

Humans and the supernatural co-existed with each other. Max Kennedy is a student at an academy, along with his twin sister and his childhood friends, who are also supernatural.

BladerProduction · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

After the memorable festival, today is the day the twins leave their home.

Catherine cried out, "I'm gonna miss you, my babies."

Max and Leslie hugged her, promising her that they will come back to visit her, promising her that it is not a goodbye. After that, the twins entered the bus and took off. During the drive, Max puts on his earphones and then listen to the song 'Quite Miss Home' by James Arthur. When the song ends, he started to cry silently. Leslie notices him, crying. She went next to him and hugged Max.

The light went dark. Max and Leslie woke up, noticing that they are in a tunnel. Leslie's phone began to ring. Leslie answered it and it was the voice of Zack.

"Leslie, hey."

"Zack? Why're you calling me?"

"Well, I just wanna tell you that you and Max are going to the exact academy I'm in", Zack spatted.

Max took Leslie's phone and said what, shockingly.

The light went back up, they are out of the tunnel, because they had arrive. I had arrive to GoldenWing Academy. The academy looked so advance comparing to a regular school, because it is very expensive to go. Zack ran up to Leslie as soon as the twins got out of the bus and began to hug her and Max.

"Bro, that's gay", Max said.

Zack laughed and showed them the rest of the gang.

"Wait, you all got sent here?", Leslie asked.

"Well, yup. But we won't be in the same classroom like our old school", Snow replied

Leslie sighed and then she said, "This is going to be different, you guys."

In the art class, which art was the first subject for Max, second subject for Zack and third subject for Coal the teacher, Ms. Kelly, introduced herself to the class. Her looks is so seductive, like as if she's from an anime or an adult movie. All the boys, except for Max, which he's not turned on from her, Zack, because he's gay, and Coal, who only focus on his objective.

Max was painting a woman with white hair and a black dress. Ms. Kelly went up to him, admiring Max's artistic skills: Smudging, Watercolor and a signature.

"This looks beautiful. Where did you get such imagination, mister Kennedy?", she asked Max.

"It wasn't my imagination. It was from my dream."

"You hear that, students? Dreams is art, also. Meaningful. Beautiful", Ms. Kelly said.

Max was applauded by the class.