

tava choi is a middle aged loser, due to being poor, his adhd was not reigned in by medicine which is why its a big, fatty hindrance to his existence. being accused as a daydreamer during his school days from elementary to college, to his adult life which made him become an undergraduate and due to this, he's not able to hold a job for long and was always at the top list of being the first to be fired nor does he even have a nice girlfriend which further causes him to spiral into an endless food and videogame binging chaos, making him become a sort of average looking man but with a big fat beer belly in the middle. one day while in a comatose like sleep, immediately after eating a big dinner, tava choi's soul got sent to the one place his brain doesn't ever forget----the day when he was five years old, the very day he became aware of his existence in this world.

VENATUS · Fantaisie
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4 Chs


The scorching sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden hue over the pristine beach.

Waves crashed against the shore as if nature itself was applauding the unfolding drama. Tava Choi, a man of average height and a perpetual poker face, found himself thrust into the dazzling world of show business, standing next to Haerin Kaphwan, a young Korean heiress, and budding actress.

Despite the age gap and cultural differences, they were paired together for a commercial shoot that would be etched into their memories.

Haerin, with her cascading ebony hair and porcelain skin, looked every bit the sophisticated heiress. Yet, beneath her polished exterior, there was a spark of curiosity in her eyes. Tava, although nervous, couldn't help but be impressed by her poise. The young actress was the epitome of grace, a trait that was perhaps overshadowed by her family's imposing reputation.

As the director barked orders, the cameras started rolling.

Tava and Haerin were tasked with portraying a couple enjoying a day at the beach, their chemistry meant to sell a new line of beverages. The tension between them was palpable, amplified by the knowledge that every move, every word, was being scrutinized not just by the director but by the vigilant bodyguards and the watchful lady manager.

Haerin, accustomed to a life of privilege, had seldom interacted with men her age. Tava, on the other hand, was a freelancer, a far cry from the circles Haerin frequented. Yet, amidst the pressure and the watchful eyes, a genuine connection began to form between them.

"You seem tense," Haerin observed, her voice gentle. "Just relax. Pretend the cameras aren't there."

Tava managed a small, wry smile. "Easier said than done, considering the stakes."

She chuckled, a sound that seemed to dispel the tension in the air. "True, but we're both professionals, aren't we?"

They continued with the shoot, the scenes ranging from playful splashes in the water to tender moments shared under the shade of an umbrella. With each take, Tava found himself drawn to Haerin's wit and intelligence. Beneath her composed exterior was a sharp mind, and he admired her ability to navigate the complexities of her world with such finesse.

During a break, as they sat in the shade, Tava couldn't help but voice his curiosity. "How do you handle it all? The fame, the scrutiny?"

Haerin glanced out at the sea, her expression thoughtful. "It's a part of my life, I suppose. I've grown up with it. But I've also learned to be true to myself. People will always have expectations, but it's essential to stay grounded."

Tava nodded, appreciating her perspective. "Must be tough, though."

She smiled, a genuine, warm smile that reached her eyes. "It has its challenges, but it also has its rewards. Like meeting interesting people on set."

Their conversation flowed effortlessly, topics ranging from their favorite movies to their dreams for the future. Tava learned that Haerin had aspirations beyond acting – she wanted to make a difference in the world, to use her influence for good.

It was a side of her he hadn't expected, and he found himself admiring her even more.

As the day wore on, the shoot continued, capturing the duo against the backdrop of the setting sun. The amber light painted the sky with hues of gold and pink, creating a mesmerizing atmosphere. In those moments, Tava forgot about the cameras, the bodyguards, and the pressure.

It was just him and Haerin, two individuals brought together by circumstance, finding genuine camaraderie in the midst of the glitz and glamour.

The shoot concluded with a scene where they were meant to share a near-kiss, a moment of almost intimacy. As they leaned in, their eyes met, a silent acknowledgment passing between them. The director called, "Cut!" but they remained frozen, caught in a moment that felt suspended in time.

Haerin pulled back, her cheeks tinged with a faint blush. "Well, that was convincing, wasn't it?"

Tava chuckled, a genuine sound that surprised him. "Almost too convincing. We might have given the director a heart attack."

They shared a laugh, the tension of the day finally dissipating. The sun had set, and the beach was now bathed in the soft glow of twilight. Tava glanced at Haerin, a newfound respect and understanding in his eyes.

"Thank you," he said sincerely. "For making this experience a lot less nerve-wracking than I anticipated."

Haerin smiled, her eyes sparkling with warmth. "Likewise. It's not often I meet someone as genuine as you in this industry."

And in that moment, under the canvas of the evening sky, they found a connection that transcended their roles. Two souls, brought together by chance, forging an unexpected friendship amidst the glimmering facade of fame.

The beach echoed with the sound of their laughter, a testament to the genuine bond they had discovered on that unforgettable day.

[A couple of hours after the commercial went online.....]

The internet was buzzing with excitement and speculation after the release of the steamy drink commercial featuring retired pro-basketball player turned streamer, Tava Choi, and the new up-and-coming actress, Haerin Kaphwan.

The video had taken social media by storm, eliciting a whirlwind of reactions from viewers across the globe. News media outlets, social media influencers, streamers, vloggers, and tabloids all joined the conversation, generating a tidal wave of comments.

"Tava Choi is living his best life! What a comeback from his basketball days. And Haerin Kaphwan is stunning, they make an incredible pair! 🔥"

"The chemistry between Tava and Haerin is off the charts! I can't wait to see more projects from them. This commercial is pure fire! 🔥"

"Age is just a number! Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan prove that talent and charisma know no bounds. Loving their on-screen chemistry! 👏"

"Haerin Kaphwan is a rising star! She holds her own alongside Tava Choi. This commercial is bold, daring, and beautifully shot. Bravo! 👍"

"I don't get why they paired Tava Choi, an older streamer, with Haerin Kaphwan. It feels forced and unnatural. 🙄"

"This commercial is all about shock value. Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan's age gap makes the whole thing cringe-worthy. 😬"

"Tava Choi should stick to streaming and leave acting to the professionals. This commercial is a disaster. 🤦‍♂️"

"Is it just me, or does this commercial seem desperate for attention? The producers could've chosen a better pairing. Disappointing. 👎"

Media Outlets:

Entertainment Weekly: "Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan Set the Screen Ablaze in New Drink Commercial! A Bold Move Paying Off?"

Tabloid Daily: "Age Ain't Nothing But a Number? Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan's Controversial Pairing Sparks Heated Debates!"

Variety: "Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan's Commercial: A Breakthrough or a Gimmick? Industry Experts Weigh In."

Social Media Influencers and Streamers:

StreamerX: "Just watched the Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan commercial. That chemistry! 🔥 Are they dating in real life? #TavaHaerin"

InfluencerLife: "Mixed feelings about the Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan commercial. It's daring, but does it send the right message?"

VloggerVibes: "Breaking down the Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan commercial. Join the conversation, do you ship this on-screen couple? #TavaHaerin"

The internet was ablaze with debates, discussions, and memes, all centered around Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan. Whether viewers loved or hated the commercial, one thing was certain – it had captivated the world's attention, sparking conversations about age, talent, and the boundaries of on-screen chemistry.

As the debates raged on, Tava Choi and Haerin Kaphwan remained at the center of a media storm, their names becoming synonymous with controversy and intrigue, leaving the world eagerly awaiting their next move.

[Meanwhile in a very uber-ultra-mega expensive hotel suite in the city of Seoul....]

Haerin Kaphwan lounged on her plush couch, her smartphone in hand, scrolling through the myriad of comments flooding the internet regarding the commercial she had recently starred in with Tava Choi. With each comment, she felt an array of emotions, from amusement to exasperation.

As she read through the opinions of strangers, she couldn't help but marvel at the impact their collaboration had made.

"Tava Choi is just what this commercial needed! 🔥" read one comment, making Haerin smile with satisfaction. She had indeed handpicked Tava, recognizing his unique charisma and how well it complemented hers. The chemistry between them had been palpable, and it had translated brilliantly on-screen.

Amidst the positive comments, there were detractors.

"Too bold," someone remarked. Haerin rolled her eyes. It was precisely the boldness that had made the commercial stand out. Controversy, after all, often propelled things into the limelight.

"LOL, did anyone else notice Tava Choi's expressions? Iconic!" she read aloud, chuckling softly to herself. Tava's facial expressions had indeed been a topic of discussion, adding an intriguing layer to the commercial.

Yet, among the amusement, there were moments that fueled Haerin's frustration. Some comments were downright disrespectful. "They shouldn't have paired Haerin with someone so much older. It's cringe-worthy," one comment read. Haerin clenched her fists, momentarily irritated.

Age was just a number, and she had chosen Tava for his talent, not his age.

Taking a deep breath, she focused on the positive feedback. The commercial had achieved its purpose – the drinks they endorsed were now wildly popular, flying off the shelves at record speed. The buzz around their collaboration had created a demand no one had anticipated.

As she continued reading, an idea began to form in Haerin's mind.

The success of their first venture had opened doors she hadn't imagined before. She pondered the possibility of future collaborations. A perfume line, she mused, would be a bold move. The thought of creating scents that captured different moods and personalities intrigued her.

Or perhaps a clothing line that celebrated individuality and confidence.

She imagined fabrics that felt luxurious against the skin and designs that exuded both elegance and edge. With Tava's creative input, it could be a groundbreaking venture.

Lost in her thoughts, Haerin's eyes widened with realization. She was genuinely looking forward to working with Tava again, not just for the commercial success it promised but for the creative energy they shared.

There was something about his mysterious aura that drew her in, leaving her both fascinated and inspired.

Setting her phone aside, Haerin allowed herself a moment of quiet contemplation. The world had seen their chemistry, and she was ready to explore where it could take them creatively. In her mind, she was already envisioning the next big thing – a collaboration that would not only capture the public's attention but also leave a lasting impact on the world of fashion and beauty.

With a determined glint in her eyes, Haerin picked up her phone once more, her fingers flying across the screen as she drafted a message to Tava. The future was ripe with money-making possibilities, and she was more than ready to seize them, hand in hand with the enigmatic man who had become her unexpected muse.

[In somewhat big house elsewhere in a city....]

Tava sat in his cozy home office, the soft glow of his computer screen illuminating the room. He carefully typed out a message to Haerin, his fingers dancing across the keyboard. After a few moments, he hit send, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation.

"Haerin, I'm absolutely thrilled about the idea of collaborating on a perfume for men and women, as well as a new clothing line. Your creativity is inspiring, and I believe together, we can create something truly remarkable. Count me in for the venture. Let's make it happen. Looking forward to our meeting in three months."

Almost instantly, a reply popped up on his screen.

Haerin's enthusiastic response mirrored his own excitement. "Tava, I couldn't agree more! This is going to be incredible. I'll talk to my team, and we'll prepare everything for our meeting. Can't wait to bring our vision to life together!"

Their plans set, Tava couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

He glanced at his streaming schedule, ensuring there were no conflicts. Everything seemed to align perfectly. He leaned back in his chair, contemplating the upcoming collaboration and the potential it held.

But amidst the professional discussions, a desire for a more personal connection blossomed within him. With a newfound courage, he typed another message, his fingers tapping the keys gently.

"Haerin, I hope this isn't too forward, but how have you been? Is everything going well on your end? And how's the weather in Korea? Here, it's been a mix of rain and sunshine, quite unpredictable."

Haerin's response came swiftly, her words warm and inviting. "Tava, it's not forward at all. I've been doing well, thank you! Korea's weather has been quite pleasant lately, transitioning into autumn. How about you? How have you been? Any interesting things happening on your side of the world?"

Tava couldn't help but smile at her response.

He felt a genuine connection forming, a sense of ease in their conversation. "I've been good, keeping busy with streaming and other projects. Recently, I've been exploring new hobbies, trying to learn the guitar, albeit not very successfully yet. And of course, preparing for our collaboration has been on my mind a lot. How about hobbies or interests on your end? Anything you enjoy doing in your free time?"

Haerin's reply was filled with enthusiasm. "Oh, learning the guitar sounds fantastic! As for me, I enjoy painting in my free time. It's a calming escape for me. I also love reading, especially mystery novels. And of course, I'm passionate about fashion and exploring new styles. How about your favorite genre of books or any other interests you have?"

Tava grinned, feeling a genuine connection as their conversation flowed effortlessly. "Painting sounds wonderful, and mystery novels are always a thrilling choice! As for me, I'm quite a fan of science fiction books. There's something fascinating about exploring the unknown, both in books and in life. And I've always had a soft spot for classic movies. There's a certain charm to them that modern films sometimes miss."

And so, the conversation continued, weaving between their professional endeavors and personal interests. In those moments, they found common ground, bridging the gap of age and experience. Tava marveled at the ease with which he could talk to Haerin, feeling a genuine connection that went beyond the confines of their upcoming collaboration.

As they exchanged stories and laughter through the digital screen, both Tava and Haerin felt a budding friendship forming—one that held the promise of something beautiful, beyond the realms of business and creativity.

And in that moment, as they shared their worlds with each other, everything did indeed seem all right with the world.

weather unpredictable. don't like to eat rice hence ate sopas with lots of pepper and milk plus of course, with very black sweet coffee. i wonder, are those figuarts in shopee authentic? they look like 3d re-printed copies of the original but it does say sh figuarts. with genders now in the millions, a pirated copy saying "they are authentic" is not that far-fetched

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