
What Happened?

I was holding Yasurouka's hand to stop her from interfering with them. She was cursing the hell out of me, but letting me go right now will only mean that she will get caught in their crossfire.

Kizhashi was staring at Uyeno, who was now walking towards her slowly. I could see a strange smile on the faces of the two other girls who were with Uyeno. They were looking at Kizhashi and then at Uyeno and were talking among themselves. It wasn't something out of the blue since, in high school fights, many people watch and make comments.

But in this case, I think I know what is going to happen. I looked around to see if Gaisen was there or not but he was nowhere to be found.

Uyeno stepped in front of Kizhashi and raised the index finger of her right arm and pointed at her face with a cocky smile on her face.

"You think you're pretty and all that's why every boy will want you?"

"I never said that, and lower your finger from my face."