
The Man

On a chilly night, the wind was howling. The streets were empty, as the only source illuminating them was the moonlight. The moon was coloured in crimson like the blood; it was the second blood moon of that year.

A man in a black overcoat could be seen standing near a telephone booth. With his hands inside his pockets as he seemed to have a distasteful expression on his face. The blowing wind was tugging on strands of his blonde hair.

The man stood tall as his broad shoulders seemed to have a steady and straight posture. His crimson coloured eyes were searching for something as they were wandering all around, while his other hand was fiddling with his piercing in his right ear.

Hanging from his ear was a strange earring, which was shaped like two snakes intertwined with each other as they held a scarlet coloured orb in their mouth. The man was looking around subtly while tapping his foot in agitation