
Capturing Memories

"Wow! There are so many things!" Kana's eyes sparkled at the sight before her. No matter where her eyes strolled, from jewellery shops to souvenir stalls, everything was available there.

She wrapped her arms around Reina and Saki who definitely couldn't keep up with her exhilaration. Dragging them along, she couldn't contain her excitement, "Look at all these shops… lees goo!"

They were walking through the festival grounds. It was certainly crowded with people. And being crowded meant that there were a lot of girls around. A perfect place for Tsūmen to admire the beauty of ladies.

Some were walking around with their significant others while others were alone. Irrespective of their relationship status, Tsūmen was a true man of equality. He treated each woman's beauty as if it's his own partner.