
12.) Meeting Beorn

Once they were all safe and Thorin was alright Raven outright slapped Thorin " don't give me that look you know as well as everyone else you deserve that, what on earth were you thinking" she snapped and look over while her eyes where glossy looking since she was trying not to cry, making Thorin hold his tongue and look down as he apologized then went to Bilbo and talk to him before hugging the short male before they saw the lonely mountain in the distance. So they slowly made their way down the mountain cliff they where on them start to travel once more, she looks around calmly as she listens to the nature that was happening then she looks over at the others once they stop for the night making her shake her head " I don't sing" she said as she allows Thorin to use her lap as a pillow, " now dear there no need to lie" Gandalf said making the wolf shifter glare at him, then she sighs and finally agree so now she was thinking of what to sing " I think I know one " she said.

Once she was finished she could see a lot of the company almost asleep so she smirks and moves her arm so Thorin could get to his spot and go to sleep, since Raven was talking first watch then it would be Dwalin who takes over, she kept humming as she took watch then she woke up Dwalin who took over as she fell asleep.

Once morning came everyone had gotten up and they start to move forward once more while staying on their guard since it clear they where still being hunted by the orcs and even more so than before since they were a whole lot closer then they were before.

After some traveling they stop for a moment to rest when it was dark out making Bilbo go check the area, only to return with news of something else out there which just happen to be a massive bear, so they took off running for a house Gandalf knew about when she noticed the bear was getting closer so she threw herself forward shifting then spun around and ran right for the bear passed the company and a fight broke out between a wolf and a huge bear while the company got safely inside as the bear and wolf fought. Raven howl in pain as the bear's claws got in across the face then she tackles the bear and they went rolling out of view and split off, so they could calm down and heal from their wounds while the two travel around patrolling for any orcs till morning where the came together and spoke as he cut wood and she took a seat on a chair as she watches the fail attempt Gandalf did of talking to Boern.

Until Thorin came into view " your female friend has already told me everything I need to know" Born said as Raven got up from where she sat and step into view while the wind blew her hair out of her face showing the scars that were now on her face then they all went inside beside Thorin and Raven, so she walks over " my love that was fullish going against him, and I hate seeing you in pain yet I also must thank you for keeping the company safe" Thorin said as his fingers throw the path of the heal scars " it is alright my love let us go inside" she said then the two join the others. " That is not true now there two we may come from different words but we still have the same ability to be human or animal, I would always welcome you into my pack," she said softly and watch as Beorn eyes widen before they softly " then I must thank you young wolf," he said then started to talk about his dislike of dwarves till he spoke about his hatred of orcs, " plus see this as an apology for the scars" he added and nodded to Raven making her nodded back " thank you and like I said all is forgiven," she said then they went out and got ready to leave.

Raven decided to run as a wolf so she was standing near Thorin and the pony he was riding as they waited for Gandalf, she looks over feeling Thorin fingers run through her fur making her lower her head and close her eyes as she felt him scratch her forehead and rested his against hers while he talks about things to get his mind off of the forest that they were about to enter. Once they were all set they took off running quickly while Gandalf explains the path they need to take and to always stay on the path, once at the forest Raven howled a goodbye then heard a roar in return as the ponies took off, so she shifted back into a human and follow them into the forest till at one point she had gotten separated but felt a pull as if telling her to follow so she did, till she got to a destroy looking place but she kept following till she got to the lower levels and saw a dwarf one and a female elf making her eyes widen till she manages to unlock the cells and get them out.

After she had gotten them out and away from the place she shares her food and drinks with them then shifted and allow them on her back and taken off back to where she lost the company and start to follow their scent while she listens to the ones on her back to make sure they where still there, she jumps over a fallen tree then kept walking since she was worry that if she ran the two wouldn't be able to hold on.