
Souls Of Change

In a world where advanced technology coexists with extraordinary abilities, Emmy Krane, once a promising footballer, finds himself thrust into a cosmic struggle beyond imagination. Here’s the tale of his journey: Emmy’s life takes a dramatic turn when he unwittingly becomes entangled with a god, gaining a mysterious system that alters his destiny. From the glittering stadiums of a promising football star to the heart of an evil forest—the Black Eye Forest—Emmy battles monsters and undead creatures alongside his schoolmates. Their escape from the forest sets him on a new path—one that transcends sports and leads to international stardom, finally becoming a professional footballer. But fate has other plans for him, thinking that he has finally fulfil his dream of becoming a football star. A revelation paints Emmy as a threat to the very fabric of existence, the Legends, once revered protectors and the most powerful existences on earth, now see him as the harbinger of doom and then he was hunted down. As the horrors he unknowingly brings forth, the revelation came to past due to the failure of the legends in elimination him—monstrous beings, demons, and chaos—unleash upon the world, Emmy grapples with his role in this cataclysmic dance. The power of human race weakened, they were threatened to be erased from existence by the chaos, desperate to save humanity, Emmy embarks on a quest, a quest to face the force behind the chaos. His journey takes him to the past—a primitive era devoid of technology. Here, he meets a past version of himself: a lonely, miserable and powerful god ruling over a dying tribe. Emmy’s fate intertwines with this deity, and together, they face the ruthless Hausa Tribe, whose ambitions threaten both their worlds. Yet, the true revelation lies deeper. Ancient gods, trapped in time with an ancient seal hold the key to salvation. Emmy’s battles escalate—from the wrath of the Hausa Tribe’s deadly god to the ultimate showdown against the force behind the impending apocalypse. Sacrifices abound, friendships are forged, and hope flickers in the darkness. As Emmy grapples with his identity, he must confront the ultimate question: Can he rewrite destiny and save humanity from its own demise? The final battle looms—a collision of powers, past, and future. Emmy Krane stands at the crossroads, where football meets cosmic forces, and where the threads of fate weave an epic tale. “Emmy Krane: Souls of Change” is a genre-defying saga that blends sports, mythology, and existential stakes. Prepare for a thrilling ride through time, power, and the human spirit (Note; this novel is a mixture of both competitive sports and action dark fantasy) Enjoy "_" @jwb_kante

JWB_Kante · sport
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Freedom Alas!!!

Emmy quickly left Jone because his stomach was already warning him, he could feel every of his internal organ screaming of thirsty and hunger, they were all in pain. He hasn't eaten anything since yesterday, he didn't even know he can survive that much.

Alice left two container of food for him yesterday, thinking it will last him for at least two days, Emmy knew the two container will last him more than two days, but sadly, one of the food is gone now, he didn't even know where it flew to when the creature had punched him in the stomach, but he suspected that it might have gone through the window to the back of the building inside the thick forest.

Now the only container left was the one Alice fed Jone with, the food is still much in the container, although not full as the one that was missing, but this can still last him till tomorrow morning.

Sitting in front of the container, he opened it and greedily consumed the content. There was steak cheese, chicken wings and laps, boil rice with grilled beef and so on. Moussaka, pierogi and dumpling were also there. He looked at the dumpling for a few minutes before digging it out and flung its small package out through the window.

So, this is the damn food that his classmate named him after, he didn't know why they call him this name but looking at the damned food, it really looks like him, dumpling is as paled as him with some design running through it, the food was made of dough with egg and took different shape.

Emmy wasn't sad for throwing it away, because he doesn't even like egg, so he has no problem.

After devouring almost half of the food, he drank the cold water inside the container then took a sip of the chilled juice besides it. He let out a huge belch and lied down, then stare blankly into the air.

Last night before his consciousness slip away, he caught the glimpse of the system giving him some messages, and as he woke up today, he could still see that the messages were still there but he didn't want to check it as at that time, so he decided to check it now. Although, he still felt reading the message will lead to another circumstance, but curiosity won't let him ignore the message and he also wanted to confirm if he has really gained the damn freedom that the bastard promised him and what freedom felt like.

Opening the system interface, the first message come in.

[You have slain an atypical devil, Harbinger of death]

"Yeah, that thing really comes with the vibes of death, but what the hell does harbinger of death means? Or perhaps, is that thing the death god? Does that mean I killed the god of death?"

[You have received an atypical gemstone]

"Huh, an atypical gemstone? These things are new." The messages keep coming in.

[You have completed your quest; pass or die – you passed]

[Total Freedom; Just as they promised, you have been granted eternal freedom, you can now use the system to its full extent]

[Your body have been synchronized with the system]

[All data have been analyzed]

[You can explore the system]

"All these things feel weird."

He decided to check the different outline that comes up after he read the messages.

[Personal Data] [Attribute] [Skills] [Ability] [Market] [Data Storage] [Storage Space] [Quest Panel]

He opened the personal data.

{User Personal Data}

[Name: Emmy Krane]

[Age: 17]

[Race: Human]

[Height: 116cm]

[Weight: 43kg]

"Damn, my weight has decreases." The first time he checked when he first received the system, his weight was 50kg, but now it was 43kg. Now going through the personal data, he could see that some of the characters that were greyed out were now showing. He only has access to the first five characters, but now everything was showing.

[Class: Amateur]

[Level: 1]

[Exp: 0/100]

[HP: 100/100]

[EP: 0]

That's all for personal data, he moved to the next one.

{User Attribute}

[Strength: 0]

[Stamina: 3]

[Agility: 0]

[Speed: 10]

[Perception: 1]

[Attributes point: 0]

These are the only attributes that shows for now, going to the next outline, they were all blank except for the Market which was greyed out, the Ability and Quest outline did also show a little information.

[Innate Ability: ability to walk, talk, ear, sight, eat, smell and ability to think]

'Huh shit, how does all these count as an ability.'

[Aspect Ability: None]

'Well, that wasn't surprising.' He hasn't awakened his aspect ability yet.

{Quest Pane}

<<Random Quest>>

[Random quests are given occasionally with reward and punishment]

<<Daily Quest>>

[10 press up and 10 sit up every day]

[Reward: Limited food]

"Huh? Limited food? What does that mean? I think I'll need to try this daily quest out." He continued reading it.

[Daily Quest increases every month and changes every year. The nature of change depends on the condition of user]

[Failure to perform a daily will require the user to do 2ce the quest the following day in order to be rewarded]

"F*ck, can I even do 10 press up and 10 sit up, but the reward… if I keep doing the daily quest means I won't lack food again." The reward is really tempting; he couldn't miss it.

"I swear, if it's that this system is just playing me, I'll crush you down."

There's nothing for him to check on the system again, it looks like he has finally gotten total freedom, he can now use the system as he wishes without the intervention of Lord Lucifer, he still doesn't believe that the bastard won't intervene or take over the system again, but there's nothing he could do for now.

Closing the quest panel, he could see that the window of the system had changed, before it was reddish translucent blue, but now it is incandescently blue, it looks like the influence of Lord Lucifer has really gone.

And there are also new things at the top of the system window, there are about three symbol displayed.

The first one was a golden spherical symbol with letter C written at the centre and written at the front of the symbol was a small zero. Confused and curious, he clicked on it with his mind and some text come up.

[Coins: 0 {You currently have zero coin}]

[Coins description: Coin is the only acceptable way of exchange in the system market, it can be used to purchase whatever that is available in the market. Coin can be accumulated by completing quest.

NB: Not all quests reward coins]

"That's quite interesting."

He focused on the next symbol which looks like a rectangular piece of paper with a large blue orb on it and countless spike sticking out of the orb. The symbol itself is cyanic in color, it also has figure zero at the front. Emmy recognize this symbol very well.

"Chint? Huh, let's see what you have there."

[Chint: 0 {You currently have zero chint}]

[Chint description: Chint is the common and acceptable means of exchange on earth, but here, it can only be used in two ways; you can either use chint to purchase in the system market or you withdraw your chint to your bank or physically.

The only way to accumulate chint is by converting coins to chint]

A withdraw character could be seen below the chint symbol, but sadly, he has nothing to withdraw at the moment.

"Now, this is magical, first is getting food by completing daily quest and now I can also get money. I hope this system isn't playing with me." A childish smile appears on his face, he imagined sitting at home and doing daily quest and some random quests to get food and coin, then convert coins to chint. Getting money without working, it really sounds easy.

"Well, who says those random quests will be easy."

He moves to the next symbol, this one is also in spherical shape but a lot larger with some rough pattern on its surface and it's shining brightly, it is twilight blue in color with different deep navy blue pattern on it. It has the figure 1 in front of it.

[Gemstone: 1 {Atypical}]

[Gemstone description: Gemstone is a rare and magical resources, it has different purposes that cannot be mentioned here, as it has different purpose, it also has different levels.

Gemstone can be converted to coin and chint.

Gemstone can also be summoned]

"Huh? Weird, it doesn't even mention how to get it, or do I have to kill all different type of creature like the other one before I get it?" There's a summon character below the symbol, so he decided to summon it.

A rough round fluorescent object appears out of thin air, it hovers above the air for a couple of seconds before flying into his hands, it was glowing brightly that it luminated the room, Emmy study it for some minutes before dismissing it.

There are other symbols on the window screen, there he could see what look like a converter which he can use to convert each coins and gemstone. Focusing on the converter symbol, the character pop up.

{Convert Panel}

[What would you like to convert?]

[Coin or Gemstone?]

'I think I should check the rates first.' He first focused on Coin.

<<Coin >>

<<Convert coin to chint>>

[How many coins would you like to convert?]

<<1 coin>>

[1 coin is equivalent to 50 chint. Would you like to proceed?]

<<Yes >>

[Sorry, you currently do not have any coins, would you like to convert your atypical gemstone to coin?]

Not disappointed, he clicked yes.

[1 atypical gemstone is equivalent to 100 coins; would you like to proceed?]

Not knowing the value of 100 coins, Emmy decided to check convert to chint instead.

<<Convert atypical gemstone to chint>>

[1 atypical gemstone is equivalent to 5,000 chint]

"YES! Jackpot." This is what Emmy wanted to know, he wanted to know the value of each in chint, and seeing this now, his joy couldn't be contained. "Diamond, one of the most precious mineral on earth is sold 5,000 chint. So, this means I'm currently in possession of something of the same value as diamond. Great… this is really great."

As he was standing, he's currently richer than many people in his city, if he converts the gemstone to chint, he can live a lavish life for a year with no worries.

....lavish life.

Emmy didn't know what to do, all of a sudden he's rich, it's really unbelievable.

"Well, it isn't as if I didn't pay a price for it." He still remembered what he went through yesterday and looking at the figure was making his heart beat faster, within a second, he had calculated what he might do with money.

He's reluctant to convert the gemstone, so he closed the converter symbol and his eyes laid on something else.

'Huh? What's this? Digital timepiece?'

That idiot got freedom, pity

But....wait, that was 5,000 Chint, right?

JWB_Kantecreators' thoughts