

monster_frightwolf · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 To Fallen Kingdom

In a apartment of two Dan lives with his uncle. in a big city far from their hometown his uncle is business man and buys important goods for their village and sell their village speciality.

Dan was wearing a bag that looked like belt over his t-shirts ready leave his house.

"I am going . Will be back by night uncle."

"Wait a minute" uncle replied" I got a call from home . Everyone misses you, you haven't been to village in two year."

" Don't worry this time I will be in school or in village . Then I will tell them the truth. I am going to train ."

He leaves house with a smile closing gate shut after him . 

They live on 5th floor of building . Dan walk through the corridor and enter the elevator to ground floor . As lift was empty he tap on his beltbag and suddenly mask and sunglass appear in his hand. He quickly put on  his mask and glasses.

After coming out of his apartment looked at a tall building in front of road at a distance. He went to back alley .

He looked around to see if anyone is there. Not finding anyone he took a hoody out of his bag . Hoody was pure black in color and it was old and full of scratches.

He walked through road and come out of the alley. He is in front of the tall building which he saw from front of his apartment .

He circled behind the building. At the back of building there was small shop in front of which many  people were gathered, He walks toward the front door.

"Good morning, Mr. Treasurer "

A man standing in front of  gate as guard. the guard welcome him inside by opening the gate of shop.

Guard shuts gate after him. one of the man standing in crowd said " who was that man that just walked in even this gorilla of man? "

"That was The Treasurer through it is illegal entry he is still respected by even those so called real finder." 

Someone  at back replied.

Inside of the shop is linked with that building. Dan walked to the receptionist . 

"Tttaan" Dan went to table and rang the bell.  " Good Morning Mr Treasurer please take a seat here. Your client will be here soon."

" That wont be necessary we are here " a man suddenly appeared behind Dan . That man was three time bigger Dan was wear a full set of armor  and covered by white cloth. " Please get ready for departure we shall leave at the right moment."

"And sir you are?" Dan asked.

" I am known as Sir Tniag Gib. You can address me as Gib." Gib replied. 

After saying that he disappeared from front of them. And reappear at a little distance where four people were already there in the white cloth as them.

"Aren't they from church. Why do they need to go in dungeon through illegal means they can go anywhere they want. You sure it isn't a trap to capture us."

"There is no need they have about us since long . As for why here they are planning to go to dungeon of Fallen Holy Kingdom. You are the only person to came out of it without any harm." Rose explained in Dan's ear.

"Well I can get them  safely in and out but why do they even risk going into that death trap?" He asked .

"We need your help to retrieve a holy sword."

Gib suddenly appeared behind him.

Dan was surprised but he didn't let it show. "This must be your inborn ability. To use it like this mine is similar. See."

Dan rotated his hand and a rose appeared in his hand he gave it to Rose. "A storage type it matchs your name . Now we shall head out ." 

All five men and Dan went to room adjacent  to reception . Inside the room a circular gate like structure was placed vertically straight with a man standing along side him. That man is  a guard who guard the gate and use open it . Dan knows that guy but he isn't close much to him . He only knows that this guard is called Episo. 

One of the man with Gib hand him a card .After examine the card Episo went to panel attached to gate . Suddenly a blue light appeared in the middle of gate.

The light started growing covering the gate in blinding light. "The Gate ready Episo said now it is connected a location near Fallen Kingdom."  hearing that everyone went into gate one by one.

Upon reaching the other side the gate behind them closed. Now the light was gone . Left was only dark it wasn't possible to see anything .

Suddenly a sound came from front of them. It sounded like opening of a door. Now light was passing through the gate. 

Gate was open and in front of them was standing. 




Age 24

Strength 9

Speed 9

Stamina 8

Agility. 9

Soul size 2

(Multiple 10 to everyone state for a 1SS)

(100× state)

Inborn skill : ?.

Mastery : control.

Tniag Gib

Age 25

Strength. 25

Speed. 10

Stamina. 17

Agility. 26

Soul size. 3

Inborn skill : small distance teleportation, ?.

Mastery : tempering

Dan Trong

Age. 16

Strength. 20

Speed. 20

Stamina. 20

Agility. 21

Soul size. 0

Inborn skill. : Treasurer

Mastery. : Control


Hi! This is my first novel so just comment my mistake so I can make it better.

monster_frightwolfcreators' thoughts