
Soul Land: Live Quiz, The Whole World is Exposed by Me

Lin Yu found himself transmigrated to the world of Douluo Continent. At first, he was disheartened, lamenting the lack of a "golden finger" to help him survive in this new world. However, to his astonishment, a mysterious power suddenly manifested, one that bound everyone across the Douluo Continent to its will! On that fateful day, all the inhabitants were drawn into a grand live broadcast room, where they were required to periodically participate in a quiz that would reveal deep, hidden truths. [A Yin]: "What? My son has already passed away? And now another soul resides within his body?" [Bibi Dong]: "Yu Xiaogang, I never imagined that such ulterior motives drove your approach. How despicable and deceitful you are!" [Qian Renxue]: "Please, do not reveal anything about me in the broadcasts!" [Deep Sea Demon Whale King]: "Hmph! The Sea God? He’s nothing more than an ungrateful figure who loves to label others unjustly!" [Meng Shu]: "Lin Yu, if you’re willing to grant me the Dragon Yuan, I will offer my granddaughter in return." If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. patreon.com/MythMosaic

MythMosaic · Anime et bandes dessinées
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127 Chs

Chapter 93: Tang San’s Stroke of Luck, the Heartbreak of the Flower Lover!

In the livestream, as the illusionary space displayed the images of the four celestial herbs, Lin Yu, sitting on a rock in the back mountains of Nuoding Academy, looked frustrated.

He didn't recognize any of them!

Even though Lin Yu was familiar with Douluo Dalu's plot, and could probably guess the names of herbs that had appeared in the story, the problem was that none of these particular herbs seemed to match anything from Douluo Dalu.

This was awkward.

Was the prize going to fall into Tang San's hands again?

How infuriating!

The thought that Tang San might be the one to answer correctly left Lin Yu burning with frustration.

Meanwhile, as the spirit masters of Douluo Continent's major factions were puzzled about the names of the herbs, far away in a forest in the Star Dou Mountains, Tang San was feeling ecstatic.

Just as Lin Yu suspected, Tang San recognized them all!

Haha! It seems that fortune is favoring me once again! Tang San thought with excitement.

He quickly identified the four celestial herbs by their appearance and unique traits.

The first one looked like an orchid but was entirely blue, with purple stars and moon-shaped markings on its leaves. The petals of its flower were pure white and delicate, standing out with a mystical beauty. This herb was called Starlight White Jade Orchid.

This was a rare herb that only absorbed the power of the stars and moon, blooming once every thousand years. Initially, it only had five petals, and then it grew one more every hundred years. The one in front of him had seven petals!

The second herb had a straight, green stem with small oval leaves, resembling a night-blooming flower. Its petals were jade green, while the golden stamen in the middle looked like an eye—this was the Golden-Eyed Jade Bloom.

The third herb had thick, hand-shaped leaves that were bright green, with a layered golden flower resembling a chrysanthemum. This herb was the Thousand-Hand Golden Wheel Chrysanthemum.

Lastly, there was the fourth herb—a blazing red-and-gold herb with flame-like leaves and a lotus-shaped flower. This was the Scarlet Sunflower.

Immediately after identifying them, Tang San posted his answer in the livestream chat:

[Tang San: The four celestial herbs are the Starlight White Jade Orchid, Golden-Eyed Jade Bloom, Thousand-Hand Golden Wheel Chrysanthemum, and Scarlet Sunflower!]

Back in Spirit Hall, Chrysanthemum Douluo, Yue Guan, snapped out of his trance. His expression changed from being entranced to outright disbelief.

"No! How is this possible? I was just about to answer that!" he shouted.

As a flower lover, Yue Guan had been utterly mesmerized when he saw the celestial herbs around the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Well, especially when he spotted his spirit essence, the Odd-Patterned Chrysanthemum. He had been completely lost in admiration.

Yue Guan believed that only his family's records of celestial herbs would allow anyone to identify them. Since no one else should have such knowledge, he'd felt no urgency to answer and had instead been savoring the sight of the beautiful plants.

But somehow, Tang San had beaten him to it!

[System Prompt: Tang San's answer is correct. The four celestial herbs are the Starlight White Jade Orchid, Golden-Eyed Jade Bloom, Thousand-Hand Golden Wheel Chrysanthemum, and Scarlet Sunflower. Reward: Recipe for the Hundred Herb Elixir + 1 Bottle of Hundred Herb Elixir.]

After a few moments, the system's announcement confirmed Tang San's answer, leaving the crowd stunned.

The Hundred Herb Elixir? A concoction that could push even a first-level soul master to become a Soul Elder?

Everyone was shocked. Not even the great clans of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, Spirit Hall, or the royal families of the two empires had known the names of these herbs, yet somehow, this six-year-old boy had figured them out.

Is Tang San someone who has been possessed? they thought.

Some began to wonder if Tang San was from another world, or if he had perhaps been taken over by some ancient spirit or monster.

Back at Nuoding Academy, Tang San's mother, A Yin, was furious. She couldn't understand how her six-year-old son, who had never encountered any of the great powers of Douluo Continent, could have known such things.

[Chrysanthemum Douluo—Yue Guan (furious): This isn't fair! I knew the names of those herbs too, but I was admiring their beauty! Why is it only the first correct answer that gets rewarded? This system is unfair!]

Unfair? More like you sabotaged yourself! Lin Yu thought to himself, bemused.

[System Notice: The complaint by Yue Guan has been reviewed, but no evidence of any unfair practices has been found. The request is therefore denied.]

The cold system announcement crushed Yue Guan's hopes. Damn that lucky kid! he thought bitterly.

He knew deep down that it was his fault for not answering quickly enough. Still, that didn't make the situation any less frustrating for him as a flower lover.