
Chapter 5 The Ability to Transform

Translator: 549690339

Thoughts whirled as Tang San stretched his body.

It was still very early before dawn, and the villagers, having toiled all day, usually went to bed early and slept soundly.

Tang San decided to venture deeper into the forest to see if there were any hidden treasures because the aura in the woods was clearly denser than in the village. Could there be some heaven-sent treasures deep in the forest?

After discovering that he couldn't awaken his Martial Soul in this world and could only practice the Mysterious Heaven Skill, Tang San's plan was simple: raise the level of the Mysterious Heaven Skill as high as possible to accumulate strength. Then he would consider how to use this power. With the supreme teachings from the Tang Sect's Mystic Sky Records, as long as his level was deep enough, self-preservation wouldn't be a problem.

Through his cultivation, he had gradually come to understand why humans were so weak in this world, relegated to the status of slaves.

This world, known as Falan Planet, had but one vast continent—Demon Monster Land. Both the Monster Clan and Spirit Clan possessed formidable innate abilities. In this aura-filled place, they need only to continuously absorb the spirituality of heaven and earth from birth to enhance their innate abilities and become very powerful. No other race could compare with them.

Humans, lacking any innate abilities for combat or any cultivation methods, were deemed completely useless unless they were clever and skilled with their hands—thus, they could only become slaves, subjugated by the powerful Monster and Spirit Clans.

Inside the forest, due to the enormous vegetation, the light was very dim. In this world, there existed something akin to the moon but it emitted a faint blue glow, which was very peculiar.

Within Tang San's eyes, a faint trace of purple flickered. This was another supreme teaching from the Mystic Sky Records, the Purple Demon Eyes, which required daily cultivation while gazing at the rising sun.

A couple of years ago, he could only practice it by barely peeking through door cracks. Recently, he had more opportunities for cultivation.

With the help of the Purple Demon Eyes, he could see the situation in the forest more clearly. The deeper he went, the stranger he felt in his heart.

In the world he once lived in, there existed creatures known as soul beasts, which were constantly oppressed by humans for living space, continuously resisting until they eventually coexisted peacefully with humans.

But atop Demon Monster Land, it was the Monsters and Spirit Monsters who ruled everything, and humans could only struggle to survive in contrast—it was like everything had turned upside down.

As he was moving forward, he suddenly heard some noises and instinctively dodged behind a large tree, concealing his breath.

"Thunk!" Not far in front of him, a figure fell down, tumbling to the ground and rolling twice.

The figure was breathing very rapidly, but the breaths were erratic, gasping and struggling to rise but seemingly lacking the strength, falling down again after a brief struggle.

Tang San didn't move. He only used his Purple Demon Eyes to keenly observe. To his surprise, the person lying on the ground turned out to be a human, his face covered with a mask, his appearance unseen, but his build was clearly human.

From the way he had leapt over earlier, it was evident he was no ordinary person.

A capable human? Tang San's eyes brightened. He didn't know enough about this world, as he was just confined to the small area of Wind Wolf Town. Suddenly seeing such a capable human was obviously a great surprise to him. However, the person carried a strong scent of blood, clearly wounded.

But at that moment, heavy footsteps approached.

They sounded like "thump, thump, thump," very fast.

Just as Tang San was preparing to emerge, he hastily concealed himself again.

"Awooo! He's over here!" A roar echoed, and then a robust figure leaped out of nowhere.

In the nighttime, his eyes glowed a ghostly green, clearly revealing that he was a Wolf Monster.

He had come running on all fours at a staggering speed; his height exceeded two meters as he stood up, his muscles brimming with explosive power.

A Third Stage Wolf Monster!

In the years he had spent here, Tang San had gleaned some understanding of the hierarchical system of Demon Monster Land. Here, status and strength were judged by one's Stage regardless of the race.

The lowest was the First Stage. Ordinary humans didn't even have a Stage; they belonged to the slave class.


For Wolf Monsters like these, they are born at the First Stage, and after reaching adulthood, they are at least at the Second Stage, while strong Wolf Monsters are at the Third Stage. And these are just the most common bloodlines of Wolf Monsters. It's said that higher levels of bloodlines are even more powerful. As for what the highest stage is in Demon Monster Land, Tang San doesn't know yet.

Wind Wolf Town is just a remote small town, and it is said that the Wolf Monster lord of Wind Wolf Town is probably at the Fifth Stage.

Comparing the Mysterious Heaven Method he was cultivating himself, Tang San had roughly made an assessment, and the energy intensity of the Mysterious Heaven Method at the same level should be roughly the same as that of the Monster Clan of the same rank.

Which means, now that he had cultivated to the third level of the Mysterious Heaven Method, his energy level was almost the same as that of these Third Stage Wolf Monsters.

The Third Stage Wind Wolf that had fallen from the sky immediately pounced on that human.

That human who was gasping on the ground obviously also sensed the danger. His body suddenly flipped to the side, avoiding the Wolf Monster's pounce. At the same time, he made a strange movement. His body seemed to elongate in an instant, his hands sprouting sharp claws, and a pale yellow halo appeared on the surface of his body.

Because his body was glowing, he became particularly conspicuous in the night. Tang San clearly saw a layer of brownish-yellow fur grow under his skin, patterned with dark brown spots.

And with this transformation, his speed suddenly increased. His sharp claws were aimed straight for the belly of the Third Stage Wind Wolf.

The Wolf Monster's front paws suddenly changed direction, colliding with the transformed human's sharp claws. A "ding ding" sound rang out sharply.

The human's strength was clearly not as good as his opponent's, and his body was immediately knocked back, clearly pausing for a moment as blood dripped from his lower abdomen.

Just at this moment, streaks of blue light suddenly flew from a distance, heading straight for the human who had fallen.

Wind blades!

The Third Stage Wind Wolf roared, and from its mouth, it too spat out a wind blade, slashing at the human.

At this life-or-death moment, the transformed human seemed to erupt with all his potential, abruptly bouncing up again, his speed incredibly fast, and he miraculously squeezed through those wind blades in the nick of time. The pale yellow glow on his body briefly flared up, his speed sharply increased, and he appeared lightning-fast in front of the Third Stage Wind Wolf.

His sharp claws swung out fiercely, and the Wolf Monster hurriedly used its own claws to block, but it was still a fraction too slow.

Whether it's any creature, when facing a life-or-death crisis, they can often burst out with great power, and this transformed human did exactly that.

His sharp claws struck faster than the Wolf Monster, slicing across its throat, and the next instant, he was also hit on the shoulder by the Wolf Monster's sharp claws, and was flung sideways, crashing to the ground.

"Hiss, hiss!" The Third Stage Wind Wolf kept making strange noises from its mouth, not bothering to pursue, it covered its throat with its claws, but the most vital blood vessel in its throat had been slashed open, and a great deal of blood spurted out, causing its green eyes to roll back, obviously suffering a fatal blow.

With a flash, another strong Wolf Monster launched itself into the fray, clearly the one who had released the wind blades from afar just now.

It roared furiously, "Damn it, Leopard Flash!"

That previous Third Stage Wind Wolf was now lying on the ground; no matter how it tried to stem the flow from its throat, it was in vain. That was effectively the final strike from the transformed human, completely severing its throat.


Another Third Stage Wind Wolf, which had pounced fiercely, charged at the human! Its sharp claws radiated a dim light, vaguely pulsating with the power of the wind element. This was the addition of wind blades to its wolf claws to unleash a more formidable attack.

At this point, from the darkness, an inconspicuous figure quietly swept out from the side. At this time, the Third Stage Wind Wolf's attention was all on the transformed human. It didn't notice his arrival at all.


I see some readers asking about the timeline of this book, and I can share it with everyone. The world that Tang San was reborn into is the Ice Age of the Divine Ripple Domain series, which I did not elaborate on. It is also the most miserable era for humans in this world.

The already published "Divine Amazing Realm's Unparalleled Pearl," "Divine Amazing Realm's Sea Dragon Pearl," and "Divine Amazing Realm's Netherworld Pearl" are all set in the dark era, which comes after the Ice Age in the timeline.
