
My Feelings for You Never Died

Moriko's POV

I was covering my mouth and nose with both my palms and blowing steam to warm my hand and nose after that sneeze as it was way too freaking cold and I was regretting my choice to not wear my hoodie instead of this jacket.

  "Let's walk… we'll be going the same way." He turned around and unwrapped the muffler from around his neck and handed it over to me, "And take this…"

"Heh!? Aren't you cold?" I didn't take the muffler from him, as he tossed it over my head and replied while chuckling, "I'm wearing a ton of layering already."

"And I don't want you to get sick… we still have New Year's Eve approaching."

"Are you sure?" I asked again, hesitantly holding the muffler in my right arm which felt quite soft and warm. He started walking and nodded, "Yeah… feel free to use this."