
Soul Manipulator: Echoes of White Tiger

In a world ravaged by the aftermath of the Magic War, Zex, a young mage with a modest star ranking of 1, is sent to Assassin Town for training under Dansi, a skilled assassin. Haunted by memories of his lost mother and facing the looming threat of the Dark Mage, Zex embarks on a journey of self-discovery and perilous adventure. With the guidance of Dansi and the mysterious Heart of the White Tiger pendant, Zex navigates the treacherous paths of politics and magic, forging alliances and confronting ancient rivalries along the way. As he unravels the secrets of his past and confronts the darkness that threatens to engulf the realm, Zex's courage and determination are put to the ultimate test.

SirRuki · Fantaisie
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23 Chs

Chapter 18 - Echoes of Destiny

Within the grand halls of the Magic Tower, Master Navia engaged in a solemn conversation with Tower Master Zaron, delving deep into the mysteries surrounding the Dark Mage. Zaron's demeanor reflected a weighty concern, his words laden with the gravity of impending doom that threatened to engulf the entire continent.

"It's inevitable," the Tower Master solemnly declared, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "You haven't seen its true power."

As the discussion unfolded, their dialogue was unexpectedly interrupted by the arrival of Leon, whose presence injected a new energy into the chamber. With unwavering determination, Leon pledged the support of himself and other heroes from distant lands in the mission to eradicate the looming threat.

Master Navia's curiosity piqued, she questioned Leon's identity, prompting him to introduce himself and elaborate on the vast network of heroes rallying behind him. Both Navia and Zaron found themselves impressed by the breadth of Leon's claims, their expressions reflecting a mixture of astonishment and admiration.

"Zex is alive," Leon revealed, his words sparking a glimmer of hope amidst the darkness that loomed over them. Master Navia's relief was palpable upon hearing the news of Zex's survival, her worries momentarily assuaged.

The tone of their conversation shifted as Leon delved into the sinister machinations behind the resurrection of the Dark Ruler and the insidious power sought by its disciples. With a sense of urgency, Leon outlined the nefarious plot to harness the legendary Orbs in a bid to summon Diablo and empower the Dark Mage.

Determined to thwart their adversaries' next move, Leon divulged his plan to intercept the acquisition of the Orb of Time, a crucial artifact located within the Warrior Society. Master Navia voiced her apprehension, expressing concerns over the society's vulnerability following the loss of Kiso in battle with the Dark Mage.

Meanwhile, in the bustling corridors of Kazaz, Prince Jun found himself immersed in the arduous task of managing the guild's affairs amidst a surge of new recruits joining the Resistance. Observing Jun's struggle, Zex couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of his friend buried under a mountain of paperwork.

"I don't think we can embark on any adventures now," Prince Jun lamented, his exhaustion evident in his weary tone.

Undeterred by Jun's pessimism, Zex revealed his intention to embark on a mission in search of a mythical entity—the Bahamut. Jun's incredulous reaction reflected his disbelief in the dragon of destruction's existence, prompting him to express concern over Zex's audacious quest.

With unwavering resolve, Zex affirmed his determination to pursue the elusive Bahamut, shrouding his motives in a veil of mystery. Despite Jun's apprehension, he reluctantly offered his support, urging Zex to return safely from his perilous journey.

With preparations underway, Zex sought the expertise of a renowned blacksmith, procuring a bespoke suit of armor infused with mana—an exquisite masterpiece that resonated with his agile combat style. Expressing his gratitude with a hefty sum, Zex departed, his pockets considerably lighter but his spirits buoyed by the prospect of adventure.

Under the golden rays of the sun filtering through the dense foliage, Zex stood amidst the tranquil ambiance of the remote forest. His breath synchronized with the rustle of leaves as he prepared to hone his combat skills. Each movement was deliberate, each technique a manifestation of years of training and dedication. With practiced precision, he unleashed a series of devastating combos, each strike reverberating through the forest like thunder. The air crackled with energy as he seamlessly transitioned from one technique to the next—Demon Punch, Nimbus Lightning, Phoenix Flame, Earth Destruction—all part of his formidable arsenal. The earth trembled beneath his feet, and the surrounding trees destroyed in response to the raw power unleashed by Zex.

As the last echoes of his techniques faded into the ether, Zex reached for the pendant hanging around his neck, a conduit to the ethereal realm where his destiny awaited. With a sense of determination burning in his eyes, he closed his eyes and allowed the pendant to transport him into the dreamscape, where the trial of the White Tiger awaited him.

In the realm of shadows and silence, Zex found himself face to face with his mirror image—a manifestation of the White Tiger, the guardian of trials and tribulations. The air grew heavy with tension as they exchanged words, their voices echoing in the darkness.

"I seek your guidance to combat the Dark Ruler," Zex declared, his voice unwavering despite the eerie silence that enveloped them.

"Wait, I don't think you grasp the distinction here. Allow me to show you" the mirror image squared off against Zex, poised to unleash an attack.

In a fraction of a moment, the mirror image materialized behind Zex, his gauntlet aglow with arcane energy, delivering a devastating blow that sent Zex hurtling through the air for miles. As Zex struggled to regain his footing, the mirror image wasted no time, launching another ferocious attack. Reacting swiftly, Zex conjured a Nimbus Shield, a swirling sphere of lightning energy that momentarily repelled the mirror image's assault.

"How long do you plan to hide?" The mirror image taunted before unleashing the full force of Dendal the demon. With a powerful strike, he shattered the Nimbus Shield, leaving Zex momentarily stunned before being sent flying once more.

"This is how you wield their abilities, you weakling," the mirror image sneered, summoning the might of the Nimbus Dragon. With a thunderous roar, he hurled a javelin crackling with terrifying lightning energy, sending it hurtling towards Zex with deadly precision. Despite Zex's attempts to evade, he found himself ensnared in an Authority Hold, an invisible force constricting around him, leaving him immobilized.

Summoning his inner strength, Zex tapped into the power of his Aura, breaking free from the Authority Hold just in time to evade the lethal javelin. Seizing the moment, Zex unleashed the newfound power granted by Doombringer, transforming into a grim reaper cloaked in darkness, his gauntlet pulsating with ominous energy. With a swift strike, he unleashed a skill known as Death, capable of delivering instant annihilation. Yet, his attack was thwarted as the mirror image deftly intercepted his arm, preventing the fatal blow.

"Cheap tricks," the mirror image scoffed before delivering a punishing kick, sending Zex crashing to the ground once more. Undeterred, both combatants launched into a relentless exchange of blows, their battle escalating into a whirlwind of destruction and a test of martial prowess.

As the hours passed and the sun rose on a new day, Zex found himself battered and weary, exhaustion threatening to consume him. Gasping for breath, he met the mirror image's cold gaze.

"I admire your courage, but courage alone will not secure victory in battle," the mirror image reiterated, his tone devoid of mercy.

"I only seek the truth about my mother and the events of the Magic War. You hold the answers I seek," Zex pleaded.

"Defeat me, and I will divulge what you seek," the mirror image promised before vanishing into the shadows, leaving Zex on the brink of collapse.

"The next time, I will emerge victorious," Zex vowed before succumbing to unconsciousness, awakening to the reality of his surroundings.

From the depths of his fatigue, he caught sight of a figure watching him from afar—a slender silhouette bathed in the golden light of dawn. With a surge of recognition, he called out to her, his voice tinged with emotion.
