
Soul Nite

My name is Jeremiah ‘Joske’ Wilson and I’m the main character, (Also this is book is a crazy story of my life btw). Anyway the last time you’ve seen me, I had just escaped a space rock (sorry 4 the spoiler). Here’s a fun fact: both me and my brother, Tom are adopted cuz for some reason my parents just couldn’t have kids of their own. Originally, the wanted to pick one, my mom chose me and my dad chose my brother. They couldn’t decide who to pick so they adopted both of us. And so that’s how life began… This is a little obvious, but my dad was stricter on me than Tom, and since I was 2 years older than him, I got the 1st born treatment (if you know what I mean). Anyway, Japan was always my favorite place to be. In fact, that’s where I had grade school (primary school). And when I got to Jr. high, my dad became the headmaster of a school in a small town in Africa, the same town I grew up in. the town was more advanced than other towns around it and slightly bigger though I still loved Japan more. Two years ago my mom disappeared just a little while after I escaped the stone before then I would always strive to get 1st place in class just to get dads attention and for him to acknowledge me, but every time he would just ask me what I wanted and I would say the same thing every time, a trip to Japan. But after mom disappeared I remember what she always said to me “be a good boy Jerry and please try your best in everything you do, do it for me”. So I decided to honor her wish and always came 1st for her except sometimes when I want to make Jake happy I’ll just let him take 1st for a few terms then go back to 1st. Anyway enough about me. Jake is my best friend/rival and we’ve been friends for a long time I met him in Japan while in grade school and we’ve been friends ever since. His dad is the principal of our school while my dad is the head-master of school affairs so they know each other already. And one more thing I’m a huge anime fan. Trust me I’ve got a shelf in my room full of manga and so far my favorite is Attack on titan, while Jakes favorite is Jojo’s bizarre adventure. Anyway… after I escaped the stone a lot of stuff happened and let’s just say you don’t wana miss this.

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42 Chs

Chapter 14

The next day…

Lara, while on a phone call; What! Can you repeat that because it seems, you must have lost it!

Yagami; I know it sounds insane but it's the safest our best bet to keep the axe safe at this point. Tension is already rising up and the higher ups don't want to take any chances as if were already done for. Please miss, I know this is sudden but it's already been decided and there is nothing that can be done.

Lara; ok, have it securely delivered as you know how. And I don't need to tell you how many you should bring on this right?

Yagami; Understood miss.

Lara; you better.

Lisa with Jerry; what was that about?

Lara; the main estate has just been attacked, so they ordered that the axe be brought here for special protection.

Lisa; WHAT? But that's insane!

Lara; I know! But the higher ups already decided and they're already on their way with the axe. So I guess we can perform our experiment after all.

Jerry; guess we can see if I'm worthy or not.

The previous evening…

Jerry; so that's everything that's happened on my end.

Tom; wait, so basically there's this axe which is the missing piece of the nite stone and it's protected by Lisa's family? Sounds crazy but even more; ga-denians are just like us. And also you should have told me about that Con guy earlier if he was behind that attack then he must be after us or something.

Jake; why did it take you so long to tell us?

Jerry; it just never came up I guess. Anyway can you guys tell me what happened on your…

Tom; Dave has just been helping me with kenjutsu and Jake has only been training a lot to beat you. Seriously, the dude literally does 500 push-ups every night before bed because of it.

Jerry; wait that's it? Wow, I never knew your lives were so boring without me.

Tom; Hay, just because you got to train with two girls for the past few days doesn't make our lives more interesting you know.

Jerry; yeah your right. You guys suck without me.

Tom; Shut up.

Jake; listen, the two guys who attacked us, one was black and one was white. They were both wearing suits and they looked strong as hell. Also they both wore black sunglasses.

Jerry; I guess this was a wakeup call telling us we all need to get stronger, so let's do it the three of us.

-then Jerry made a fist and tapped his chest twice and Jake and Tom did the same as an act of deep respect-

Present day, as everyone was in the living room eating breakfast…

Lara; the Jet will be here in an hour so I need to explain a few things before then.

Jerry; wait a minute? Isn't Japan like 11 thousand kilometres from here? And it's gona get here in an hour?

Lisa; when Japan is the most advanced country in the world and you're the richest family from there you get access to some crazy stuff.

Tom; that sounds crazy even for Japan.

Lara; anyway…

Many years ago, the 8th clan head Ono-suki, who was an axe wielder out of his love for the power the stone blessed us with, carved the stone into his favorite weapon after fusing it with a precious metal alloy and it was named the nite axe. And for over 600 years it was the symbol of our power.

However, nothing remains perfect, you see, a sacred seal was placed on it which would only allow the head of the clan to use it directly or if the stone itself wanted it to, however, it was discovered that during every blood moon the seal would weaken, and for a brief time anyone would use the power as they saw fit. This was our clans most well-kept secret. It was our 1 and only weakness.

Jerry; alright then, I guess it obvious what that Con guy must want then. He wants nite to himself but that isn't gona happen.

Lara; not to be negative but, do we even know how strong this Con guy is? After all, if we assume the guys who beat the two of you up were like higher ups (assuming they could even be lower rankers) then how do you suppose we take him down?

Jerry; you're right in that case, we goda train so hard we can take down a lower ranker in 3 seconds flat. Then we gang up on Con 5 on 1.

But I think we might need a plan though…

45 minutes later…

Jake; I here jet noises, they must be here.

Lisa; you guys should stay here, let Lara handle this.

-so then Lara went out to meet the men-

Lara; you're late, what took so long?

Sargent; it took us a while to have this special case loaded up but otherwise, I guess we got sloppy. I have 0 excuses.

So then Lara slapped him and said; don't let this repeat itself understood?

Sargent; Understood mam.

Lara; good now when your men are done storing the axe you can head home and give them this report I had prepared.

Sargent, after collecting Lara's report; yes, mam it will be done.

Lieutenant; it's all done mam the axe is secure in the basement.

Lara; good job boys, you can head home now.

Lieutenant; YES, MAM!

-so as the Jet took of…

Lieutenant; so how is that face of yours holding up?

Sargent; Shut up.

Lara; *well then, one thing left to do*.


Lucas (while sitting on a bench and thinking); *when I was just a kid, I found an add online showing how to make money and back then my dad died and my mom was poor so I just had to take it. [it was the worst thing I ever did] they sent me a location to meet them, but then I was kidnapped and brought to Con, who ordered that I'd be experimented on. They mutated my cells and tissue in order to make me a weapon, that's when I met C and K and soon we became friends. Besides the power to stop anything that comes toward me (even if I'm unaware of it) I was given a few others as well, I soon found out. Honestly, if it wasn't for a little blind spot in their security I probably would still be back there, and who knows what the hell, I'd be doing*.

It's been a few days since I told Jerry that story, I wonder what he's doing right now?

[btw; as Lucas was saying this, he was crossing the street, when a truck came rushing]


-then Lucas turned his head to see the truck which just flipped over him-

Lucas; well, that's unfortunate, I hope he's ok btw.

Soooo sorry 4 the sudden Hiatus, I was on a little break, but I'm back now, and will be posting more than regularly till next Thursday!

Lara; now, the moment of truth.

Jake; don't disappoint us.

Tom; do it bro.

Lisa; you got this.

Jerry; well let's get started…