
Soulbound Shadow

Lukas: (standing in a dimly lit alley, gripping a dagger) "You really thought you could escape, didn't you?" Elena: (emerging from the shadows, her eyes glowing with an eerie crimson light) "I always find a way, Lukas. You should know that by now." Lukas: (narrowing his eyes) "You're not the woman I loved anymore. What happened to you?" Elena: (smirking) "I embraced the darkness, Lukas. It's where the real power lies." As the story unfolds, Lukas, a skilled demon hunter, and Elena, his former lover turned demon, engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game filled with tension, secrets, and unexpected alliances. Lukas will have to face unimaginable challenges and uncover the truth about a hidden world of demons and the hunters sworn to protect humanity.

Nicky_RBLX · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 10: Shadows Upcoming


As the echoes of their battle with Zuma faded within the temple's depths, Lukas and the rest of the Crimson Blades turned their attention to Lyria. The Lunar Amulet, now in their possession, pulsed with an otherworldly energy. They formed a protective circle around Lyria, ensuring her safety.

Lukas: (concerned) "Lyria, are you alright?"

Lyria, though shaken, managed a faint smile.

Lyria: (weary) "I am now, thanks to all of you. Zuma's power was overwhelming."

Selena, ever the healer, checked Lyria's condition, her touch gentle and reassuring.

Selena: "You'll need rest, but you're safe."

As Lyria recuperated, Lukas and the group took stock of their situation. The Lunar Amulet, with its unknown power, held the key to understanding the Council of Shadows' motives. They needed to decipher its secrets.

Lukas: "We must bring the amulet back to Wiskar and examine it carefully. It might hold the answers we seek."

Thorne, his analytical mind at work, added, "Our encounter with Zuma revealed his shapeshifting abilities, agility, and speed. We must prepare ourselves for the next encounter."

The group began their journey back to Wiskar, the amulet safely secured. Their minds raced with questions about the Council's true intentions and the extent of the amulet's power.


Meanwhile, in the shadows beyond the temple's entrance, Zuma, his form shifting like liquid night, made his escape. He moved swiftly through the forest, the moonlight guiding his path.

Zuma: (thoughtful) "The Crimson Blades were more formidable than I anticipated. I must report to the Council and inform them of this setback."

In the heart of a hidden chamber, shrouded in darkness, the Council of Shadows awaited Zuma's return. The room was adorned with ancient artifacts and symbols, and five cloaked figures sat in a circle, their faces concealed.

Council Member 1: (impatient) "Zuma, you've returned. Tell us what transpired."

Zuma knelt before the Council, his voice steady.

Zuma: (respectful) "I infiltrated the temple and confronted the Crimson Blades. They managed to free Lyria and obtain the Lunar Amulet."

Council Member 2: (concerned) "Lyria is a valuable asset. We cannot afford to lose her."

Zuma: "The amulet is in their possession. It holds a power we don't fully understand. It must be recovered."

Council Member 3: (contemplative) "The amulet's power is crucial to our plans. We cannot let it slip through our fingers."

Zuma recounted the battle, detailing the Crimson Blades' skills and determination. The Council listened intently, their hidden faces betraying no emotion.

Council Member 4: (decisive) "We need to act swiftly. Zuma, you will lead a second assault to retrieve the amulet. Do not underestimate them again."

Zuma: "As you command."

As Zuma departed to prepare for the next encounter, the Council's motives remained shrouded in secrecy.

Their plan to harness the power of the Lunar Amulet and the significance of Wiskar were questions that loomed over the Crimson Blades.


The dimly lit tavern in Wiskar was a haven of respite for Lukas and his crew. After the recent encounter with Zuma, the weight of their mission bore heavily on their shoulders. Lukas, in particular, found solace in the warmth of the tavern and the amber glow of the beer in his tankard.

He sat alone at a corner table, nursing his drink. His gaze was distant, lost in memories of another time, another life.

He remembered his lover, Elena, her smile, her laughter, and the life they had shared before the war had torn them apart.

Lukas: (whispering to himself) "Elena, my love, I wish you were here with me."

As the beer flowed, so did his regrets. The war had taken so much from him—friends, comrades, and the life he had once known.

He couldn't help but wonder if there had been a different path, a way to avoid the tragedy that had befallen them.

Just then, a presence slid into the seat next to Lukas. It was Selene. She had also been through the horrors of the war and understood the weight of his grief.

Selene: (softly) "Lukas, may I sit with you?"

Lukas looked up, his eyes reflecting the pain he carried.

Lukas: "Yea, Selene. I needed company anyways. "

They sat in silence for a moment, the sounds of the tavern swirling around them—the chatter of villagers, the clinking of tankards, and the warmth of the hearth.

Selene: (compassionate) "I can see that you miss her, Lukas. Your wife."

Lukas nodded, his voice choked with emotion.

Lukas: "Every day. I wish I could turn back time."

Selene's eyes held a depth of understanding, for she too had lost loved ones in the conflict.

Selene: (softly) "War brings pain and loss to all of us. I've also lost Meko, Davine and Kutoki in the war. We cared deeply for them and they didn't deserve anything but good things, but it was unfortunate that they were born into this wicked world."

Lukas: "I should have been there for you guys, Selene, instead slacking around! If I just had been more stronger, I could've.... I could've-"

Selene placed a comforting hand on Lukas's shoulder.

Selene: (kindly) "You can't change the past, Lukas. None of us can. But what you can do is honor yourself and make a better future. For You, Elena, And everyone else.

You can do something about this madness, i know you can. I believe in you....."

Lukas's gaze met Selene's, his eyes reflecting a glimmer of hope.

Lukas:"...Thanks Seleine... I appreciate it..."

Selene smiled, her empathic nature allowing her to sense the resilience within Lukas.

Selene: "We're all here to support you, Lukas, just as you've supported us. Together, we can face the shadows and find the light."

As they continued their conversation, the weight of Lukas's regrets began to lift. In Selene's presence, he had support of a kindred spirit who had also weathered the storm of a loss.

The tavern's warmth, the camaraderie of the group, and Selene's encouragement filled him with renewed determination.

In that moment, Lukas realized that, even in the darkest of times, there was hope, and the strength to carry on, fueled by the bonds of friendship and the promise of a brighter future.


the rest of the group returned with Lyria. The village was aglow with torchlight as villagers went about their nightly routines, unaware of the unfolding battle against the Council of Shadows.

Throne: (determined) "We need to examine the amulet and learn more about its power. It could be the key to understanding the Council's motives."

Raelin:"(suggestively) If things are hefty, we could always ask for the Main Unit of the Crimson Blades for help-"

Elara:"(panicked) NO!"

Raelin and Lyria were startled while everyone else had mixed reactions.

Elara:"(huffing)....I'm sorry, but we're not going to ask.....'Them'.....

For help..... We can do this on our on...."

Raelin and Lyria were skeptical and worried about this group, Also it looked like the other members didn't even want to press the matter.

Raelin:'(thoughtful) What's wrong with these guys? Aren't they from the Crimson Blades? But.... then did she snapped when I mentioned the main unit?

There was dead silence in the room, it was very awkward so some went to do other things to keep themselves busy.

Elara,who carried the amulet, looked at it with a mixture of awe and caution.

Elara:(thoughtful) This artifact holds a great and ancient power. We must unlock its secrets..... The battle has only just begun, I need to be quick before it's too late, Because once I unlock this item, then we.... the Council of Shadows will conquer the world.'