
Constantine's Dilemma

Tyren and Helena wasted no time hounding Felicia on what had happened at Hildegarde's residence and why she was asleep for days. They especially wanted to know what the four of them were discussing in Emerald room for hours on end. 

Apart from Constantine, nobody was in the mood to talk. 

Liam had yet to fully digest everything he had heard. But at the forefront of his mind, was the fact that Alex had lived as a woman for 20 some years in the future. What? That was not the most bizarre revelation that Felicia had spoken, but it was all he could think about.

"Heh, heh, haha." His shoulders shook with laughter as he cut the pie on his plate.

"Helena, Lady Tyren, Felicia is not in the mood to discuss what happened. I think you should respect her wishes. Speaking about a near death experience is not a conversation to be had during a meal." Constantine cut in as the ladies in question kept poking at the ever silent Felicia. 

"Right on," Alex agreed. "I have already told you what happened and so did the city guards who arrived first to return the bodies of our deceased knights. We were attacked because of our status. We're not the first noble family this has happened to and we won't be the last."

Liam and Felicia briefly exchanged eye contact and smiled. Felicia scooped up a ladle of gravy and poured it over Liam's meat pie. This caught everyone's attention.

Helena forgot what she was about to say.

Constantine felt a twinge of jealousy.

The Duke noticed how both the prince and Young Marquis were staring at his daughter with a soft look in their eyes. He smiled to himself. Even though Felicia was already engaged to the prince, it would appear there was some competition.

Helena fists were clenched under the table. She didn't like how both these powerful and handsome men were only focused on Felicia. What about her? She was the Saintess. Why did not get any of their attention?

She has done something to them. There is no way they would be looking at her with those eyes unless she manipulated them into liking her. How could they like her? Nobody likes her!

The Duke cleared his throat and took a sip from his goblet. 

"They are right. If Felicia does not wish to discuss it then the two of you should leave it be." His eyes narrowed. "The cowardly ambush is being investigated by the city knights and well as some of our knights and a few royal guards. It's a very grave matter and those responsible will be pulled out from where they're hiding soon enough." His words ended in a growl as the image of his children returning home covered in blood piqued his anger.

"Nobody gets to attack us in such a manner and get away with it." The Duke looked at his son. "And you were forced to kill that day, Alex. Once again, I am so sorry you were put into such a position. It must have brought out terrible feelings within you."

Alex shrugged. "My feeling are stable. I was only focused on saving Felicia and our old nanny. I'm more irritated than upset over it. We killed most of them and only about three got away." He laughed. "I think they were scared when they saw just how unbothered I was. I just looked them in the eyes and said: Come on then, try to kill me. I don't care."

Alex laughed some more. Liam and Constantine joined in. Felicia just rolled her eyes at the fool for being too brave and getting an arrow through his stomach.

The Duke wasn't amused. He was proud of his son, but he did not approve of Alex taunting death. He could have died. As if reading his thoughts, Alex immediately responded.

"Not to worry, father. I have not developed an appetite for danger. I will be even more careful from now on." He tossed his head at Felicia. "Who will keep you safe if I'm dead?"

Felicia rolled her eyes again. "Who would keep you safe if I was dead?"

Alex burst into laughter. "True enough."

"Enough talk of death you two." Liam finally spoke.

"Indeed." The Duke muttered under his breath.

Tyren and Helena glared at Felicia. Helena was especially nauseated to hear Alex speak so fondly about defending Felicia.

"But are you certain you are fine, Felicia. First the tumble down the stairs which had you bedridden for a week and now this. Are you sure there isn't something wrong with your body? Alex woke up quite quickly after he fainted, why not you?" Tyren knew the little wench had faked her fall and like her daughter believed that Felicia had once again been exaggerating her trauma as a way to gain sympathy.

Which she had. Both Constantine and Liam appeared to be wrapped around her fingers.

Felicia stayed mute and ate at a fast pace. Her head was beginning to feel heavy and she was ready for bed. Setting down her utensils, she leaned back and closed her eyes. Another yawn escaped her.

Tyen's eyes grew dark. "Felicia, I--"

"Duchess! Felicia does not wish to speak about it, so leave it be." The Duke's sharp retort was like a slap to the face for Tyren.

She lowered her gaze back on her food, her hands trembling from her anger. She felt like breaking the utensils in her grasp.

Silence resumed as everyone focused on their meals. 

Constantine looked at Helena repeatedly and she noticed so she flashed him a smile each time. He smiled back and felt conflicted. Was what Felicia said about her step-sister's personality true? Was Helena really only pretending to be be pure and kind? He couldn't see it. 

Or maybe, he did not want to see it. But if she was also masquerading as a Saintess despite not being one, then how much easier would it be for her to lie about other things? 

But Felicia had said that Helena did not know her magic came from a demonic source because the evil Pope had never disclosed that to her. In the previous life and in this one. 

Maybe Helena is in fact a victim of the Pope's manipulations. If she were to learn the truth then maybe she would be willing to help us dismantle him. And once the truth came out, she wouldn't get into trouble over lying about being a Saintess if she admitted she was being deceived by the Pope.

He briefly looked at Felicia and Alex. No, he had taken the oath. He would not say anything to Helena without first consulting with his friends.

I do not wish for Helena to be an enemy. If Alex, Liam and myself were truly that hateful towards Felicia in the other lifetime, then...well, we've changed this time around. We have become her allies, so why can't Helena?