
Soul Land :Legends of Putong Hun Shi

Getting Bored By fanfics where mc is op and high key So thought write on myself Just a normal transmigrating of our mc

1pirate1pi · Anime et bandes dessinées
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It was a normal day of my duty in operation theatre when a large case of patients came in due to large building collapse near railway line. Due to surge of patients the work got overtime at last we lost a few patients having severe injuries .

At night after returning I bought a little hammer which looked like haotian hammer 

It was interesting as in this place someone was selling thing like this . Being 29 young doctor I had less hobbies in which reading novel online was one and some of my favourite is soul land . At late night zero thirty I reached in my cozy apartment which have everything you can expect for a good daily life .

After taking a hot bath and eating some food. I slept while reading a fanfic and obsering the hammer is bought in morning a call came 


HELLO DR. Hun patients need emergency surgery so hurry.

Next stupid thing I did was hurry and in half sleep ran for bath and my foot land on the little hammer resulting a pain in sole of foot and 


I died or VIXI. 

so this is how people feel when die in a vast dark space where you can see stars ,Sun and earth and then my soul went on a trip like stepen went in marvel but a little low budget because I saw less dimensions and more destruction of stars, super nova and that wtf I was going near black hole wtf WTF and I slept .

Holy soul villlage ding ding ding wtf I was listening a bloody hammmer who the fuck was beating iron at this time .

And then came the pain severe pain in head like you have a small processor for game and you want to go ultra setting my brain can't register anything and then the memories of a 4 year child under feed malnutrition was visible fuck .A brother , a father and Grandpa old jack  wtf old jack was in soul land and the settings of a brawny depressed father and unusually mature brother wtf I was reborn in soul land .