

Dr Ashwariya Raichand - She is the doctor who saves lives but her own life is upside down. Her parents died in a car crash when she was just 10 years old. But her father brothers didn't let the NGO' s worker take her away and raised her as their own. And they have never ever let her feel that she was an orphan until one day . That day everything changed. Kilian Knight - A man of his words and figure which is feared. People like to stay away from him because becoming his enemy is the last thing which anyone wants. A betrayal from his best friend has shaped him like this. He has the perfect life which is the dream of millions, a multi-dollar company, a loving family and a troublesome sister. Everything is in place until love decides to knock on his door of heart! Let's dig in and find what twists and turns their life took? Did their road of love had ups and down or was it smooth like butter?

WriterQuilt1605 · Urbain
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14 Chs



I was looking through the windows when the car came to a halt. My legs trembled when I set my foot down. I requested Kilian that I want to pay a visit to my parents home before going to my uncle's house.

My parents house was situated on the outskirts of the city. Away from the bustling life of the city. In peace and tranquility.

I inserted the key and twisted it and it opened with a click. I inhaled the fresh air as I took the step inside. Both horrible and the happy memories came like waves of tsunamis.

I lost my parents when I was just ten years old and that's why I don't have a lot of memories with them. Only some moments but they are still fresh in my mind.

At that time I used to complain to God that why didn't he also take my life like he did to my parents and why I survived! . But now I understand that he had greater plans for me that's why I am still breathing.

My eyes landed on the swing which was covered in by plants and dust. I smiled when I remembered that my father got it installed on my nine birthday. And I used to swing for hours until I didn't get bored.

I don't know when my eyes started to get moist and I broke into sobs.

"Ashwariya!" Kilian said and hugged me. Then he wiped my tears away with the pad of his thumb.

My uncle gave me the key to my house when I turned twenty one year old. He also said that if I want then I can live in my parents home. But my aunties were against it. And as it was located in the outskirts of the city so I wasn't able to find a roommate and it would have been difficult to travel from my home to college everyday and that too alone. So I chose to love with my uncles family until I would be able to support myself.

"Let's go to my uncle's house!" I said and Kilian nodded. Finally I could get answer to my questions. I got out of my home and locked the door. And then got in the car. Then we headed toward my final destination.


I pressed the bell and was tapping my foot in worry. I hadn't come face to face and was getting emotional already.

Everything was same. Nothing has changed there and it brought memories which I tried hard to not to remember.

Kilian was holding my hand and gave me reassuring squeeze time to time. And finally the door opened. And it was choti maa who had opened it. A gasp left her mouth when she saw me. She covered her mouth in utter shock.

And why wouldn't she be shocked? I clearly wrote in the letter before leaving them that I have severe all my ties with them and I will never return back so they should not loo for me. And now here I was standing but I came back because of my curiosity. And I wanted to know what made them to take that step.

"Ashwariya....?" She asked still in shock.

"Can I come in!?" I asked and she hurriedly gestured me inside. I entered still hesitant and if Kilian hadn't holding my hand I would have run for ages.

"Who is there , Kamna!?" Badi maa asked and walked in the scene. And the same expression made way to her face that choti maa wore, few minutes ago.

"Ashu?" She asked, not believing that I was here. I just gave her a court nod.

"I have came here for answers! I wanted to know why all of you raised me if I was a just a burden on you all? Why did you all showered me with love and care just to abandon me when I needed you all the most? Why? Why did you all did that to me!?" I asked my voice raising with every word.

"Ashu..... I will explain you everything but please sit down first!" Badi maa said. But I wasn't here to sit.

"I am not here for that! I am here for answers and I shall leave as I get them because this place is suffocating me!" I said and now my temper was also rising which is not good. I shouldn't lash out like that but what can I do. The pregnancy and it's harmones has made difficult for me to control my emotions.

"Ashu.... First calm down....." Choti maa was saying and then my patience fudge finally blew.

"Calm down!" I said and let out a humourless chuckle "After what you all did you want me to calm down! I will be even surprised that you have something to left to say!" I said and scoffed.

"Ashwariya, calm down! You already aware that stres and anger isn't good for you and the baby!" Kilian said and I think my temper cool down a little. But then I heard gasps and both, choti and badi maa was looking with total shock. It was like they heard something which they never expected.

"Ashu... You are pregnant?" Choti maa questioned me and I just nodded in response.

"Ashu, sir down and I will explain to you everything that made us take that huge step!" she said and I thought to listen them because there is a instinct in me that something might have happened behind my back and I was completely unaware of that fact.

Was it something too serious that it made them to abandon me?


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