little more than a week ago, I decided to go on an adventure and explore what is inside the hospital. I've almost discovered all of the 7 out of the 8 floors that I'm allowed on, including the roof. I've seen so much and run away from so many of the guards that it has become a game with all of them. I've even hidden in the vents a few times until Lynx had to come and hunt me down herself.

Today, I'm going to check out the third floor in the south wing, or is it the south wing area of the third floor. Actually, that doesn't matter anyway.

I set it as my destination because that is where all the interesting patients are staying. I was staying there at some point, but they moved me into a quieter area with more people that were considered stable, but it was so boring, and nothing ever happens. I am a kid, so I need attention or I need entertainment. Luckily, everyone was out so it was fairly easy to escape.

All is well and I haven't run into a single guard or caused any trouble for anyone so far. I am walking down one of the many hallways minding my own business when suddenly, I hear a commotion behind me. I turn around and see this massive, blue-skinned orc who for some reason has an arrow through his eye and into his head.

He had just busted out of his room and was huffing and breathing hard. Everyone, including me, froze and stared at the crazy man and the hall was engulfed in silence. The only thing that I could think of was how he was alive with that thing in his brain. Then, for some reason, out of everyone in the hall, he chooses to make eye contact with me.

I knew I was unlucky as I ended up half-dead in this hospital, but I never thought it was this bad because the next thing I knew, he screeches at the top of his lungs as he tears off the hospital gown he was wearing and starts rampaging naked down the hall. The worse part of it all was that he started charging at me. He looked like a giant compared to my current stature of 4 feet and 7 inches.

Without another thought, I dash in the opposite direction, running through as many obstacles as possible to force as much distance between us as I can.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I yell as I jump over a cart.


I think I ran through 17 other patient rooms, the staff breakroom, and 3 operation rooms, 2 of which were in use. That didn't end well once the giant smurf chasing me crashed through and destroyed half the rooms. He ended up almost killing many of the patients, and the worst part is that I'm partially to blame.

None of it slowed him down at all, let alone stopped him. I could still hear the loud stomps of his angry footsteps, along with even more screams in the hall. I'm pretty sure that after all this, at least 20 hospital staff are going to check in as patients tomorrow.

Realizing that my wings were only dragging me back as I tried to run, I tried to tuck them in as close to my back as possible, I could feel the tips sweeping along the floor, but I did feel that I could run faster as long as I didn't trip on my feathers.

As I kept running, I thought of running to the stairs to get to one of the longer halls, but adrenaline blurred my thoughts so I couldn't figure out how to get to the stairs. I think I'm now in the east wing but where's the exit!?

I stopped for a second to see where the big guy was, thinking that I had put some distance between us. The sad truth was that even though the guards had tried to slow him down, it didn't do much and he was closing in fast.

"WHY ME!?"

I yelled as I made another mad dash for my life. I couldn't stop myself from crying because even though Lydia said not to overuse my body, I had no other choice. I was in so much pain, the muscles in my wings and back were knotting up from how tightly I was clenching them together.

'Where do I go? What next?'

I kept thinking of ways to escape that I didn't even realize that I had just run past Lynx, Dr. Talis, Kenny, and Lydia. It only registered a bit later and I couldn't help but look back at all of them while feeling extreme guilt.

"ECHO SWIFT! What are you doing!? You're going to hurt yourself again"

"I'M SORRY!!!" I yell back as I kept running.

Lynx yells at me but I couldn't tell if she was mad or worried, not that it matters, they all will soon get an idea of the situation once they see what's behind me. Each one of their faces was as pale as a sheet and full of shock and horror, and that was before they saw the naked blue giant chasing after me.

I see a large window not too far in front of me signaling to me that the hallway is coming to an end. I could hide in a vent, but there wasn't enough time, and I was too freaked out to do it the right way.

{Jump through the window}

The thought floods my mind as I deem that there was no other choice. I glance behind me for a moment before I try to build up more speed, which at this point shouldn't even be possible because I was already running for my life.

I jump...

I crash through a window on the third floor of the east wing in the hospital and a huge blue orc follows right behind me. Instinctively, I spread my wings to try and catch some air so I can slow my fall, but my left wing is in a brace and my right-wing is out of shape. Still, that doesn't stop me from trying, even if I can't open them all the way, it will slow me down at least a little bit.

I crash into the ground, rolling for a couple of feet before I finally stop. I'm in pain but at least I'm not dead. In fact, I'm in better condition than I thought I would be given how high the 3 floor is. I'm pretty sure I pulled my right-wing though. Slowly, I get up and look around. I've never been outside the hospital building but I have looked out the window plenty of times to know we are surrounded by a forest on 3 sides.

"Ha! I made it out alright!" I breathe a sigh of relief. But now what do I do?

{Into the forest. You need to run!}

"What!? Why?"

{We don't have time for this! Stop questioning me and do what I say. FOREST! RUN! NOW!}

I didn't get that much time to process it before my ears start to pick up something.

"GRRRRROOOOOOAAAAAA!" A loud cry followed by a thud on the ground.

I turn around, and to my complete horror, I can see the blue guy crouching on the ground after falling from that extreme height.

"HAHA! Okay, yup. Running, definitely running now!" Paying no mind to the fact that I am hearing an imaginary voice in my head, I would rather not give the real person the chance of recovering before I run away. I dash into the forest and even get a good distance before I hear stomping from behind me.

"Seriously man!? What did I do to deserve this?"

The stress is getting to me, and my mind starts to slow down. At this point, I'm running on my instincts and whatever energy I have left. I can smell some changes in the air and there is this musky, earthy scent to it. The air is starting to feel sticky. I have is uncomfortable feeling running through my body and it isn't from running to save my life.

I have never run through a forest. I have stumbled so many times on the rocks, roots, and even random animals. I ended up completely falling into a stream, getting my whole hospital gown soaked. My movements are getting sluggish.

'Damn, someone get me a caprisun or something, I swear my sugar is going low and I'm about to pass out!'

I know that stopping means possible death. But eventually, 'death' catches up with me.

I feel a hand wrap around my foot and pull my feet out from underneath me, earning me a mouth full of dirt. I turn over and cough to expel the dirt from my lung as the giant approaches me. Lightning lights up the sky, and now I know what I was smelling in the air. The storm.

Feeling intense pressure from his glare, I try crawling away, but Big Blue has other plans. He grabs my bad wing and I feel pain shoot through my back. He picks me up and throws me through the air. A root arching out of the ground stops me from flying any further and I cough up blood while I notice I can't feel my right arm at all.

The sky roars with thunder while the ground vibrates with each heavy footstep as he draws nearer. The arrow in his face only makes this all the more disturbing and horrifying. He pulls his fist back as if to strike me and I pull my hands to cover me even though I know it wouldn't protect me from any of the pain I am about to feel.

I know I said I wanted to explore the world outside, but this really wasn't what I had in mind. I regret leaving the room without Lynx or Lydia. But what is the point of regret if I won't live to change? Are these even thoughts a 12-year-old should be having? Well, none of it matters anyway…

"Nice knowing you, Ms. voice inside my head."

{I have a name! Well, not that matters anyway... GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD!}

The world flashes brightly from the lightning and I'm blinded by the light before I feel something heavy fall on me hard. Everything happens so fast before I pass out.

Sorry, I had writer's block... plus, my sugar was on the lowside and I coun't think straight.

So, if this chapter was crappy and sluggish, now you know why.

Give me some ideas for improvement!

Feedback is always appreciated!

Atlantyscreators' thoughts