
Soul Contractor

On an artificial island, there's a mysterious case of the disappearance of people and the police didn't know what the cause of it is until they find a mysterious item that appeared in all of the belongings of the people that disappeared A card that has the name of Yamiyo, What Happened? To the people that disappeared? Suzuya is just a normal high school student living a lazy life until he finds an orb little did he know that a simple orb is going to change his life.

Natsuki_kun · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 25 Dangers Ahead

Since Suzuya is still in the facility Yamiyo's plan is going smoothly and they just need to exact the plan which is...

Yamiyo: "Let's throw the city into chaos."

Yamiyo's POV

The pest is gone I proceed with my plans.

Ahmya: "Yamiyo-sama, is this all right?"

Ahmya said after taking care of their guards at one of the governor's corrupted hideouts.

Yamiyo: "Don't worry, and look like we missed him."

I walk through the office and find nothing even the governor is not there.

Ahmya: "He escape? What a foolish thing to do."

Governor: "Damn it. Where can I hide now? All my money and everything is stolen by..."

Yamiyo: "Me... What scared? Come on don't be like that."

The governor trembles in fear.

Governor: "What's going on here?? You already catch up to me how???"

Yamiyo: "Shhh... You don't need to know it."

I whisper something in his ears.

Governor: "What? How did you know that?"

Then I finish him off with a slash in his throat.

Yamiyo: "You don't have the right to know anything about me. You're a piece of shit!"

Yamiyo: "Hahahaha!"

Ahmya sighs as she saw Yamiyo.

Ahmya: "What is Yamiyo-sama doing you're weird pose again?"

Yamiyo: "Ah what an embarrassing sight don't you dare remember it okay?"

Ahmya: "Yes, yes. As you said. But back to things what do we gain by killing this person?"

Yamiyo: "Easy Money. Money is everything to them and the money they get is dirty like this one."

I show Ahmya the pictures of the governor making deals with some kind of shady people.

Ahmya: "What is that?"

Yamiyo: "Higher-ups like them like to abuse their power to bend the weak ones under them."

Ahmya: "Money yeah we can use the money for our plans but..."

Yamiyo: "Don't worry about it. He's the last one of my targets in this city."

Ahmya: "What Yamiyo-sama are you kind?"

Yamiyo: "Me? Kind haha don't make me laugh of course I'm not..."

Ahmya: "That's expected since you're always like this."

Yamiyo: "You get me. That's why you're one of my favorite subordinates."

Ahmya: *exhausted sigh*

Yamiyo: "Let's go this time I'll bring this city into chaos that everyone will like..."

In the facility, while Shadow is bored they heard a loud explosion inside the building.

Suzuya's POV

Suzuya: "Yoshino. What do you think about escaping from this facility?"

Yoshino: "Escaping from this facility? Hah, that's impossible.

Yoshino said.

Suzuya: "And why is that?"

Yoshino: "The doors or should I say look at that..."

Yoshino point to the door that looks like...

Suzuya: "It's normal right?"

Yoshino: "Then try using Crimson Fang on that door."

Suzuya: "Are you sure?"

Yoshino "Yes try it."

Suzuya: "Crimson Fang."

I used crimson fang on it but there's no damage on it.

Suzuya: "What?"

Yoshino: "Shocked? Are you?"

Yoshino knocks on the door.

Yoshino: "This door is made of something that even soul contractors can't break."

Suzuya: "And what's with that system?"

Yoshino: "It's not a system it's the rule of this facility once you're here you can't get out just look around carefully and you will find that the people here look like they're at loss."

Suzuya: "Loss? Then I just need to free them, all of their depression like that because they lose hope that they will ever escape this place what's the scenery outside what it feels like to be touched by the wind laugh and smile with their families."

Yoshino: "..."

Yoshino's POV

Yoshitsugu Suzuya is a fool for thinking like that that's what I'd like to believe but hearing him said that I can't help but... Nod at him

Yoshino: "Yeah, you're right."


Yoshino: "What's with that?"

Suzuya: "Look like it started. Come on let's go I need your help with something."

Yoshino: "What's with that explosion?"

Suzuya: "There's no time to explain let's go."

I run through the corridors and looks like the researchers are currently occupied with that explosion with that I get the keys to unlock the room that I saw that day.

After waking up Suzuya explores the facility he finds that the people here are locked up in rooms.

Yoshino: "What are you going to do with that key?"

Suzuya: "I'm going to let them out."

Yoshino: "Who?"

????: "Suzuya-san help me."

Suzuya: "Yeah, here's the key."

I throw the key at her.

????: "Thank you very much for saving us."

Suzuya: "Don't thank me yet. I've still got something to do so be careful and hide if they come back."

"Hide? I'm going to crush them with my fist."

The Man said.

Suzuya: "Yeah, yeah I'll leave the protection to you. Kojiro."

Kojiro: "Be careful I'll protect them."

Suzuya: "Good."

I hurry up to the next plan.

Suzuya: "Yoshino?"

Yoshino is not there anymore.

Takezawa: "Freeing the test subject? What are you trying to do Suzuya?"

Takezawa is watching the CCTV cameras from his office.

Suzuya: "There's no time to think about it."

I plan to go with my current plan but...

Suzuya: "Who's calling now?"

Arriving at this facility it was weird that I've still got my phone but it was more surprising when...

Yamiyo: "Hello? Is Yoshitsugu Suzuya here?"

Suzuya: "Yamiyo!"

Yamiyo: "Don't shout my name like that there's enough noise here already..."

I'm not sure what is it but after that, a notification pops up and it contains a picture of Mom, and Akari...

Suzuya: "Mom, Akari..."

Yamiyo: "That's all I want to say so see you!"

The call ended

Suzuya: "I need to hurry up so I can...

Yoshino: "I can? And where do you think you're going now?"

Suzuya: "Yoshino."

Yoshino stands in my way.

Yoshino: "Don't hate me for this Takezawa-san ordered me to stop you."

Suzuya: "Takezawa? Ah, he then tells him that I'm finished playing house with him in this facility!"

I moved quickly before Yoshino can react he's strong in many ways than me but I've read you're attack patterns.

Suzuya: *dodge* *dodge*

Yoshino: "What? I'm not landing anything?..."

Yoshino: "Gough! *cough* *down*

Suzuya: "I don't have time for this..."

Takezawa: "Yoshino! Yoshino?! What's going on damn it..."

I cut the wires that are connecting to the door so that I can open it. Luckily it works."

Kojiro: "Guys look! Looks like Suzuya manages to make it. Let's go!

The people they are locked in there run toward the exit. No one interrupted them..."

Akane: "Yasha looks like the door is unlocked now what did I tell you?"

"What are we going to do Takezawa-san the test subject is fleeing the facility." One scientist said.

Takezawa: "Let them I finally found someone who can go against Yamiyo and bring Suzuya back!"

Scientist: "But Yoshino still hasn't called you back right?"

Takezawa: "I know and that's the problem."

Yoshino is out of the cold after he's finished by Suzuya with one punch.

Suzuya: "I need to hurry up and get out of here."

I clutch my cell phone and find the keychain we bought together when we were buying Akane's cell phone.

It's after school when Akane asks me what is good about having a cell phone. I said...

Akane: "Suzuya, what's good about having a cell phone?"

Suzuya: "Uhmm? Having a cell phone means you can communicate with each other from distance and it's very convenient to have a cell phone of yours these days when it's popular."

Akane: "Is that the reason?"

Suzuya: "What?"

Akane then pinches my cheeks.

Suzuya: "Stop it I'm going to lose at this rate."

Akane: "Since school is over you've been focusing on that and earlier too. You almost bump into someone."

Suzuya: "Ah right that? Sorry."

Akane: "Hah, then help me to pick a phone for myself."

Suzuya: "You can just buy them in the store."

Akane: "I don't know anything about that that's why I'm asking you to teach me."

Suzuya: "Teach me? Are you asking me to help you?"

Akane: "Hmph is there something wrong with it?"

Akane pumps his cheeks.

Suzuya: "Fine, cute."

Akane: "What did you say something?"

Suzuya: "Nothing."

After that, I accompany Akane to the shopping district where there was a mobile store I buy at.

Suzuya: "It's here."

Akane: "Wow, it's big and..."

Akane looks at the stores like this is the first time she saw something like this so I ask.

Suzuya: "Akane is this your first time seeing something like this?"

Akane: "This is the first time so let's go."

Akane then grabs my hands and pulled me into the store luckily Akane is easy to teach because she gets everything I said and does it.

Akane: "Is that it?"

Suzuya: "Yeah, that's all so let's go home now."

Akane: "Nope, we still have something to do."

Suzuya: "And what is it?"

Akane: "I don't know but I want to explore a little more around here."

Akane said while smiling seeing her like that I've got no choice but to agree well it's a good change of pace for someone like me.

Suzuya: "Let's go..."

While walking we pass by a store selling phone straps and other things...

Akane: "Katana look Suzuya there's a small katana hanging."

Suzuya: "That's a phone strap."

Akane: "Phone strap? For what?"

Suzuya: "Let me have your phone."

I took Akane's phone and enter the store.

Suzuya: "Come on you want to see it right?"

Akane: "Yeah."

I demonstrate to Akane how to put it and...

Suzuya: "Look it looks cool right?"

Akane: "It's cute let's buy two of them."

Akane excitedly said.

Suzuya: "For what?"

Akane: "What else let me have that phone!"

Akane quickly got my phone in my hands and...

Akane: "Look we're the same right?"

Suzuya: *blushed* "Then we're going to look like a couple..."

Akane: "Couple? Are we not? I mean you're my boyfriend now remember?"

Suzuya: "..."

Suzuya hurriedly exits through the exit what awaits him is...

*sounds of the opening door.*

Akane POV

I watch as the people from the facility exit through it trying to find Suzuya I clutch the phone strap we both have.


The Katana phone strap is a small but cute Katana phone strap they have a keychain too but Suzuya and Akane decided to buy just the Katana since they both like cool things for Suzuya while Akane is cute.

Shadow: "Oops? Where are you going Suzuya?"

Shadow blocks Suzuya's path through the exit.

Suzuya: "And who are you?"

Suzuya rushed to Shadow and uses Crimson fang. But Shadow dodges it easily.

Shadow: "Hey hey, calm down I'm not here to fight you."

Suzuya: "Huh? And you think I have time for this little chitchat of yours huh? While my family is being hostage by that Yamiyo!!"

Shadow: "Ahhhh, he angered you huh? That Yamiyo."

Suzuya: "By the way you call him I expect that you know him?"

Shadow: "Of course I know he's contracted to me."

Suzuya: "Contracted oh I see so he's a soul contractor too okay..."

Suzuya calmly approaches Shadow and whispers something to his ears.

Suzuya: "Then I expect you to bring me to him now I'll destroy everything out of that..."

Shadow: "..."

Shadow: "All right I agree then follow me."

Suzuya: "..."

Having been blinded by his anger Suzuya followed Shadow while Yasha is...

Yasha: "Where's Shadow now? Ha ha, he ditched me again well that's expected let's do the work for now."

Takezawa: "What are you doing you let Suzuya escape?"

*knock* *knock*

Takezawa: "Who is that I'm busy."

*boom* the door is opened by...

Yasha: "Hey hey, is there someone here named Takezawa?"

Takezawa: "What do you need boy? And who are you?"

Yasha: "I'm Yasha one of the executives of Yamiyo-san."

Takezawa: "Yamiyo..."

Chapter 25 ends.