
Souls Dawning

A world filled with Political advances and Destructive needs and wants of a Society. Fractured between factions, this is a brand new world made to exist only in the suffering of the weak and the prosperity of the strong. In the midst of this fractured world, misfits rise to fulfill their own Ambitions. Whether it be power, love, destruction. Their Souls burn with a passion as these group of misfits rise to not become the best but to rise above the fractured world. And claim their ambitions in hand.

DaoistKUnJPZ · Action
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11 Chs

Chapter 0: Problem Child

December 4th 2015, 13:05 pm

Nothing but silence can be heard as the view lays on a school, multiple students lined in rows all facing the same direction. Infront of them all a picture of a lady visually in her 40's and a man with no hair but a big white curly mustache and glasses. Many of the students can be seen and heard crying comforting each other.

The man turns towards the children and a microphone in front of him as He starts to speak, "Today Kagami middle school suffers a great loss, students, teachers and family all feel the heavy sorrow of the passing of Miss Reins. She was beloved by all and always brightened the lives she touched, helping each of you get through tough times in your lives.".

While the man speaks one student in particular stands out from the crowd, wearing the same blue and gold blazer as the others. Black, spikey, messy and pointed hair with red eyes and brown skin with a nametag that reads K.Hiragi. This student looks over at the 1st floor of the school completely ignoring the event taking place.

On the floor he's so fascinated with, a pigeon with its coeca turned to one of the teachers. He thinks to himself, "Do It, just do It, nobody's gonna get hurt. Just do it!". While he looks at it his bland facial expression turns into a grin as his stare intensifies. Ten minutes pass, at this time he's restless as he internally screams at the pigeon to do it. The bird turns and sits, it does not excrete.

In that moment the student takes a deep breathe out and calms himself, right before he focuses on the ceremony the bird ruffles it's feathers then the kid snapped. His grin and eyes both grew in size as he jumps from the base of the school to the 1st floor grabbing onto a pillar to try and claw at the bird before it moves up to the next floor, he leaps yet again and digs his bare hands into the wall in attempt to cut off the bird.

As the bird switches directions to move to the roof. While it flies for its life he lands in front of it, he had moved from the wall and jumped to the roof and now he stood before it. While it flies away from the roof now, he yells, "Look at me dammit, what kinda deal you running here, I trusted you to do it, DON'T YOU FLY AWAY!". He jumps off the roof as high as he can and reaches with one arm at the pigeon with a wide mouth to try to catch it. His teeth barely grabbing 2 feathers off its back, he begins to plummet.

He lay still on the ground with the surrounding brick floor destroyed, the other students all looking at him in shame, with tears in their eyes and most with anger. While in the mess he looks at them and asks "What, I didn't chase all of you across floors now did I?". Upon getting up he dusts himself off as if nothing happens before looking back and seeing who he landed on. The flattened man with the big mustache and now cracked glasses looks at the student angrily and yells, "KEISUKE!".

14:45 pm

Now the end of the school day and year Keisuke sits by himself in a hall. The slow ticking of the clock and dripping of the water dispenser amplified by the silence. Repeating, tick, drop, tick, drop, Keisuke tapping his foot and he looks at the clock annoyed. The door opens with the man from before calling for Keisuke, as he walks into the office he sits down and rests his feet on the desk in front of him with sitting before him the principal.

"What can I do for ya teach." Keisuke states, the Principal looks over at Keisuke before rubbing his temple and begins to talk, "Keisuke, you're a gifted kid okay, straight A student, great physical scores and an Aura, when will you stop screwing around and get yourself in order. It's the 3rd time this week you've caused issues, you're a problem child as far as most of the teachers are concerned.", he then shifts his voice loudness to be quieter and continues speaking cautiously.

"You realize if word gets out about what you are too you won't have the same opportunities you have now, please consider your family as well.". Upon hearing the word family Keisuke snaps out of his dazed face and puts on his confident smirk. "If anything's gonna happen to my family teach it'll be cause I slipped up and that isn't happening soon got it, listen don't worry about me just worry about yourself. Plus, until I'm done with high school it'll be my priority to make sure I have a benefactor and they'll stay safe no matter what.", after saying that Keisuke runs out the room before jumping the school fence in the distance traveling a couple meters in seconds.

While walking home Keisuke thinks to himself, " Yet another time where being me never fails to be awesome, if being superhuman isn't enough, aura definitely will be" as he reaches to the sun and forms fire in his palms before reaching a giant hole that's pitch black with no bottom in sight and loudly exclaims "Ah,home sweet home!" Before jumping in. And with that, he retired for the day's end has arrived and darkness has taken control of the boundless sky, eager to see yet another day pass, Keisuke Hiragi closes his eyes in excitement for nothing shall stop his ambitions. Not teachers or anyone who doesn't matter, no one will get in the way and if they do, they will be removed. For no one, is worthy enough to stand in his path.

This is my and my friends first actual novel, not expecting for it to get much attention although. Thanks to anyone who reads it.

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