
Our First Group Study

Things were improving between me and Reina after the conversation between us yesterday. She got a lot off her mind, but was later regretting telling me about those stuff. Though I know she was glad that I listened to her rant.

We also talked later over text and I slowly but steadily convinced her about the group study. This event was a really important factor in my progress.

The more she will see Gaisen and Kizhashi together, the more vulnerable she will become. Her current state of mind was way too messed up, even for her to comprehend. Also, the fact that she already loved someone makes it easier for me to manipulate her. 

Unrequited love is one of the most useless feelings an individual can feel. It is just the equivalent of saying that their love doesn't matter and is useless for the person on the receiving end. Like Chiaki's love, more like attraction for me was unrequited because I didn't need it.