
Souls Life

An American task force was called in to investigate an unidentified terrestrial object found on a deserted mountain. Along with researchers, they discovered that the object was a portal. After the task force entered the portal, it closed and they were trapped in a world very similar to the Souls games that the protagonist was a fan and pro player of. In this world that resembled the games he loved so much, he survived and decided to become the strongest person in this world with the goal of being what he had always been in the games.

JeffreyLance · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

Chapter 01 - The Dangerous Discovery

The military base corridors were illuminated by strong red lights, while the loud sirens echoed through the structure, announcing the urgency of the situation. The tactical forces' headquarters were on high alert. In the mess hall, two soldiers listened attentively, ready to spring into action.

The sergeant's voice resonated through the room via the loudspeakers. "Attention! Tactical Force 146 has been assigned to this mission with an unknown threat level."

"Damn it! Right at lunchtime!" complained Steel.

"We have work to do!" affirmed Shadow.

The two soldiers left the mess hall and headed towards the war room. In the corridors, the members of Squad 146 marched toward the same destination, the heavy thuds of their footsteps echoing through the area.

At the location, Captain Viper awaited his subordinates in front of a large white board. Viper was a man in his fifties, but he still possessed an athletic physique that would envy any young soldier. He wore an imposing black military uniform with his hair slicked back.

A projector above the table displayed an image of a vast open field surrounding a mountain. Next to the landscape, a map was projected, featuring a large red dot. The soldiers settled in to listen to the mission briefing.

"Gentlemen," began the captain, with his hands crossed behind his back, "our researchers have detected abnormal energy patterns in this location," indicating the red dot on the map. "Whatever it is, it's also interfering with our satellites, which is why we can't get any images of the phenomenon. Your task is simple: proceed to the location and secure the perimeter until the arrival of the scientists. We don't know what we're dealing with, so be cautious. Dismissed!"

In a matter of minutes, Squad 146 was prepared and inside the massive armored vehicles, speeding towards the location.

"Shadow, what do you think it'll be this time?" Steel asked, checking his weapon.

"I'm pretty sure it won't be a Bigfoot," replied Shadow with a smile behind his tactical mask.

"Enough with the jokes, Shadow. The threat level is unknown. This is a highly dangerous mission," Frost admonished coldly.

"How about we make a bet?" Shadow challenged. "If the threat level is imminent, I'll give you 250. And you?"

"I'll wager 300!"

"Great! That's the spirit of a good team!" responded Captain Viper, clapping his hands briefly before stopping. "But we've already reached the location."

Shadow was so distracted that he didn't realize the armored vehicle had stopped minutes ago. He stood up, gripping his M4, checking the ammunition before exiting the vehicle, maintaining his vigilant posture. Looking around, he noticed that it was a remote and desert-like place, as if all life that once surrounded the area had dried up, leaving only sand and rocks behind.

"What do you think happened here?" Shadow asked. "It's like even the insects vanished from this place."

"True, I'm no biology expert, but a mountain like this should at least have some kind of plant life," Steel agreed.

"Shadow, Steel..." Captain Viper called out in a nervous tone.

The two looked in the direction where the captain was pointing, and their eyes were drawn to an image that seemed to come straight from a science fiction novel.

"What the hell is that?"

An imposing arched structure composed of intricate intertwined arches formed a monumentally proportioned portal. Pulsating energy emanated from it, creating a spectacle of vibrant colors and patterns that seemed to dance in the air. It was as if the universe itself was opening up to reveal a new and unknown world.

"I think that's what we came here to find," Viper suggested.

According to the orders, the squad surrounded the strange and mesmerizing structure, creating a defensive perimeter ten meters away from it.

As they approached, they could feel the pulsating power emanating from the structure, an aura that sent shivers down their spines and quickened their hearts. The air around them vibrated with a mysterious electricity, forming patterns that seemed to float on the ethereal surface.

"What do you think it is?" Steel asked, almost touching the structure.

"I don't know, but I wouldn't touch it," warned Shadow.

Captain Viper informed the HQ of the discovery through his communicator, seeking instructions on how to proceed.

"All right, gentlemen, we have our orders!" announced the captain. "Until the research team arrives, no one gets close to this thing. And for the love of God, don't touch it!" He shot a glance at Steel, who was still too close to the structure.

Amidst conversations, jokes, and theories about the mysterious object, the members of Squad 146 patiently awaited the arrival of the research team, which arrived late in the afternoon and quickly set up a massive station with an abundance of technological equipment surrounding the object.

After a series of complex tests on the structure, the scientists arrived at a conclusion that caught everyone by surprise. What stood before them was, in fact, a portal connecting Earth to a possible other dimension. The researchers initially sent probes through the portal, but communication was cut off as soon as they crossed.

Shadow, who was patrolling the perimeter, was drawn to a heated discussion. He identified the voice of Captain Viper and discreetly approached the scene. The captain was arguing with a young man in a white lab coat.

"No way!" the captain shouted. "You're not using my men!"

"But, sir, this could be the discovery of the century!" argued the man. "We couldn't obtain any images with the probes; if we can..."

"No, it's too risky. We don't even know what's on the other side!" Viper yelled, gripping the scientist's collar. "We're dealing with lives here!"

"Captain!" Shadow interjected. "We can do this!"

Both men looked surprised at the soldier.

"You see, the kid understands what I'm saying!" the scientist said excitedly.

"That's none of your business, soldier!" the captain snapped. "Get back to your patrol!"

The soldier stood at attention.

"With all due respect, sir, but we are the most well-prepared squad in the U.S. Army. We've been trained to handle any kind of situation!"

Shadow saw the captain's stern expression soften slightly, replaced by a slight hint of pride. The captain looked at the scientist.

"Soldier Shadow, gather eight soldiers whom you deem fit for the task and meet me in front of the portal!" the captain ordered before walking away.

Shadow did as instructed and chose eight individuals he trusted the most for this critical mission. A small team of ten people, including Shadow and Captain Viper, gathered in front of the portal. A team of researchers was also present to witness the crossing.

To ensure the group's safety inside the portal, they were tied with thick, long cables to prevent them from getting lost.

"Attention!" Captain Viper said firmly. "We are about to enter an unknown and potentially dangerous environment. Stay alert for any threat!"

"Yes, Captain!" the soldiers replied in unison.

Viper was the first to cross, and the soldiers followed their leader.

Soon after the entire team had entered, they were met with an entirely different world. A dense fog enveloped the landscape, creating an enigmatic and eerie atmosphere, as if they were entering a dark and fascinating tale.

Twisted trees stood tall like ancient guardians, their leaves resembling sharp blades, while dim and spectral light filtered through the branches, creating patterns of shadow and light on the moss-covered ground. The sky was forever tinged with shades of gray and darkness, with storm clouds that seemed to twist and form threatening figures.

The silence of the tactical force in the face of the horrific sounds of this strange place was broken when Frost asked, "Captain, do you still have communication with the other side?" The calm voice of the soldier eased the tension in the team.

Viper checked his communicator. First, he heard static, but then a voice came through.

"How's the situation, Captain?" asked the leader of the researchers.

"You wouldn't believe it if I told you!" Viper replied.

The tactical force proceeded a few meters ahead, exploring the mysterious place. All members of the team were excited to be in this new world, yet they remained vigilant, keeping their eyes and ears open for any potential threats. Viper's communicator rang, and the scientist's voice sounded.

"Captain, there's something wrong with the portal!" the scientist said, alarmed. "We're bringing you back now!"

"You heard him, we're heading back!" ordered Viper.

The fog surrounding the area became denser, almost impossible to see through. All the soldiers could do was trust the cables that were still attached to them to find their way back.

"What the hell is happening here?" Steel yelled.

"Shut up and focus on getting back!" Frost retorted.

"We're almost there, everyone!" Shadow called out.

The squad managed to traverse the fog by following the cables, only to be met with a horrifying sight. The cables had been cut in half, and where the portal once stood, there was nothing.

"What's going on?" Sparks asked, holding the cut end of the cable. "Where's the portal?"

"Damn it!" Viper shouted as he returned to the team's standard formation. "We're trapped!"

"No kidding!" Shadow said, incredulous.

Outside the portal:

William Baker, the leader of the research team, analyzed complex data on his computer screen while futilely attempting to contact the reconnaissance team inside the portal.

"Retrieve the cables!" he ordered his team.

A noisy pulley system rolled up the long cables, bringing them back. The chief scientist nervously chewed his nails, unable to contain his anxiety. Finally, the machine stopped, and they all looked in horror at the empty end of the cables.

"Sir, now what?" asked a researcher.

"Now they're on their own!" said William, with regret. "God help them!"