
Soul Swap: Ex With Benefits

Kimberly Jonah, a stunning and clever blogger, finds herself in dire financial straits due to a lawsuit against her blog. Seeking help, she turns to Melvin Craig, a man she approached with ulterior motives three years before. Meanwhile, Melanie Craig, Melvin's late mother, leaves a surprising twist in her will after her passing. In order to co-own her multibillion-dollar mansion, Kimberly and Melvin are required to live together for a year, and there's a catch – Melvin must get married within that timeframe to take over the family company. The unexpected twist occurs when Kimberly and Melvin inexplicably swap bodies. Now, they're not only forced to live together but also navigate the challenges of understanding each other's lives from a completely different perspective. Kimberly quickly adapts to her new luxurious lifestyle while Melvin discovers the joys of a simpler life. As they experience each other's lives, they gain a deeper understanding of themselves. As they grapple with the intricacies of sharing a space, managing a multibillion-dollar empire, and adhering to Melanie's peculiar will, the two find themselves entangled in a humorous and heartwarming journey of self-discovery. Amidst the chaos of their switched lives, Kimberly and Melvin learn valuable lessons about the true meaning of love. The race against time adds a layer of urgency, especially for Melvin, who must find a way to fulfill his late mother's wishes within the stipulated year. Will they overcome their differences, fulfill Melanie’s unique condition? This tale weaves together elements of romance, comedy, and self-discovery, creating a captivating narrative of love, personal growth, and the unpredictable journey life often becomes. **Exerpt** Kimberly opened her eyes and sat bolt upright in bed the moment a phone alarm went off under her pillow. Kimberly didn’t like alarms. She never set them because they had a way of making her feel anxious when they went off, and she didn’t like it. So, who could have set an alarm on her phone? She mused with a frown as she raised the pillow to take out the phone. The moment she saw the phone, the crease between her brows deepened. This wasn’t her phone. This was the latest iPhone, and she didn’t use iPhones. Almost as soon as the thought crossed her mind, she noticed that something was different about her. She was feeling sort of funny. While she was still trying to figure out why she was feeling funny, she looked around the bedroom and frowned even more when she realized that this wasn’t her bedroom. Where was she? she mused as she quickly took off the duvet and got out of the bed. As soon as her feet hit the ground, she looked down with a frown. Her feet were different. They were bigger. Her hands, too. Was she still asleep and dreaming? She wondered and then gasped when she noticed the tent in front of her pajamas as though something was protruding out of it. What was that? What was in her pajamas? She wondered with wide eyes. Her heart beat fast, and her mouth was dry as she reached out a finger to see what it was. She poked her forefinger at it, and she felt something hard. It moved but remained erect. Was that what she thought it was? She wondered as she held the waistband of her pajamas to take a peek. Just as she was about to look inside, the bedroom door burst open, and she looked up to see who it was. She was shocked when she looked back at herself dressed in exactly what she had worn to bed. “Kimberly?” Herself asked, unsure. Kimberly frowned as she hurried over to the mirror to see what she looked like if she wasn’t in her own body. “MELVIN?” She screamed in disbelief when she saw that she was now Melvin. She turned to look at herself and before Melvin could say another word, her eyes rolled back and she fainted. (PS: cover photo isn’t mine. Credit to the owner)

Miss_Behaviour · Urbain
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208 Chs

The Swap

While Stefan was still on the phone with Nathan, he received an incoming call notification and he checked to see who it was.

He sighed when he saw that the call was from his mother and he quickly hung up the call with Nathan to receive his mother's call.

"Hello, Mom..."

"Where are you?" his mother asked, cutting him off.

"I'm at my place. Why?" He asked with a slight frown, wondering why she was asking him that.

"Come home. Your dad and I have something to say to you," she said and he raised a brow.

"Can't whatever you have to say be said over the phone? I'm not in the mood to drive over there tonight," he said and she frowned.

"But if it were a club you wouldn't mind driving two times the distance, would you?" She asked with disapproval.

"Yeah. This is the exact reason I don't want to come over. I'm not in the mood to hear you and dad complain about my supposed irresponsible lifestyle," Stefan said and she snorted.

"If you weren't so irresponsible you wouldn't have to always hear us talk about your lifestyle now, would you?" She asked and he scowled.

"You know what? I'm going to hang up now...."

"Before you do that, you should know about your blind date tomorrow...."

"What? Whose blind date? What are you talking about?" Stefan asked with a confused frown.

"You heard me right. Your blind date. Your father and I have arranged a blind date for you tomorrow. We've made the reservation for noon tomorrow. All you have to do is show up at...."

"Excuse me, mom! I don't understand what is going on. Why would you arrange a blind date for me? I never told you I have a problem getting a lady of my choice. Neither do I remember seeking your help in getting a girlfriend even if I needed one," Stefan cut in, sounding pissed.

"You didn't have to tell us or seek our help for anything. You have fooled around long enough and it is time for you to get serious with your life. And just so you know, your blind date isn't about you getting a girlfriend but a wife. ...."

"No, mom! You can't make that decision for me. I won't let you!" Stefan cut in angrily but before he could hang up, his father took the phone from his wife since the phone had been on speaker the whole time and he had been listening to the conversation.

"We did not call to seek your permission. Your mom will send you the details of your date. Make sure you are there, and be punctual. If you fail to show up, don't blame me for the consequence you are bound to suffer," his father threatened and without letting Stefan say anything else, he hung up the call.

"This doesn't make any sense.... Hello? Dad? Dad?" Stefan called and then threw his phone down on the bed angrily when he realized his father had hung up.

How could his parents just wake up and decide to set him up on a blind date without first asking him? What was even wrong with parents these days? First, it was Melvin's mom who had refused to let Melvin be even in death, then Ruby's parents who had threatened to restrict all of her accounts if she didn't do as told, and now his parents? Did they all have some sort of meeting and decide to frustrate them?

He knew his father well enough to know he never made light threats. He wasn't sure what his father would do if he failed to show up, but the thought of it all was annoying. Why the sudden decision to interfere in his business?

Stefan paused in his musings when something occurred to him. It was only a blind date for now, and not an engagement party.

All he had to do was show up at the venue as his parents wanted. He would act like a jerk and make sure the lady would hate him and would never want to have anything to do with him.

He smiled as he thought about it, and the more he thought about it, the more he liked the idea.

There would definitely be no harm in showing up there. He would also see if the girl in question was hot enough and worth his attention. If she was his spec, he could pass the time with her, but he would never marry a girl chosen by his parents. Never.

He thought about Ruby who would also be going on a blind date the next day and he chuckled as he wondered who the unlucky guy might be.

He made a mental note not to tell his friends anything about this whole development with his parents else Ruby would never let him hear the end of it.

He hoped his parents wouldn't tell Ruby's parents about it as well, since they were such best friends.

Away from there, Kimberly lay on her bed with a satisfied smile on her face. The housekeepers had come to inform her that Melvin had finished his meal a while ago, and she couldn't help feeling amused.

How could one be so proud down to his stomach? So, if she hadn't asked the housekeeper to send him food, he would have stayed locked up in his bedroom all because of his pride and anger even though he was dying of hunger?

She was just going to keep treating him nice and hope that just like the ring had helped her find a solution to her problem, it would also help her resolve her differences with Melvin. Kimberly mused as she drifted off to sleep.

The following morning, Kimberly opened her eyes and sat bolt upright in bed the moment a phone alarm went off under her pillow.

Kimberly didn't like alarms. She never set them because they had a way of making her feel anxious when they went off, and she didn't like it.

So, who could have set an alarm on her phone? She mused with a frown as she raised the pillow to take out the phone.

The moment she saw the phone, the crease between her brows deepened.

This wasn't her phone. This was the latest iPhone, and she didn't use iPhones.

Almost as soon as the thought crossed her mind, she noticed that something was different about her. She was feeling sort of funny.

While she was still trying to figure out why she was feeling funny, she looked around the bedroom and frowned even more when she realized that bis wasn't her bedroom. This wasn't her bed either, she thought as she looked down on the bed.

Where was she? she mused as she quickly took off the duvet and got out of the bed.

As soon as her feet hit the ground, she looked down with a frown. Her feet were different. They were bigger. Her hands, too.

And why was she wearing a pajamas when she had gone to bed wearing just her oversized tank top?

Was she still asleep and dreaming? She wondered and then gasped when she noticed the tent in front of her pajamas as though something was protruding out of it.

What was that? What was in her pajamas? She wondered with wide eyes. Her heart beat fast, and her mouth was dry as she reached out a finger to see what it was.

She poked her forefinger at it, and she felt something hard. It moved but remained erect.

Was that what she thought it was? She wondered as she held the waistband of her pajamas to take a peek.

Just as she was about to look inside, the bedroom door burst open, and she looked up to see who it was.

She was shocked when she looked back at herself dressed in exactly what she had worn to bed.

"Kimberly?" Herself asked, unsure.

Kimberly frowned as she hurried over to the mirror to see what she looked like if she wasn't in her own body.

"MELVIN?" She screamed in disbelief when she saw that she was now Melvin.

She turned to look at herself and before Melvin could say another word, her eyes rolled back and she fainted.