
Leaving for the next stop

Two whole weeks have passed since I advanced above rank 30, because Yi Hen's father died none of us have seen each other often, the funeral took place a week after the hunt. Before it happened the whole town was in a bit of a turmoil.

I wasn't really invited to the funeral but I don't blame them for that, I have known them for a small amount of time, and they put a good amount of trust in me even letting me sleep at their place. I did however feel like it would be rude and ungrateful to not even attend from the public side of things and so I did.

After that the next thing for them was a period of grief so I didn't ask for anything just quietly did my own thing. As for this own things I will tell you about them now. First of all I went ahead to manifest my third soul ring for Caliburn surprisingly enough they rest upgraded quite weirdly.

All of them are now purple but the first soul ring is 1k years old, the second 2k years old, and the third 3k years old. I'm not complaining about that kind of twist since they were upgraded nonetheless just like intended. Just a bit of a surprise on how it went. My soul rank didn't raise from it though.

I also tested out my soul rings for my new mutated spirit eyes, honestly I have no clue what to name them. However the skill was quite satisfactory in my opinion, in short it attacks the nerves and paralyses my opponents in a certain radius around me. However if I am successful depends on my spiritual and soul power, and my opponents body soul power and spiritual power. Overall I am satisfied with it.

With me reaching the 3rd rank I decided to play around with my martial souls see if I have a self martial soul fusion, I wasn't disappointed so to speak. With my experimentations I found a few of them.

First of all would be a fusion between my Water Pen and Ice Brush, it has a form of either an attack or a "mode" of sort, I won't really explain how they work you will see them in action. Though all of the soul fusion's take up a lot of soul power from me.

The next one would be between the Ice Brush and Spirit Eyes, This fusion mostly utilizes their elemental properties rather than the mental ones. The fusion manifests itself as an attack. There is a similar situation with the Water Pen just the attack is a little bit different.

The last one is a soul fusion between Caliburn and Spirit Eyes, this one takes more of a mode type than a straight up attack and it's quite useful as well in my opinion. I guess that's pretty much it for my martial soul fusions.

There is also the last thing that happened which I should also talk about, that is my 3rd Water Pen Soul Ring, I went to hunt a soul beast alone and with my armour and fusion soul skill managed to secure a 40k year old soul ring. What it does I will leave for later.

Anyway I have gotten what I want to get near the sea, I have spent quite a lot of time here. I think it's time to move on to the next stop in my journey. Even now as I'm recounting what has happened to you during this small period of time I am packing things up, and putting them in my storage device.

Now it's time to tell the rest about my decision regarding my leave, I already prepared some tea and I am sitting on the couch drinking it and waiting for them to come. Soon enough after 10 to 20 minutes they came.

Cai:"Sit down everyone, I have something to tell everyone."

I waited for everyone to sit down before continuing my speech.

Cai:"The reason I called all of you here is because of one thing. Looking back on all of the things, I seem to have took advantage of your hospitality to much here"

Cai:"That's why I will be leaving today, I have already made full use of my stay here. It would also be quite insensitive to leave without saying anything so I called everyone here"

Cai:"Even though leaving like that is harder, since I did come to like everyone here. It's what I have to do, besides I cannot stay here for long""

Cai:"That's why I have gathered everyone here to say a final farewell, after all we won't see each other ever again"

Cai:"That's all I wanted to say, I wish you all a pleasant cultivation journey"

I quickly stood up and left before anyone could say anything to me, that would be for the best. I truly enjoyed my stay with all of them, it was way better than I thought it would be. Everyone made this stay in my journey pleasant and full of fun times. Now it's time to go back to survival filled with hardships.

This time however I a more experienced, I have my lightning attribute spirit eyes so making fire would be easier than before. More items to help me on my survival journey, and I even learned how to cook a bit just to eat better food during my trip. Food won't be much of a problem for a certain amount of time.

But once I reach Absolute North(I think that place was called this, I think I also saw extreme north as another translation but whatever)this will become a much bigger problem, soul beast there are extremely strong and the environment makes it hard for humans to survive. Finding food there is near impossible, so I will have to stock up on food before entering.

However that place is something I MUST visit, it's perfect to train my Ice brush and reconnect a bit with my phoenix bloodline. I must say ideally I would like to stay there until I turn 10 so about half a year. I will focus on 3 things during my time there, my Ice Brush martial soul, my Caliburn martial soul, and Spiritual Power.

Well it's time to continue on, again I am truly sorry for leaving everyone, however I cannot become a god if I'm hold back by things. That's just how I am after all I'm quite selfish inside, so let's move on to the Absolute North.


time to go do the nasuverse fanfic now

Bookworm_Douluocreators' thoughts