
Letting myself Go

Kizhashi's comment made both of them quite shocked. They glanced at me and Gaisen let out a chuckle while Tsūmen stared at me with confusion on his face and asked, "Dude… see! And she confessed to you already?"

"Maybe she moves on quickly." I replied, as there are people who aren't emotionally attached to relationships and move on quickly. It wasn't like I was trying to defend her, but I was surely trying to look at the broader spectrum of things.

"Furata won't be able to move on. He truly liked her, but I don't know if I can say that to her." Kizhashi said, glancing at me, as Tsūmen slouched down and sighed as he asked sarcastically, "Bruh changes boys like I change my socks. What the heck?!"

"You don't even wear socks." I pointed out with a bored look on my face as he closed his mouth and looked at me awkwardly while saying, "That's not the problem here!"