
Chapter 1

Soul layer

"This weather is really killing me..." Bai Zemin complained lightly as he looked at the world through the window.

The rain was falling as if a deluge had beaten down on the world. The sound of the water drops hitting the window pane was soothing, but he could not appreciate the benefit.

For the past year, the world's weather had become absurd from one day to the next. Deserts were suddenly flooded with all kinds of storms and the earth's poles began to defrost due to high temperatures. However, this was not all.

Even when icy places like Antarctica began to thaw overnight, the next day temperatures plummeted again, freezing everything over.

Scientists simply had no way of explaining the phenomenon. However, as a consequence of this, the major nations of the world practically forced the rest of the smaller countries to be careful with pollution, attributing everything that happened to malfunctions in the planet's protective layer.

Now even if the sun shone brightly people always carried umbrellas in their hands, fearing a sudden storm.

"As if this wasn't enough, I have to go to work in this damn storm..." Bai Zemin sighed to himself and turned around to look for warmer clothes from the closet.

Bai Zemin was just a normal 20-year-old student. His father was a small civil employee with no power and his mother taught English at an elementary school.

On the other hand, when he was still 12, his mother brought home a pretty girl who was three years younger than him; her name was Meng Qi. Her parents had passed away, leaving her alone since no other family member wanted to take care of her.

His mother, being the best friend of Meng Qi's mother, decided to take care of the girl. Since then, the four of them had been living together and currently, Meng Qi was a student at a prestigious high school in the capital; she would be attending the same university of Bai Zemin next year.

As Bai Zemin was rummaging through his clothes, the whole world seemed to shudder fiercely as many things began to move from their places. Quickly he held on to the closet tightly, preventing it from collapsing on top of his body and crushing him.

Bai Zemin felt something strange inside him as if he had been punched hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. His face turned pale and he had the urge to vomit, barely restraining himself.

After about ten seconds, everything seemed to return to normal.

Things stopped moving, the few paintings that had been saved from falling to the ground no longer threatened to fall. and the sound of the rain falling fiercely could be heard again.

The choking and suffocating sensation that Bai Zemin had felt a moment ago disappeared and the cold coming through the broken windows embraced his body. However, he could no longer worry about the cold, the rain, or the previous earth-shaking.

[The Soul Record has arrived on Planet Earth. You can now view your status window whenever you wish. The first time, the window will open as a test].

"...What is this...?" He muttered to himself as he read the strange green message that had appeared on his retina.

[Bai Zemin -

Level: 0

Race: Human

Job: None

Title: None

Strength: 12 (10) / Agility: 11 (10) / Health: 10 (10) / Stamina: 10 (10) / Mana: 109 (0) / Magic: 109 (10)]

Bai Zemin's body was slim, but under his clothes were hidden very nice muscles due to his constant work as well as training. Considering that the number in parentheses shown in his status window was the base for a normal human being, the condition of his body was quite decent.

"Magic...?" He looked at the word magic with wide eyes.

Magic! A classic element of fantasy movies and light novels! Now, not only had a strange window appeared that seemed to display his physical talents, but the attribute magic had also appeared on him!

"Interesting... To think that I would meet a human with a high aptitude for magic as soon as I arrived in this lower world."

A seductive, playful, and even a bit innocent voice sounded from behind him, blocking him from thinking any further about the events that had occurred.

Bai Zemin turned around only to be stunned.

A beautiful woman capable of provoking wars between nations was there when clearly no one was there before. Her skin was pale white with no imperfections and seemed to glow in the light, contrasting with her black hair that fell like a waterfall to the bottom of her back. Her eyes were a striking red that shone like two beautiful rubies. A black one-piece dress hugged her seductive curves, clinging to her body tightly, exposing only her two slender arms and two long, slender legs that could make even a saint drool.

Bai Zemin had never seen such a beautiful woman in his entire life. The woman before him not only had a seductive and charming aura but also had an innocent expression that did not seem to match with her body.

However, before he could even ask for anything, several sounds and cries coming from outside made his body instinctively move to the window to see what was happening.

Outside, the whole world he knew had changed and what his eyes saw now was no longer the same thing he had seen just a minute ago.

People were running everywhere, screaming and begging for help as they tried with all their might to get away from other people. However, the scariest thing was that there were many people eating other people as if they were beasts.


A pretty girl was running for her life as she looked behind her, getting as far away from one of those strange people as possible. In an oversight, she tripped against a stone and fell to the ground.

"Watch out!" Bai Zemin unconsciously shouted.

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

One of those strange people, with its bloody mouth, caught the girl who had fallen and fiercely bit one of the young girl's arms, making her cry out in pain.

"Save me!" The young girl screamed painfully as she tried to free herself. Her expression was truly pitiful, unfortunately for her, none of the people running could be bothered with her as they were too preoccupied trying to save their own lives. Soon, her body stopped moving.

However, a few moments later, the girl stood up and began to stagger slowly as she chased after the noise.

Seeing this, Bai Zemin's complexion turned pale as he suddenly realized that these strange creatures were practically identical to the zombies from the Resident Evil movies.

"Ah! What's that!?" Bai Zemin was shocked when he saw a bee the size of a human fist suddenly buzzing toward a zombie.

The zombie didn't even react to the attack when the bee's huge stinger pierced its head, directly crushing its brain and killing it on the spot.

The bee opened the zombie's head and began to eat something. After a few moments, its body seemed to grow a few more inches before it stopped.

As if sensing something, the bee left the zombie's corpse and shot straight towards the male dormitory.

Bai Zemin's face changed when he saw that strange bee charging towards him. The bee's speed was really fast and in just a few blinks it had crossed the broken window, aiming its sharp blood-stained stinger at his face.

Bai Zemin reacted on instinct. His right hand reached out and grabbed a wooden chair next to him. Without even taking a second to think, he struck forward with all his strength.

The wooden chair impacted hard against the bee, sending it flying against the adjoining wall.

Seeing that the bee had fallen to the ground but was still moving, Bai Zemin raised the chair above his head and struck the bee's body fiercely three times before the creature stopped moving.

A white energy orb shot out of the giant bee's body and entered his body.

[You gain level 5 Big Bee's soul power. Agility +2, Strength +2]

[You have reached level 1. You acquire two status points to distribute freely].

Two messages flashed before Bai Zemin's retina. He was surprised to discover how that strange energy seemed to nourish his muscles and bones, making his body more powerful quickly.

"What is this?" Bai Zemin quickly stepped forward to pick up what was next to the bee's corpse.

[Blood Manipulation (First Order Skill) Level 5: You can control the blood flow of your body or the blood of your enemies to some extent. The effect of the skill depends on the user's magical power, mana, and imagination]

A strange blood-red scroll was in his hands. The scroll emanated a sinister aura and although it was clean and smooth, it gave off a faint smell of blood from its interior.

"That's a really powerful skill!" A somewhat surprised exclamation brought him out of his thoughts.

Because of everything that happened and because he had almost lost his life a few moments ago, Bai Zemin had forgotten the woman who had suddenly appeared in his room.

He turned around and looked at the beautiful woman cautiously. Even if she was beautiful, with all the strange things going on he didn't care.

"Who are you?" Bai Zemin asked in a deep voice as he gripped the chair in his hands. Temporarily it was his only weapon, there was no choice.

"Hehe~" The beauty giggled softly, her face changed from innocent to charming like a seductress. "My name is Lilith, a Sixth Order succubus belonging to the Demon Faction."

Chapter 2

Blood Manipulation (Part 1)

Bai Zemin was confused when he heard the beautiful woman's unusual introduction to him. However, although confused, he came to accept it rather easily.

"I see." Bai Zemin nodded. His expression was indifferent and his guard was still up. Even if he couldn't win, at least he didn't want to be slaughtered without fighting for his life. "So, what are you doing here?"

Lilith blinked her beautiful ruby eyes and her long eyelashes fluttered for a split second. She looked at the human in front of her with growing interest and said a little surprised, "You're not surprised by what I just told you? You believe me so easily?"

"Believe you?" Bai Zemin smiled bitterly and pointed towards the window before looking at the fist-sized bee he had just killed as he said, "The world outside is already a mess. A bee that should normally be the same size as two or three human fingernails is now the size of a grown man's fist... As if that wasn't enough, these strange messages keep flashing before me in a strange way. Why wouldn't I believe you?"

"Even though you are just a lower existence, I like you... A person who knows how to accept reality as it is, the sooner the better. You can probably live a long time, human." Lilith's lips curved into a charming smile. She looked at Bai Zemin as if she was a maiden in love and said with an innocent expression but in a seductive tone, "How about you become mine? I promise to take good care of you~"

"I'm sorry, but I don't want you to suck my life essence to death." Bai Zemin said indifferently. But only he knew that saying those words had cost all his willpower. The woman before him was simply too beautiful; every gesture, every word, every frown, and smile was fatal to any man.

However, his life was the most important thing at the moment.

Lilith wanted to say something but soon realized that Bai Zemin was ignoring her, his gaze fixed on the red scroll in his hands.

"You only have to wish to learn it and you will naturally learn it." Lilith pointed out as if she knew about his doubts.

Bai Zemin nodded slowly before closing his eyes. He wished to learn the scroll in his hands and as if by magic, his brain seemed to receive a flood of information as a strange deep red rune appeared in his conscience.

Bai Zemin felt the blood inside his body circulating rapidly as a result of his agitated emotions. He could even hear the blood inside Lilith's body rushing normally, showing how calm she was. At the same time, he indistinctly felt that if he wanted to, he could affect the movement of his own blood; as for Lilith's blood, he didn't feel that he could do anything to it at the moment.

[You have learned an external active skill. You can learn 4 more external active skills].

As he opened his eyes again, green letters flickered on his retina and the blood-red scroll that was in his hands just a moment ago disappeared as if it had never been there.

Bai Zemin frowned trying to understand the meaning of the message, but it was impossible for him to comprehend it unless he sat there to study everything carefully. Unfortunately, he didn't have that time.


The wooden door of his room received a resounding bang from the outside and Bai Zemin was forced to prepare himself for the worst.

The banging continued uninterrupted and the grunts coming from the other side of the door made it obvious that at least one zombie was trying to break through and, seeing how hard the door was being hit and how the hinges seemed about to give way at any moment, he knew he didn't have too much time to stand around without doing anything.

His brain worked quickly and without hesitation he rushed to the TV, ripping off the wire forcefully. He then tied one end of the long black wire to the bed and the other end to one of the desk legs.

After that, he walked over to the bee and started poking at something.

Lilith watched his movements curiously with no intention of commenting on it and silently so as not to disturb him.


The wooden door finally could not withstand the constant assault and burst open with a small explosion. Immediately after the door was kicked down, two students who had turned into zombies staggered in.

Their blood-stained faces looked grotesque. Bai Zemin could even see several bite marks where the flesh had horribly sloughed off.

If it were him a few minutes ago, it would probably be hard for him to bear the urge to vomit from the sickening odor given off by the two moving corpses. However, after learning the skill Blood Manipulation, everything was different for him.

It was well known that emotions affect the cardiovascular system of the human body to a certain extent. The greater the stress, the greater the amount of blood pumped by the heart, thus increasing circulation as a consequence. Then, Bai Zemin came up with a slightly crazy idea... Was it possible that in some sense the blood circulation inside the body could affect the emotions a bit?

Since there had never been anyone capable of controlling the blood to affect emotions, such a thing could never be proven. But after acquiring Blood Manipulation, Bai Zemin discovered to his delight that while he was still a bit nervous, he was no longer as scared as before.

The two zombies advanced rather slowly in Bai Zemin's direction. Although the creatures' eyes were completely white as if they were blind, they seemed to be able to smell life emanating from his body since their movements had a fairly clear direction.

Just as they advanced, the two mindless zombies suddenly tripped over the wire that Bai Zemin planted a few centimeters above the ground. The bed creaked and moved slightly due to the strong pull, but it was enough for the two zombies to fall flat on their faces.

Bai Zemin's eyes flashed as he shot forward at full speed unwilling to pass up the opportunity. Reaching in front of the first zombie, he mercilessly stabbed the head of the now helpless creature with the sting of the bee he had killed not long ago.

The mutated bee's stinger had a length of two human fingers and a width of at least three fingers; so it easily pierced the zombie's head, crushing the brain and killing the creature.

Before the second zombie could react, Bai Zemin quickly stabbed its head ruthlessly, killing it in a second as well.

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 4. You get +4 Stamina].

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3. You get +1 Stamina].

[You have leveled up to level 2. You get 2 status points to distribute freely].

Before Bai Zemin could sigh in relief and relax his nerves, two more zombies staggered into the room while growling in his direction.

Due to the strong pull of the other two zombies, the wire was currently practically dragging on the ground, making the small trap completely useless.

However, Bai Zemin did not panic and quickly concentrated. With a thought, he mobilized the mana within his body according to the instructions of the skill Blood Manipulation.

After spending twenty mana points, Bai Zemin used the blood of the two zombies killed by him earlier and, just as the two new zombies passed by the corpses of their kind, two arrows of red bloodshot out at full speed towards the back of the creatures' heads.

The congealed blood arrows were extremely sharp after being controlled by Bai Zemin and easily pierced through the head of the two zombies, crushing part of the brain and killing the two creatures easily.

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3. You get +1 Stamina]

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3]

"Strong!" Bai Zemin's eyes flashed as he looked at his hands. However, he soon noticed that from the corpse of the second zombie, he did not gain any stamina boost or other attribute.

Seeing his frown, Lilith, who had been silent, patiently explained: "The more creatures of the same type and level you kill, the less benefit you will get as your soul power acquires some resistance against them. Only by killing other creatures will you be able to acquire more benefits... Of course, you can still level up by killing those low-level zombies, but you will only get two status points when you level up, no extra benefits."

Bai Zemin looked at her gratefully which his doubts were cleared. However, he soon asked again, "Why are you here?"

Only now that his nerves had calmed down a bit did he finally dare to ask more questions. If he had done so earlier, he might have died in a zombie's mouth or been killed by the giant bee from before.

Lilith puckered her lips and giggled playfully as she pointed to the door and said, "I'll explain everything later. For now, don't you think it's better for you to look for a safe place?"

Bai Zemin looked at the broken-down door and finally nodded. In fact, this was not the best place to ask questions so he quickly said, "You're right. Let me pick up a few things and then we'll leave this place."

He quickly grabbed a mountain backpack and stowed the cable he had used earlier, two large bottles of pure water, and some snacks he had bought earlier. He had nothing else of use there.

Then, Bai Zemin looked out the window and couldn't help but complain, "Really me and my bad luck..."

Bai Zemin's room was on the fifth floor. It was impossible for him to climb down through the window. With no other option, he had no choice but to walk to the door to get out of the building.

Lilith's beautiful ruby eyes had a strange glint in them as she looked at the head wound of the two zombies that Bai Zemin had killed with his Blood Manipulation skill. Her full red lips curved into a charming smile before slowly following him out.

Chapter 3

Blood Manipulation (Part 2)

As he walked down the hallway of the guys' dormitory complex, Bai Zemin had the nerves in his body tense and his muscles bulged slightly due to the tension.

Because today was Saturday, most of the guys in the dormitory had gone out to enjoy the good life. Most of them could have fun during the times when studying was not necessary as their families supported them from behind. Unfortunately, Bai Zemin's life was not so good.

The salary of his father and mother together could only afford to pay for the college expenses of one of them; Bai Zemin or Meng Qi. Because of this, Bai Zemin strongly refused to accept his parents' money and started working in a repair shop near the university. That way, he could study and his younger foster sister could study as well. Although she felt guilty, there were not many options for a poor family.

Lilith, who was following him step by step, suddenly said in a casual voice, "How about using the four free status points you have?"

Bai Zemin did not look back and replied while he shook his head, "No. If I use them casually now, I might regret it later. Right now I don't know which attribute could save my life in times of need and a sudden impulse might be my only hope."

Lilith was silent for a few seconds before nodding in understanding. She licked her lips as she looked at his back with glittering eyes and purred, "I like you more and more~"

Bai Zemin's breathing became slightly heavy as he heard that charming tone of voice and it took all his willpower not to turn around to rip the clothes of the beauty behind him. Something told him that if he tried to do something like that, he would probably regret it for the rest of his life.

Besides, even though she seemed to be helping him, Bai Zemin was a careful person by nature. Therefore, he was still with his guard slightly up against Lilith.

Suddenly three male zombies appeared at the end of the corridor, crawling towards him with trembling steps. Although these creatures gave the feeling that they might fall at any moment, their steps never missed and they held steady as they walked slowly but surely.

Bai Zemin could feel himself becoming somewhat anxious at the appearance of the three threats and quickly used his skill to forcibly calm himself. He knew that losing control over his emotions at such a crucial moment could be the cause of his death.

Lilith looked at his back with a smile. She was really curious to see how he would come out of this situation.

Currently, there was no trap set up nor was there any blood in the vicinity to use. While Bai Zemin could turn around and go back to his room to make use of the corpse of the zombies he had killed earlier, that would leave him exposed to more zombies coming out of the locked rooms as the sound of banging could be heard uninterrupted. Obviously, at this rate, many zombies would soon come out and seal the way out.

Bai Zemin took a deep breath and slowly walked forward while watching the movement of the zombies. They moved really slowly, but that didn't stop them from being terrifying in their own right and, as far as Bai Zemin had seen so far, a scratch meant death.

He tried to make use of his Blood Manipulation skill only to discover to his consternation that it seemed to have no use against these zombies.

Lilith felt the flow of mana and knew what he wanted to do so she quickly explained: "Although your skill is really strong, dead creatures are practically your nemesis during the initial stages as these zombies feel no pain. Try to warm their blood and then guide it to the eyes!"

Bai Zemin's eyes flashed and he quickly understood what the succubus behind him meant. With a thought, he spent fifteen points of mana fiercely reheat the blood inside the zombies' bodies and guided it to the eyes.

The results showed immediately.

The eyes of the three zombies exploded due to the internal heat and blood began to gush out like a fountain. Bai Zemin did not pass up the opportunity and spent another thirty points of mana to create three frozen blood arrows from the blood the creatures spilled, killing the three zombies at the same time.

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3].

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3].

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3].

[You have leveled up to level 3. You get 2 status points to distribute freely].

Bai Zemin had killed 2 other zombies after reaching level 2 in his room, one of them was level 4. With the accumulation of three other level 3 zombies, he leveled up again.

The only regrettable thing was that he could not acquire benefits from these level 3 zombies other than experience.

Every time Bai Zemin leveled up, his stats would recover to the maximum point immediately. In short, even though he had spent 20 mana points in his room and another 45 just now to defeat the zombies, his mana recovered because he had leveled up.

After thinking for a moment, Bai Zemin took out a bottle of water and emptied its contents on the ground. Enduring the urge to vomit from the foul smell and bad appearance of the dead zombies, he walked over to the corpses and filled the bottle with blood.

Previously he was forced to spend fifteen points of mana to force the zombies' blood out. This kind of consumption was one he could not afford. After all, he was now leveling up fast but he knew that things would not always be so easy.

* * *

Bai Zemin's hunting became much more efficient as he went down floor by floor.

Making use of the blood he had saved, he created small strings by spending only two points of mana, binding the movement of the zombies for a moment. Bai Zemin would take advantage of that brief moment to approach and stab the zombies' brains with the mutated bee stinger.

So far, Bai Zemin had killed a total of 33 zombies from the moment he left his room.

A thin strand of blood slid silently across the floor, catching one of the legs of a zombie, causing its body to almost fall and stopping it in place.

Taking advantage of his 13 points of agility, which made him almost 50% faster than a normal person before the apocalypse, Bai Zemin quickly circled around and stabbed hard at the back of the zombie's head, raising the sum to 34.

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 4].

[You have leveled up to level 5. You get 2 status points to distribute freely].

Reading the green message flashing on his retina, Bai Zemin let out a sigh of relief. To climb from level 4 to level 5 he was forced to kill about 16 zombies, which had drained his stamina quite a bit and several mana points.

Upon reaching the 1st floor, Bai Zemin's footsteps stopped and he looked at the zombie blocking his path in shock.

This zombie had two grotesque and powerful arms the size of a grown man's thighs. It was also taller, at least 2 meters tall.

Obviously, this zombie was a more dangerous species.

The hulking zombie also sensed Bai Zemin's life source less than five meters away and moved toward him.

Although this particular zombie was slower than Bai Zemin, it was at least twice as fast as normal zombies. Taken by surprise, Bai Zemin panicked and quickly moved his head to the side, dodging the zombie's fist by a notch.


The zombie's fist caused a hole in the wall behind Bai Zemin and his face turned white as he realized that if that attack had hit him his head would have exploded like a watermelon falling from a tenth floor.

In the moment of crisis, Bai Zemin kicked with his 14 strength points forward, forcing the burly zombie back a few steps.

Before the zombie could attack again, Bai Zemin threw a wave of blood into the air and directly spent 40 mana points to create four blood chains.

Unlike the small strings of frozen blood, these blood chains looked much more robust and sturdy. After all, Bai Zemin only needed two or three mana points to create a blood string, but for these chains, he had used ten points each.

Under his control, the blood chains tightly wrapped around the corpulent zombie's body, throwing it to the ground.

Seeing his opponent incapacitated, Bai Zemin advanced and stabbed with the mutated bee stinger. However, to his surprise, the stinger that was even sharper than a knife had only managed to pierce a few centimeters before being stopped by the zombie's flesh.

The strange zombie began to struggle in an attempt to break free, but the chains of blood clung tightly and would not allow it to break free.

Still, Bai Zemin dared not relax and stabbed nonstop at the same spot over and over again. It was only after nearly twenty stabs with all his strength that he finally managed to crush the zombie's brain into a bloody mess.

[You have acquired soul power of Strength Zombie level 15. Strength +6, Health +5].

[You have leveled up to level 6...].

[You have leveled up to level 7...].

[You have leveled up to level 8. You get 2 status points to distribute freely].

Bai Zemin felt his body become much more powerful than before in a matter of seconds and the tiredness he felt after stabbing with all his might twenty times was slightly relieved.

"Ah! What is this?" Bai Zemin advanced and picked up a strange orb that had fallen from the corpse of the Strength Zombie.








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A Sky God's Spiritual Foundation. It was the greatest natural treasure in all of existence, but the sacrifices one must make to gain the approval of such an entity was unimaginable. Ryu is a genius amongst geniuses. He was born with the four Grand Ancestral Bloodlines. The Lightning Qilin. The Fire Dragon. The Ice Phoenix. The Fire Phoenix… He was blessed with an Ancestral Grade Bone Structure and Ancestral Grade Meridians. The Ice Jade Crystal Bones. The Chaotic Silk Meridians… He was bestowed the First Ranked Heavenly Pupils. The Mysteries of Heaven and Earth Pupils… However, none of it mattered. Born with a False Spiritual Foundation, it seemed that all of his talent would go to waste. Unless… Unless he was willing to grasp his Fate in his own hands. ---------------------- For the months of Oct and Nov >> Bonus chapter every 500 ps and 50 golden tickets. ------------------ For Updates - @Awespec on twitter or https://discord.gg/awespec for discord Cover Credits: crowgod. artstation. com **This novel once went by another name 'Rise. Rising. Risen.' So, the wiki is still under this name https://rise-rising-risen.fandom.com/wiki/Ryu_Tatsuya

Awespec · Martial Arts

4.51417 Chs



Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate

Good Looks: Check! OP Skills: Check! Face Slapping: Check! PP Size: Check! Lucien was more than ready to embark in his new adventure to save a dying world from destruction as part of the Heaven's Gate Project. However, just as he was about to be sent to the world that he was about to save, an accident happened, which forced his Patron God, the God of Gamblers, to take another gamble in order to preserve his chosen candidate's life. Lucien, who's new identity was named Lux, found himself in a world where darkness could be light, and light could be dark. A world where morality was but a thin line from depravity, and a happy ending could only be gained, by facing the world and slapping it with a Legion of the Undying. ----------- Author's other stories. Reincarnated With The Strongest System (Completed) Wizard World Irregular Story Collaboration with other Authors. Kingdom Building Done Right!

Elyon · Fantasy

4.8972 Chs



God´s Eyes

Losing his parent early on, he had to survive in a world he couldn't even see... Blind and left alone, he was seen as a parasite by the social hierarchy of the new ages filled with martial arts and soulbonds Forced to mature early his train of thought was different from his peers as he didn´t mind derogatory reviews about him. The day he awoke his soul was the day he cried in desperation while God played tricks with him as his soul-awakening was a blessing in disguise. Nobody would have ever imagined that he was neither blind nor a parasite until the final moment, he opened his golden eyes that flickered brightly, eagerly waiting to devour everyone daring to obstruct his path towards the summit. Follow Jason on his adventurous journey throughout the vast universe filled with miraculous sceneries and mysterious beings. Some readers might not like information, but I do! ------ Discord-server= https://discord.gg/EdsDgFVWwZ *This is my first novel, please bear that in mind. I appreciate all kinds of sincere advice and comments* ------

HideousGrain · Magical Realism

4.61115 Chs



My Three Wives Are Beautiful Vampires.

Victor was a normal 21-year-old man, he grew up in a loving family that helped him take care of himself knowing that he had a practically incurable disease, the RH null blood, he was the owner of a rare blood type... But what Victor didn't know, is that this blood type was a delicacy in the supernatural world, creatures that fed on blood loved his blood type... And that blood he hated would be the factor that would make Victor the greatest vampire of all time. ......... [A/N: The cover is mine, it's original.] This novel is being edited by: IsUnavailable, And Davo 2138. If you want to support me so that I can pay artists to illustrate the characters in my novel, visit my Patreon: patreon.com/VictorWeismann More characters images in: https://discord.gg/4FETZAf

Victor_Weismann · Fantasy

4.9863 Chs

Reincarnated With The Strongest System Book

Novel - Fantasy

Reincarnated With The Strongest System


Completed · 27.2M Views

1475 Chs






WSA 2021 Gold Prize

WSA 2021 Gold Prize


"Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only Light can do that," the Goddess Amalthea said as she held William in her loving embrace. "Hate cannot drive out hate, only Love can do that."

In order to help his little brothers and sisters at the orphanage, and save the person he loves, William decided to make the ultimate sacrifice.

This selfless act moved the hearts of the Gods into gifting William the opportunity to enter the Cycle of Reincarnation with their blessings. Together with his Mama Ella, and a herd of goats, William embarks on a new journey to find the meaning of happiness in his new life.

In a world of Swords and Magic, where adventures roam wild and free, the tale of the Legendary Shepherd is about to begin!

[Disclaimer: You might get addicted reading this story.]


Author's other stories.

Strongest Necromancer of Heaven's Gate

Wizard World Irregular

Story Collaboration with other Authors.

Kingdom Building Done Right


P.S I would like to thank my editor RedPandaChick for always being there to help me with the edits of my story.

Special thanks to Eranoth for helping me Fine-Tune the novel to make it more consistent and less chaotic.


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Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse Book

Novel - Fantasy

Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner in the Apocalypse


Ongoing · 22.4M Views

1342 Chs






WSA 2021 Gold Prize

WSA 2021 Gold Prize


The legendary mana finally reached planet Earth, causing all living things to officially enter the path of evolution.

Animals turned into terrifying beasts, some plants gained self-awareness, and humans who managed to withstand the wave of mana awakened the ability to acquire skills by defeating powerful enemies.

The entire planet entered a new era where the old laws fell. The only law was the law of the jungle where the strongest devoured the weakest.

Bai Zemin, an apparently normal college student, turned out to be an unparalleled genius in the path of magic. This caught the attention of a beautiful demoness who would become his partner in this journey to the absolute top.

God, Angel, Demon, Dragon, Vampire, Werewolf; no existence will be worthy of being his enemy!

Disclaimer: The 'Earth' in this novel is not the same Earth we are currently living on so do not use our common sense for this novel. This is pure fantasy, after all.


Successes achieved:

#Top 1 in sales for more than 1 year in a row.

#Top 1 in Golden Tickets for 10 months in a row.

#Among the top 25 in all the charts since its release.

#Winner of 1st place in the most popular webnovel event in 2021.

#Winner of a possibility of adaptation.


Support me: pat reon.com/XIETIAN

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Chapter 1

Soul Record

In a room belonging to the male dormitory of Beijing University.

"This weather is really killing me..." Bai Zemin complained lightly as he looked at the world through the window.

The rain was falling as if a deluge had beaten down on the world. The sound of the water drops hitting the window pane was soothing, but he could not appreciate the benefit.

For the past year, the world's weather had become absurd from one day to the next. Deserts were suddenly flooded with all kinds of storms and the earth's poles began to defrost due to high temperatures. However, this was not all.

Even when icy places like Antarctica began to thaw overnight, the next day temperatures plummeted again, freezing everything over.

Scientists simply had no way of explaining the phenomenon. However, as a consequence of this, the major nations of the world practically forced the rest of the smaller countries to be careful with pollution, attributing everything that happened to malfunctions in the planet's protective layer.

Now even if the sun shone brightly people always carried umbrellas in their hands, fearing a sudden storm.

"As if this wasn't enough, I have to go to work in this damn storm..." Bai Zemin sighed to himself and turned around to look for warmer clothes from the closet.

Bai Zemin was just a normal 20-year-old student. His father was a small civil employee with no power and his mother taught English at an elementary school.

On the other hand, when he was still 12, his mother brought home a pretty girl who was three years younger than him; her name was Meng Qi. Her parents had passed away, leaving her alone since no other family member wanted to take care of her.

His mother, being the best friend of Meng Qi's mother, decided to take care of the girl. Since then, the four of them had been living together and currently, Meng Qi was a student at a prestigious high school in the capital; she would be attending the same university of Bai Zemin next year.

As Bai Zemin was rummaging through his clothes, the whole world seemed to shudder fiercely as many things began to move from their places. Quickly he held on to the closet tightly, preventing it from collapsing on top of his body and crushing him.

Bai Zemin felt something strange inside him as if he had been punched hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. His face turned pale and he had the urge to vomit, barely restraining himself.

After about ten seconds, everything seemed to return to normal.

Things stopped moving, the few paintings that had been saved from falling to the ground no longer threatened to fall. and the sound of the rain falling fiercely could be heard again.

The choking and suffocating sensation that Bai Zemin had felt a moment ago disappeared and the cold coming through the broken windows embraced his body. However, he could no longer worry about the cold, the rain, or the previous earth-shaking.

[The Soul Record has arrived on Planet Earth. You can now view your status window whenever you wish. The first time, the window will open as a test].

"...What is this...?" He muttered to himself as he read the strange green message that had appeared on his retina.

[Bai Zemin -

Level: 0

Race: Human

Job: None

Title: None

Strength: 12 (10) / Agility: 11 (10) / Health: 10 (10) / Stamina: 10 (10) / Mana: 109 (0) / Magic: 109 (10)]

Bai Zemin's body was slim, but under his clothes were hidden very nice muscles due to his constant work as well as training. Considering that the number in parentheses shown in his status window was the base for a normal human being, the condition of his body was quite decent.

"Magic...?" He looked at the word magic with wide eyes.

Magic! A classic element of fantasy movies and light novels! Now, not only had a strange window appeared that seemed to display his physical talents, but the attribute magic had also appeared on him!

"Interesting... To think that I would meet a human with a high aptitude for magic as soon as I arrived in this lower world."

A seductive, playful, and even a bit innocent voice sounded from behind him, blocking him from thinking any further about the events that had occurred.

Bai Zemin turned around only to be stunned.

A beautiful woman capable of provoking wars between nations was there when clearly no one was there before. Her skin was pale white with no imperfections and seemed to glow in the light, contrasting with her black hair that fell like a waterfall to the bottom of her back. Her eyes were a striking red that shone like two beautiful rubies. A black one-piece dress hugged her seductive curves, clinging to her body tightly, exposing only her two slender arms and two long, slender legs that could make even a saint drool.

Bai Zemin had never seen such a beautiful woman in his entire life. The woman before him not only had a seductive and charming aura but also had an innocent expression that did not seem to match with her body.

However, before he could even ask for anything, several sounds and cries coming from outside made his body instinctively move to the window to see what was happening.

Outside, the whole world he knew had changed and what his eyes saw now was no longer the same thing he had seen just a minute ago.

People were running everywhere, screaming and begging for help as they tried with all their might to get away from other people. However, the scariest thing was that there were many people eating other people as if they were beasts.


A pretty girl was running for her life as she looked behind her, getting as far away from one of those strange people as possible. In an oversight, she tripped against a stone and fell to the ground.

"Watch out!" Bai Zemin unconsciously shouted.

Unfortunately, it was already too late.

One of those strange people, with its bloody mouth, caught the girl who had fallen and fiercely bit one of the young girl's arms, making her cry out in pain.

"Save me!" The young girl screamed painfully as she tried to free herself. Her expression was truly pitiful, unfortunately for her, none of the people running could be bothered with her as they were too preoccupied trying to save their own lives. Soon, her body stopped moving.

However, a few moments later, the girl stood up and began to stagger slowly as she chased after the noise.

Seeing this, Bai Zemin's complexion turned pale as he suddenly realized that these strange creatures were practically identical to the zombies from the Resident Evil movies.

"Ah! What's that!?" Bai Zemin was shocked when he saw a bee the size of a human fist suddenly buzzing toward a zombie.

The zombie didn't even react to the attack when the bee's huge stinger pierced its head, directly crushing its brain and killing it on the spot.

The bee opened the zombie's head and began to eat something. After a few moments, its body seemed to grow a few more inches before it stopped.

As if sensing something, the bee left the zombie's corpse and shot straight towards the male dormitory.

Bai Zemin's face changed when he saw that strange bee charging towards him. The bee's speed was really fast and in just a few blinks it had crossed the broken window, aiming its sharp blood-stained stinger at his face.

Bai Zemin reacted on instinct. His right hand reached out and grabbed a wooden chair next to him. Without even taking a second to think, he struck forward with all his strength.

The wooden chair impacted hard against the bee, sending it flying against the adjoining wall.

Seeing that the bee had fallen to the ground but was still moving, Bai Zemin raised the chair above his head and struck the bee's body fiercely three times before the creature stopped moving.

A white energy orb shot out of the giant bee's body and entered his body.

[You gain level 5 Big Bee's soul power. Agility +2, Strength +2]

[You have reached level 1. You acquire two status points to distribute freely].

Two messages flashed before Bai Zemin's retina. He was surprised to discover how that strange energy seemed to nourish his muscles and bones, making his body more powerful quickly.

"What is this?" Bai Zemin quickly stepped forward to pick up what was next to the bee's corpse.

[Blood Manipulation (First Order Skill) Level 5: You can control the blood flow of your body or the blood of your enemies to some extent. The effect of the skill depends on the user's magical power, mana, and imagination]

A strange blood-red scroll was in his hands. The scroll emanated a sinister aura and although it was clean and smooth, it gave off a faint smell of blood from its interior.

"That's a really powerful skill!" A somewhat surprised exclamation brought him out of his thoughts.

Because of everything that happened and because he had almost lost his life a few moments ago, Bai Zemin had forgotten the woman who had suddenly appeared in his room.

He turned around and looked at the beautiful woman cautiously. Even if she was beautiful, with all the strange things going on he didn't care.

"Who are you?" Bai Zemin asked in a deep voice as he gripped the chair in his hands. Temporarily it was his only weapon, there was no choice.

"Hehe~" The beauty giggled softly, her face changed from innocent to charming like a seductress. "My name is Lilith, a Sixth Order succubus belonging to the Demon Faction."

Chapter 2

Blood Manipulation (Part 1)

Bai Zemin was confused when he heard the beautiful woman's unusual introduction to him. However, although confused, he came to accept it rather easily.

"I see." Bai Zemin nodded. His expression was indifferent and his guard was still up. Even if he couldn't win, at least he didn't want to be slaughtered without fighting for his life. "So, what are you doing here?"

Lilith blinked her beautiful ruby eyes and her long eyelashes fluttered for a split second. She looked at the human in front of her with growing interest and said a little surprised, "You're not surprised by what I just told you? You believe me so easily?"

"Believe you?" Bai Zemin smiled bitterly and pointed towards the window before looking at the fist-sized bee he had just killed as he said, "The world outside is already a mess. A bee that should normally be the same size as two or three human fingernails is now the size of a grown man's fist... As if that wasn't enough, these strange messages keep flashing before me in a strange way. Why wouldn't I believe you?"

"Even though you are just a lower existence, I like you... A person who knows how to accept reality as it is, the sooner the better. You can probably live a long time, human." Lilith's lips curved into a charming smile. She looked at Bai Zemin as if she was a maiden in love and said with an innocent expression but in a seductive tone, "How about you become mine? I promise to take good care of you~"

"I'm sorry, but I don't want you to suck my life essence to death." Bai Zemin said indifferently. But only he knew that saying those words had cost all his willpower. The woman before him was simply too beautiful; every gesture, every word, every frown, and smile was fatal to any man.

However, his life was the most important thing at the moment.

Lilith wanted to say something but soon realized that Bai Zemin was ignoring her, his gaze fixed on the red scroll in his hands.

"You only have to wish to learn it and you will naturally learn it." Lilith pointed out as if she knew about his doubts.

Bai Zemin nodded slowly before closing his eyes. He wished to learn the scroll in his hands and as if by magic, his brain seemed to receive a flood of information as a strange deep red rune appeared in his conscience.

Bai Zemin felt the blood inside his body circulating rapidly as a result of his agitated emotions. He could even hear the blood inside Lilith's body rushing normally, showing how calm she was. At the same time, he indistinctly felt that if he wanted to, he could affect the movement of his own blood; as for Lilith's blood, he didn't feel that he could do anything to it at the moment.

[You have learned an external active skill. You can learn 4 more external active skills].

As he opened his eyes again, green letters flickered on his retina and the blood-red scroll that was in his hands just a moment ago disappeared as if it had never been there.

Bai Zemin frowned trying to understand the meaning of the message, but it was impossible for him to comprehend it unless he sat there to study everything carefully. Unfortunately, he didn't have that time.


The wooden door of his room received a resounding bang from the outside and Bai Zemin was forced to prepare himself for the worst.

The banging continued uninterrupted and the grunts coming from the other side of the door made it obvious that at least one zombie was trying to break through and, seeing how hard the door was being hit and how the hinges seemed about to give way at any moment, he knew he didn't have too much time to stand around without doing anything.

His brain worked quickly and without hesitation he rushed to the TV, ripping off the wire forcefully. He then tied one end of the long black wire to the bed and the other end to one of the desk legs.

After that, he walked over to the bee and started poking at something.

Lilith watched his movements curiously with no intention of commenting on it and silently so as not to disturb him.


The wooden door finally could not withstand the constant assault and burst open with a small explosion. Immediately after the door was kicked down, two students who had turned into zombies staggered in.

Their blood-stained faces looked grotesque. Bai Zemin could even see several bite marks where the flesh had horribly sloughed off.

If it were him a few minutes ago, it would probably be hard for him to bear the urge to vomit from the sickening odor given off by the two moving corpses. However, after learning the skill Blood Manipulation, everything was different for him.

It was well known that emotions affect the cardiovascular system of the human body to a certain extent. The greater the stress, the greater the amount of blood pumped by the heart, thus increasing circulation as a consequence. Then, Bai Zemin came up with a slightly crazy idea... Was it possible that in some sense the blood circulation inside the body could affect the emotions a bit?

Since there had never been anyone capable of controlling the blood to affect emotions, such a thing could never be proven. But after acquiring Blood Manipulation, Bai Zemin discovered to his delight that while he was still a bit nervous, he was no longer as scared as before.

The two zombies advanced rather slowly in Bai Zemin's direction. Although the creatures' eyes were completely white as if they were blind, they seemed to be able to smell life emanating from his body since their movements had a fairly clear direction.

Just as they advanced, the two mindless zombies suddenly tripped over the wire that Bai Zemin planted a few centimeters above the ground. The bed creaked and moved slightly due to the strong pull, but it was enough for the two zombies to fall flat on their faces.

Bai Zemin's eyes flashed as he shot forward at full speed unwilling to pass up the opportunity. Reaching in front of the first zombie, he mercilessly stabbed the head of the now helpless creature with the sting of the bee he had killed not long ago.

The mutated bee's stinger had a length of two human fingers and a width of at least three fingers; so it easily pierced the zombie's head, crushing the brain and killing the creature.

Before the second zombie could react, Bai Zemin quickly stabbed its head ruthlessly, killing it in a second as well.

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 4. You get +4 Stamina].

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3. You get +1 Stamina].

[You have leveled up to level 2. You get 2 status points to distribute freely].

Before Bai Zemin could sigh in relief and relax his nerves, two more zombies staggered into the room while growling in his direction.

Due to the strong pull of the other two zombies, the wire was currently practically dragging on the ground, making the small trap completely useless.

However, Bai Zemin did not panic and quickly concentrated. With a thought, he mobilized the mana within his body according to the instructions of the skill Blood Manipulation.

After spending twenty mana points, Bai Zemin used the blood of the two zombies killed by him earlier and, just as the two new zombies passed by the corpses of their kind, two arrows of red bloodshot out at full speed towards the back of the creatures' heads.

The congealed blood arrows were extremely sharp after being controlled by Bai Zemin and easily pierced through the head of the two zombies, crushing part of the brain and killing the two creatures easily.

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3. You get +1 Stamina]

[You have acquired soul power of Normal Zombie level 3]

"Strong!" Bai Zemin's eyes flashed as he looked at his hands. However, he soon noticed that from the corpse of the second zombie, he did not gain any stamina boost or other attribute.

Seeing his frown, Lilith, who had been silent, patiently explained: "The more creatures of the same type and level you kill, the less benefit you will get as your soul power acquires some resistance against them. Only by killing other creatures will you be able to acquire more benefits... Of course, you can still level up by killing those low-level zombies, but you will only get two status points when you level up, no extra benefits."

Bai Zemin looked at her gratefully which his doubts were cleared. However, he soon asked again, "Why are you here?"

Only now that his nerves had calmed down a bit did he finally dare to ask more questions. If he had done so earlier, he might have died in a zombie's mouth or been killed by the giant bee from before.

Lilith puckered her lips and giggled playfully as she pointed to the door and said, "I'll explain everything later. For now, don't you think it's better for you to look for a safe place?"

Bai Zemin looked at the broken-down door and finally nodded. In fact, this was not the best place to ask questions so he quickly said, "You're right. Let me pick up a few things and then we'll leave this place."

He quickly grabbed a mountain backpack and stowed the cable he had used earlier, two large bottles of pure water, and some snacks he had bought earlier. He had nothing else of use there.

Then, Bai Zemin looked out the window and couldn't help but complain, "Really me and my bad luck..."

Bai Zemin's room was on the fifth floor. It was impossible for him to climb down through the window. With no other option, he had no choice but to walk to the door to get out of the building.

Lilith's beautiful ruby eyes had a strange glint in them as she looked at the head wound of the two zombies that Bai Zemin had killed with his Blood Manipulation skill. Her full red lips curved into a charming smile before slowly following him out.

Chapter 3

Blood Manipulation (Part 2)

As he walked down the hallway of the guys' dormitory complex, Bai Zemin had the nerves in his body tense and his muscles bulged slightly due to the tension.

Because today was Saturday, most of the guys in the dormitory had gone out to enjoy the good life. Most of them could have fun during the times when studying was not necessary as their families supported them from behind. Unfortunately, Bai Zemin's life was not so good.

The salary of his father and mother together could only afford to pay for the college expenses of one of them; Bai Zemin or Meng Qi. Because of this, Bai Zemin strongly refused to accept his parents' money and started working in a repair shop near the university. That way, he could study and his younger foster sister could study as well. Although she felt guilty, there were not many options for a poor family.

Lilith, who was following him step by step, suddenly said in a casual voice, "How about using the four free status points you have?"

Bai Zemin did not look back and replied while he shook his head, "No. If I use them casually now, I might regret it later. Right now I don't know which attribute could save my life in times of need and a sudden impulse might be my only hope."

Lilith was silent for a few seconds before nodding in understanding. She licked her lips as she looked at his back with glittering eyes and purred, "I like you more and more~"