
Soulless King

Humanity has been overrun and is now on the brink of extinction. Demons and angles rule the world now with peace hanging on by a thread. Can Alesha Thompson, the only surviving human hybrid save what remains of us? Or will the world fall in perpetual darkness?

Cass_Elliott · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Alesha POV

"What the hell Issac? I've only been off the clock for an hour and you're already calling me back in! "

"Don't get bitchy with me brat. If I say you're coming in, then you're coming in. Do I make myself clear?!"

"Fuck you", I snap and hang up the call.

'Asshole, just cuz you're a demon doesn't mean I'll obey you like a dog' I think to myself angrily as I approach my apartment door.

'Don't let your tempter get the best of you Alesha, you know you'll get in trouble if you don't show and he'll dock your pay'.

'Ugh don't remind me Elizabeth' I sign to my twin in my mind. She passed away as an infant but she's never left my side and is now apart of my being.

I put my wrist to the lock on my unit door and I hear the lock click open before I walk inside and turn on the lights. It's a small little place, only two rooms but I've made it my own. As humans, we barely get the basic luxury of having a place to live so I'll take what I can get.

The larger of the two rooms has a couch that pulls out into a bed, a coffee table, half size refrigerator and a microwave. The second room has a 2 in one laundry machine, tiny closet to fit what little clothes and personal items I own, a toilet and shower in the corner next to a stand alone sink with a mirror hanging above.

I take off my shoes after closing and locking the door behind me, and head over to the bathroom area to wash my face and clean up. Afterwards, I sweep up my black hair into a messy bun, change into a clean pair of black jeans and a tank top with a flannel.

'Do I really haft to go Liz?' I whine to my other half and take one last glance at myself in the mirror in front of me.

My green eyes are red with exhaustion and my face is pale,

'I look like shit'

'Yes, you really haft to go if we wanna eat tonight' Elizabeth responds sternly.

I scoff and walk out back into the living area and pull out a drink from the fridge and a pre-made sandwich I had stocked up for occasions just like this.

'Fine' I mumble back at her and head out the door once my shoes are back on.

Eating the food I brought, I walk to the bar I work at which isn't to far, however still dangerous nonetheless; especially at night. Humans are treated like trash in this territory and pretty much all crimes committed against us go unpunished by supernaturals.

Here, humans are the lowest of the low, only one step above the slaves which, you guessed it, are also humans.

Humans who still retained citizenship had the rights to a place to live which is assigned to us, medical care as long as you could pay for it, education up till the 8th grade, and ability to work and make some credits for essentials at the markets.

If you were unlucky enough to become a slave, you're fate was at the mercy of the freak you served. The tittle of slave could be bestowed for breaking the law or hereditary if you were a child born of a slave. Once you became a slave, you stayed a slave till the day you died, exchanging hands of supernaturals on a whim.

Above humans are the supernaturals, beings such as sirens, ghouls, witches, vampires, werewolves and the like. Most supernaturals reside in No Mans Land, the space between the Demon and Angle territories. However, some travel between the two lands as merchants and traders, selling their goods for a 'bargain' which is really just one scam after another.

Next on the social ladder are the Elites and Royals, all comprised of demons who serve various functions in service to the king.

Which brings us to the asshole of a King 'lord Nicholes Samuel Eisenhower'. He's as cold-blooded as they come and rules the territory with an iron fist. Something as small as a glance could result in banishment or enslavement.

Personally I detest all demons even more than they detest us which is fine by me.

I round the corner and the bar comes into view, the music blaring in my ears as I approach.

'Keep your head and hold your tongue' Liz warns me when I walk in the door

'Yeah, yeah' I respond nonchalantly and make my way through the crowd to the back. I head to my locker and put my stuff away before clocking in.

"Where the fuck have you been!" a shrill voice sounds behind me.

I turn and face Isaac. His face was red with anger, a vein popping out of his sweaty forehead. For a demon his considered ugly by his kind however decent by human standards. His hair was cropped short and had an average build, standing at 6'2 he towered over me.

I looked him dead in the eye,

"you do realize I was standing outside my apartment when you 'summoned' me back. Sorry my human legs don't move as fast as yours". I smirked at him and began to walk past to start my double shift.

He grabbed my arm and yanked me back, his chestnut eyes drilling holes into me.

"One more comment like that and I'll dock your pay 40%" he huffed.

'Alesha!! Cool it!' My sister screamed in my head

I inwardly rolled my eyes and nodded.

Isaac grinned in satisfaction and released his hold and moved aside so I could work.

It's gonna be another long night...



Hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter!! More coming soon !