
Soul Contractor

On an artificial island, there's a mysterious case of the disappearance of people and the police didn't know what the cause of it is until they find a mysterious item that appeared in all of the belongings of the people that disappeared A card that has the name of Yamiyo, What Happened? To the people that disappeared? Suzuya is just a normal high school student living a lazy life until he finds an orb little did he know that a simple orb is going to change his life.

Natsuki_kun · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 24 Decisions

Kenichi: "Hikari, I need to tell you something.

Hikari: "What is it? If it's not important I don't want to listen.

Kenichi: "About Suzuya. It's in the past but do you remember?"

Hikari: "Remember what?"

Kenichi: "That one time when you got angry at Suzuya?"

Hikari: "Suzuya! Don't tell me you did this to him?"

Suzuya: "Yes, I did it to him."

Hikari: "I can't believe you could do something like this. I'm disappointed in you."

Suzuya: "Disappointed huh? I always support you and then what? Is this what I will get?"

Hikari: "It's not like that."

Suzuya: "Then what?"

Hikari: "That?"

Kenichi: "Yeah, it's not Suzuya's fault it's my fault."

Hikari: "What do you mean?"

Kenichi: "Back in that time. I want to mess with you and Suzuya so that's why I did that.

Kenchi: "Yeah, I think he's an easy woman."

Suzuya: "Easy woman?"

???: "Hey, Kenichi do you know this guy?"

Kenichi: "Ah, he's the childhood friend of that girl."

???: "Eh? Is that so? Then...

Whispers to Suzuya's ears.

Suzuya: "..."

Kenichi: "Look at his reaction haha.

???: "Haha shocked that much?"

Suzuya: "You guys! You can't mess with my best friend."

Kenichi: "Huh? What? Do you want a fight? Hey, beat him up."

???: "Okay." *punches Suzuya* "Haha, what can't fight?"

Suzuya: "Is that all? I'm pissed right now."

Suzuya then moves swiftly to the side then uses a hook punch.

???: *cough* *down*

Kenichi: "What!?"

Suzuya: "If you plan to mess with her then you need to pass me before you can... Come.

Kenichi: "Don't get cocky!"

Suzuya: "Is that a punch? This is how you throw one!"

Kenichi got a punch in the gut.

Kenichi: "Gugh!"*cough*

Suzuya: "I don't care what happens to you all. So don't dare to mess with us again."

Kenichi: "We got beat up by Suzuya."

Hikari: "So that's what happens in the video."

Kenichi: "Video? What do you mean? Yeah, I'm sorry."

Hikari: "Nothing. Don't worry it's all in the past.

(Hikari: "So that's what happened that day, now I know what's his reason for it.)

Hikari: "It's just hard that Suzuya is not here anymore. *crying*

Kenichi: "Come on, don't cry. Suzuya will not be happy if he saw you crying."

Hikari: "B-but I can't help it."

Kenichi: "He taught me something. Even if you've got the money if you only use it to use people then it's wrong.

Suzuya: "People use each other. I know that but for me, the people around me help me, and if they're important to you take care of them it's not easy to find someone you can trust so if you dare harm Hikari I'll deal with you guys myself."

Kenichi: "I LOST. But not yet."

I used my connections to make Suzuya the bad guy and the result is... Quite satisfying because later...

Hikari: "Suzuya! Why did you do that? I heard you beat up Kenichi and the others."

Suzuya's POV

Hikari suddenly approaches me and starts to question me about why I did that to Kenichi and the others but all I can say is...

Suzuya: "I'm tired Hikari, I already heard all of it. It's enough just hearing it from others and now you?"

Hikari: "But..."

Suzuya: "I'm going home now."

Classmate 1: "What a jerk."

Classmate 2: "Right? How dare he beat up, Kenichi."

I passed by my classmates.

The Next Morning.

Hikari: "Sorry Suzuya about yesterday."

Suzuya: "It's nothing it's all in the past now."

(Suzuya: "Just forget about it and smile. I'm glad that she didn't hate me.")

Hikari: "... Are you sure you're not mad at me?"

Suzuya: "I'm not mad at you how can I? You're a very important person to me so I'm not going to get mad at you for just a simple reason. Let's go before we get late."

Hikari: "Okay if you say so... Come on your slow."

Suzuya: "You're running and I'm..."

Hikari smiles and...

Hikari: "Yeah yeah, I'm too lazy to run."

Suzuya: "You get it."

Hikari: "He said that? I wish I had at least thanked him for everything he did. I even thank him properly. I just take it for granted that he's always there for me.

Kenichi: "Take this." *offering a handkerchief*

Hikari: "Thanks."

Kenichi: "Don't worry I don't think that he will die that easily."

Hikari: "..."

Suzuya and Yoshino: "Yosshaa!

Suzuya: "Let's stop there for now. What do you think about it?"

Yoshino: "I like the plot it's interesting."

Suzuya: "Good, then let's spar."

Suzuya's POV

I can't waste my time here. I need to get out but where? And this Yoshino guy I know he's watching over me and so far it's good I learned a lot about fighting from him.

Like last time I manage to take him down but it's always a draw just one wrong move I'm finished just what's happening with this facility?


Akane: "We're not getting anywhere."

Yasha: "We'll if we get the chance but their security is strict even I can't infiltrate it. What about you Shadow?"

Shadow: "Ummm. I can't."

Yasha: "What I thought you could easily pull it off."

Shadow: "Nope that's not happening. Any Soul Ability can't smash through that door."

Akane: "How can you say that?"

Shadow: "It's easy. They're afraid of us. Or should I say, Soul Contractors, this building is a research facility for Soul Contractors?"

Akane: "So you're saying we can't go in unless it's opened from the inside?"

Shadow: "That's right Akane-chan! *points*

Akane: "Don't call me Akane-chan."

Yasha: "Ahhh, boring if we're stuck here."

Shadow: "Then what about That boy?"

Yasha: "That boy? Do you mean Suzuya?"

Shadow: "Yeah, I bet he's recovered by now. If he survived that night."

Akane: "I'm sure of it."

Shadow and Yasha: "..."

Shinohara Akane is sure about something.

Akane's POV

He's alive I can feel the soul link here. In the past few days, I tailed Yasha, and luckily he meets up with Ahmya and then teamed up with Shadow. Just seeing him I know how strong that Shadow is... Suzuya's Mom and Akari are crying when they heard the news it was heartbreaking for them to lose a family member. I know how it feels. So I tell them.

Akane: "Don't worry I'm not so sure about this but I know that he's alive somewhere so I will find him and bring him back to you so wait.

Akemi and Akari: "..."

Akane then Left the Yoshitsugu household.

What are you going to do Suzuya?

Suzuya: "Security here is tight there's almost a security camera everywhere."

School for Soul Contractors there are a lot of them but They're not known to the public some students developed or get their soul contracts from their families and others accidentally get it or are there with them from the day they were born. They still don't know where it came from but they can tell that Soul Contractor is here for a reason.

One Of Them Is Kawamoto Kasumi first-year student at this school. Lately, she heard the news about the incident that happened at the hotel nearby.

Kasumi: "It's got to be Soul Contractor right?"

???: "Yeah, Kasumi-sama but why the sudden interest?"

Kasumi: "Well I just thought that if he finds this school he wouldn't have suffered that."

???: "You mean Yoshitsugu Suzuya? You're so kind, Lady Kasumi."

Kasumi: "I'm not I just wished I could do something for people like that. And Mamoru."

Mamoru: "What is it?"

Kasumi: "What are you doing this morning?"

Mamoru: "Why do you ask?"

Kasumi: "Hmm, don't play dumb you take care of them again are you?"

Mamoru: "..."

Kasumi: "Haah, whatever just don't go overboard."

Mamoru beat up some students who try to mess with Kasumi.

Mamoru: "Yes, I'm your Protector so I do that to protect you."

Kasumi: "Yes yes, thanks Mamoru."

One of the strongest in the school is Kasumi and Mamoru, Mamoru is the soul and the contractor is Kasumi.

Hikari's POV

After talking to Kenichi I decided to head back to our house but he said.

Kenichi: "It's suspicious."

Hikari: "What?"

Kenichi: "It's nothing."

(Kenichi: "We're still investigating and it seems there's a cover-up. But I wouldn't tell Hikari yet.)

Hikari's Grandmother Then calls her.

Grandmother: "Hikari I know you still haven't recovered from it."

Hikari: "Grandma. And I decided..."

Grandmother: "What?"

Hikari: "I decided I will become. A Soul Contractor so I need you to train me and teach me everything I need to know."

Grandmother: "Are you sure about this? And can I ask what's the reason for this sudden decision?"

Hikari: "I don't want to lose anyone anymore and it's frustrating that I didn't even do a thing when I was there I just let Suzuya protect me I'm useless right now. But I know that Suzuya doesn't want me to blame myself for it so... I decided I'll do it!"

Her Grandmother smiles at her words.

Grandmother: "You grow up to be a wonderful person I'm proud of you Hikari."

Hikari decided to become a soul contractor after that she learns about soul contractors. Her grandmother is glad about it but at the same time worried about her granddaughter.

Grandmother: "Hikari and don't worry about your friend."

Hikari: "You mean Suzuya?"

Grandmother: "Do you believe that he died that night?"

Hikari: "..."

Grandmother: "He's a soul contractor he can't die that easily and don't you believe in him?"

At that moment I remember what Suzuya always tells me when I'm worried about something.

Suzuya: "Don't you believe in me Hikari?"

At that moment tears fall again from her eyes. Blurring her visions.

Hikari: "Y-yeah, I believe in you."

Yamiyo: "What's the situation Shadow?"

Shadow: "We're stuck we can't infiltrate the facility."

Yamiyo: "So it's protected huh? He's really mad about what I did five years ago."

Shadow: "Huh? What do you mean?"

Yamiyo: "That Takezawa I killed his son five years ago. He catches up to that. He's quite troublesome I can't get any information about him."

Shadow: "Heh, that's interesting I'd like to meet this Takezawa now."

Yamiyo: "Give the phone to Yasha."

Shadow: "Okay."

Yamiyo: "Yasha."

Yasha: "Yes, Yamiyo-san I've got something to report we're currently working together with Shinohara Akane."

Yamiyo: "Hoh, Akane? Be careful but don't get aggressive with her. And she's there for Suzuya, right?"

Yasha: "Looks like it."

Akane: "What? Do you need something?"

Yasha: "It's nothing. What's the plan?"

Yamiyo: "We're doing well here Ahmya is..."

Yasha: "Look like she's having fun."

Yamiyo: "Yeah, so take care of that and return here."

Yasha: "Yes, bye."

End of the call.

Suzuya: "It's about time to get out here."

Yamaguchi Group.

Bodyguard: "We're finished investigating it looks like there's a cover-up here.

Kenichi: "As expected. So what else?"

Bodyguard: "We got some tips that it's an unusual case since the investigators don't find the body at the scene. And..."

Kenichi: "What?"

Bodyguard: "The scene is a mess it's full of blood and the blood match Yoshitsugu Suzuya's blood so we're still not sure if he's alive or dead."

Kenichi: "That's quite troubling."

Bodyguard: "Kenichi-sama why do you care so much about what happened to that Suzuya?"

Kenichi: "Just paying my debt."

Bodyguard: "Debt?"

Kenichi: "You don't need to know it. Just investigate it more maybe we miss some things.

Bodyguard: "Yes, as you wish."

The chaos started.

Suzuya's POV

I decided to destroy this facility little by little observing the scientist I learn the important parts of this facility I heard from them that the gates and doors here are made from something special and Soul powers can't damage them.

Suzuya: "It's going well so far but... There's one big problem when they find this out. I'm doomed I can't handle them all."

I finished destroying some little things and get out before someone saw me.

Takezawa: "Suzuya you can't escape here."

Chapter 24 end