

Over a million years have passed since the awakening of Erios, the "Soul Queen"-Goddess Of The Moon who now waits in idle for her next candidate to cleanse humanity. who will take on the responsibility of the soul king & Cleanse the human race by exterminating beings called Tears that aim for chaos & annihilation of the human race. Yet, an even bigger threat lurks in the shadows.

Hondaru · Urbain
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6 Chs

Venus Strikes!

Another Black magic circle appeared similar to the one the woman had come through. A strong gust of wind & bright light emitted from it.

"Damn it. Not another one." I said.

"Well well, it took quite a while…karke.", the woman said.

"K-karke?…", I stuttered.

Once the Black mist from the magic circle dispersed a tall young man dressed in black cloth, with guns on his hips in a holster stood strongly. Towering over all of us. His arrival was jarring and a wave of fear oozed from my pores.

His hair blew, and his golden eyes glowed brightly once the sun had gone down. His stare was deadly.

"I'm disappointed Beroba…"

"Eh? What the hell are you babbling on about now?", she asked.

"Why aren't those two dead yet?", he said. He glared at the woman menacingly.

Despite being on the same side-Karke and Beroba seemed to have had a bad relationship with one another.

"Oh great another one. What the hell do you guys want with Us anyways", I shouted.

"We were told to execute you on sight that's what. After all Your sister told us to do so.", Beroba said.

Wherever she meant was closely tied with Erios. Erios started to act different from her usually self.

" No…that can't be. I refuse to believe it. we should talk this out."

Erios transformed into her human form to confront the two. She approached them both with extreme caution.

"Erios don't…"

"Its fine Alan. I need to know the truth.", Erios said.

"State yourselves. who are you working for? What do you want with us?", Erios asked.

"Please forgive me for being rude. It's only natural that I show Goddess Erinas younger sister respect before killing her.", the woman said.

"My name is Beroba. I was given the task of hunting down the Soul Queen & Soul King of planet Earth. As ordered on behalf of your older sister herself, Erina the Goddess of Venus."

"Goddess of Venus?"

I had no idea Erios had a sister and I also didn't know that there were other people out there like her. I wondered if there were other people like me as well.

"Liar!…", Erios shouted.

A tension built inside of Erios. She had uncovered a truth that had challenged her emotions. Erios began to show a vulnerable side to her.


"You can't be serious!… My sister- she would never do such a thing!…", Erios asked.

"Seriously? How can you not remember? After all your sister hates your guts. She ordered me to track down and kill the two of you."

"But why? What did we ever do to you?", I said.

"You're getting in the way of our plans. From today on forth. You will fall."

"Fall & Grovel beneath us. We will rule over all beings in the universe! First, we will start with this planet.", she shouted.

"Aika get back! Things might get dangerous."

"Oh-I see…Alan make sure to stay safe.", Aika says. Her body began to tremble as things soon heated up.

Erios turned back into the necklace around my neck. The woman started to transform as red tear marks came down her eyes. And the blood formed a crimson ring around her head & saber in her hand.

"What the hell is she Erios? Is she seriously a tear? There's no way I can beat her she's too strong!", I said.

"Do you remember that first night? The poor souls of those men you burned down-begging for their lives. Their voices crying out to be saved…it was funny watching you suffer."

"You may possess the powers of the soul king but you are not worthy of the title.", she said.

"You- you were behind the tear attacks. You turned all those people into Tears!", I shouted. My emotions began to run out of control. I needed to reel myself back in.

"Heh…we'll you've finally figured it out.", Beroba smirks.

"Why? How could do something so cruel? Those were fucking people and you treated them as if they were toys to be played with.", I yell.

"I did so as guided by my master."

"Well fuck your master! I'm not letting you kill me or Erios. Or any of my friends. All of you can go to hell!" I shouted with conviction. Shooting blue flames at her.


Beroba disappeared & reappeared behind me, slashing my back with her fierce large saber.

"Argh…damn. She got me."

"Alan you need to be extremely careful. If I remember correctly this isn't like anyone else you've fought. She's not only a Tear but a Magician as well."

"A tear & magician you can't be serious?"

"How could a human become a tear unless-", I wondered.

I had my work cut out for me. This girl was leagues above me and there was no way in hell I could beat her.

"Hehe…hahahaha. I'm having so much fun. Now just die already!", she shouted. Swinging her saber down, I dashed back & dodged it.

I threw a fierce wave of my blue fire on her but all it did was bounce off her armor. Whoever these people were had been well prepared. Because the armor was thick my fire did practically nothing against her defenses.

"Hahaha!…you're the Soul King of this Earth. What a fucking joke!.", she laughed.

"Grrr…damn you. shut the hell up!", I shout throwing a

fire punch at her. She looked unfazed by my attack.

The punch had connected and burned off a piece of her cloth but not the armor. It didn't scratch her body.

"Heh… fire-resistant armor is quite nice. It makes your blue fire element useless.

"Damn it…that was so pointless. If she's invulnerable then there's no way I can break through.", I grunted.

"You're seriously naive if you think you can beat me. You're seriously a letdown dude. This is pathetic hahaha. I would have more of a challenge watching paint dry", she laughed.

Her giggle was that of a child's & her eyes glowed red in the dark scenery. Despite being a woman in her 20's she was rather experienced combat-wise. She was way too strong & I was out of options or ideas.

This girl she had treated like a joke. She didn't take me seriously one bit. I was just another toy to her, someone who she would crush and move on after defeating. I didn't matter to her or any of them. That's why I needed to beat them.

"Alan-no don't do it. I know what you're thinking. If you enter that state you will lose total control of yourself again.", Erios shouted.

"I don't give a damn anymore. As long as it means protecting you then I'll do whatever I can. Even if it's risky, wild, or reckless."


"What's happening to Alan?" Aika said.

I zoned out and my body had done what it had done before. I awakened to that berserk form again. A dark power enveloped me and I began to growl as if I had become a wild ravaging monster.

"I am your savior…I am your king!"

Blue flames erupted from both of my hands, dragging behind me with each step.

"I have no idea who the fuck any of you are, but you're messing with the wrong planet. Now die!", I screamed. I ran and used the flames to boost myself forward. They bursted like a volcano spreading around in the worst possible areas.

Erios created a magic field to protect Aika. However as I began to lose more and more control of myself, my fighting started to become sloppy. Which left me vulnerable to a counter from Beroba.

"Hahaha, your berserk form is much more interesting! Is this really what you're capable of so. Give me more!", she giggled.

She threw a fist at me, punching my face. Then using her sword to slash my chest. No, she didn't stop there, it was pure torture. This girl whoever the hell she was. She was truly an animal. Something way more brutal and cruel than I could ever be.

"Get angrier and angrier, feed into the chaos, become more uncontrollable!"

She threw a barrage of ferocious strikes with the saber, that ended up cutting my body and arms.

"Argh! Damn it what is wrong with her!? She's even stronger than before."

"You're losing too much blood! We should retreat for now. Or else you'll die, Alan!…"

Not even my berserk form was enough to match her power, this girl was on a whole other level.

She stood there observing me as I struggled to stand up.

"Hehehe… have you finished already? Is that the peak of your power? If so I'm disappointed.", she pouted.


I stood slouched forward. My body felt heavy all of a sudden and my breath became stagnant. The blue flames eventually went out-and I felt lightheaded.

"Alan-are you okay? Alan!!? Say something?", Erios cried.

"As expected. It was such a shame fighting this Earth's soul king. You know? The rest are way more interesting & fun to play with. Now-both of you will die together!", she slashed her sword.

Creating a red wave ripple that was strong enough to slash through the concrete & cause a strong wind aftershock.

I couldn't feel anything due to how much blood I lost, but I felt the cold touch of Erios's arms wrapped around me. And her smell-she smelled so nice. I could stay in her arms forever.

When she protected me a strange light appeared & I blacked out. Somehow we managed to escape the situation.

The next day I woke up. My body ached like hell and I could hardly move. Next to me in bed, Erios lay next to my side, hugging me.

I attempt to get up & move around. Erios punches me on the head.

"Hey don't move, you should get some rest. I was worried about you."

"Ouch. Do you always have to hit me? A couple of punches like this and I would have brain damage for life."

I remembered the event of what happened yesterday when those two people attacked us.

"Erios what happened yesterday? How did we manage to escape?"

"Seriously idiot, did you not remember that I use magic? It was an evasive spell. I used it to grab you & Aika. Otherwise, you would've been toast."

"I see. Well, thanks for saving us Erios. Without you, things would've probably ended back there."

A couple minutes later Aika had stopped by to check on me & asked if I was okay. The day was Saturday, so luckily I didn't miss out on school.

"Alan. How are you feeling now? I brought you a couple of things.", she said. Aika propped the door open & accidentally walked in on Erios lying next to me.

"W-w-what are you doing sleeping together!? Um…", Aika becomes embarrassed & starts to make assumptions.

"No Aika it's not what you think, we just can't be far apart. It's a part of the contract. After all, I don't see her in that kind of way.", I said.

"Oh is that so. Well sorry for misunderstanding."

"Gee thanks a lot, Aika you're a lifesaver. Unlike a certain someone that forced me to eat Space fish."

"Hey don't be rude. There's nothing wrong with my cooking I'll have you know. Back on the moon, everyone loves my recipe.", she said while crossing her arms.

"Well aside from that. What exactly are you going to do about the tracker?", Aika asked.

"I have no idea. But it's safe to assume she will be after us again & him."

Karke. I felt strong power coming from him. He was even stronger than her. Much stronger. I felt weak compared to those two. I slammed my hand down.

"Damn it!… I'm not strong enough.", I shouted. Luckily they only wanted me & Erios, but what if they went for Aika next?

"Aika from now we should be extremely cautious. It would be for the best if you stayed here with me."

"W-what? You want me to stay here? Why?", she blushes.

"Because If those guys come after you, you won't be alone. Now since you're involved there's no telling ."

"I see…well sure. I'd love to."

"Alright, Erios if I wanna beat them then I have to get stronger. So please train me!"

Erios shook her head in disagreement.

"I'm afraid to say this but what you need now isn't training. It's rest. You're lucky to have even survived idiot."

"Hey I'm not an idiot.", I said.

"Then stop acting wild and wreckless."

Erios had a point my being wreckless only made the situation from yesterday worse. Maybe if we had retreated then I wouldn't have ended up this badly injured.

"Seriously? How am I supposed to get stronger?"

"Don't worry…I have a solution.", Erios said.

"Already…what' is it?.", I asked.

"Make sure that he eats the space fish.", Erios said while standing up.

Erios turned around before heading off to go somewhere.

"Alan I've regained enough energy. So we won't have to always be together anymore. There's something I have to go get. I will be right back. Don't go anywhere.", Erios said.

She looked so secretive. What exactly could she have been planning to do? Anyway, it's not like I could get up and move anyway. Aika would've tried to stop me.

Aika held a bowl next to me that she kept poking me with. Inside is what looked to have been a silverfish combined with blue liquid. The smell alone could have been enough to knock out 20 elephants.

"Alan Erios said you should eat this it's tasty!", Aika said.

"Blerghh…I'm gonna throw up!"

While Erios was gone, I fought for my life with Aika shoving the space fish down my throat. Aikas soft eyes touched my face while feeding me. She was so cute, for a second the fact that I was eating one of the most cursed dishes on planet Earth temporarily left my mind.

Whoever created the universe and thought of designing the ugliest, stinky fish needed to be sentenced to life. I fainted once the fish touched my tongue.

Once I finished resting up, I felt strong all of a sudden. My body had almost completely healed in 5 hours.

"You're correct. It is the space fish." Erios had been waiting for me to wake up the entire time. Whatever she had been working on was finished probably.

"Hey stop reading my thoughts!…!", I pouted

"Come quickly…there's something that I want to show you.", Erios said.

After following Erios downstairs, we arrived in the living room. On the table, there was a strange fragment of some sort. It was metallic-gray with a blue glow to it.

"Erios what exactly is this?"

"It's a Soul Stone. A magical rock from the moon, however, I only had the energy to get one.", she said.

"what exactly is it supposed to do?"

"All you have to do is imagine what weapon you want to create. The rock will craft whatever you imagine in your mind. There are endless possibilities.", Erios said.

"Hey, that's pretty cool.", Aika said.

I took a minute to think. With such a rock I could create a necessary weapon to face those two. Beroba used a Saber & Karke used a pistol. But what exactly should I create?

I ended up wasting the rest of the day sitting to think about what weapon to create.

"Hey hey…hurry up we don't have all day!"

"Come on Alan it's been hours…I'm hungry.", Aika cried.

"I can see it."

I grab ahold of the rock and close my eyes. I could feel its energy pulsating in my hands. The rock was very potent & contained a supernatural power within it. The power of creation.

In my mind, it needed to either be a sword or a gun. But what if I combined the two? That would mean- it would have to be a gunsword!

"WHOOSH", a bright light appeared in the room as a weapon formed in my hand. It was long like a katana but had a pistol barrel in the center of a blade. The handle was shaped like a skull.

With this weapon. I believed that I could stop those two from before and be ready for whatever they would throw at me next.