
Soul Contractor

On an artificial island, there's a mysterious case of the disappearance of people and the police didn't know what the cause of it is until they find a mysterious item that appeared in all of the belongings of the people that disappeared A card that has the name of Yamiyo, What Happened? To the people that disappeared? Suzuya is just a normal high school student living a lazy life until he finds an orb little did he know that a simple orb is going to change his life.

Natsuki_kun · Fantaisie
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26 Chs

Chapter 21 Bad and Good

Akane: *Cough* *down*

Chikako: "I'm disappointed Shinohara Akane."

Akane: "..."

Suzuya: "I heard a few noises here."

I open the door and find it.

Suzuya: "There you are Hikari. Just wait I will untie you."

Hikari keeps looking behind me like she's telling me something.

I looked behind and someone grab my neck.

Suzuya: I can't breathe. I try to fight back but...

Yamiyo: "Goodbye."

Yamiyo throws Suzuya on the floor.

Suzuya: *coughing blood* "I'm going to pass out at this rate."

Yamiyo: "Just stay there Suzuya and Watch what I'm going to do."

Just as I'm about to pass out someone called my name.

???: "Suzuya"

(Suzuya: "Akane? What's going on?")

(Akane: "Listen carefully we're talking in our minds we call it soul link. The soul link connects our souls and we can communicate with it. But in the meantime priority first.

(Suzuya: "O-okay. I get it. But I can't fight anymore. My body is exhausted.

(Akane: "Then...")

(Akane: "Let's make a deal."

(Suzuya: "Deal?")

(Akane: "There's still something I haven't explained but it can wait."

(Suzuya: "Yeah. We can talk about it later. After we finish here.")

(Akane: "Remember Suzuya what you're going to do will cause damage to your body. Are you still okay with it?")

(Suzuya: "I'm not okay with it. I'm scared at the same time. But if it can save important people in my life I will take the risk.")

(Akane: "Then. Limiter Off.")

Akane set a limiter in Suzuya because she thought if he use it accidentally it will lead to an accident. And it had side effects.

(Suzuya: "What's this I can feel my body being lighter than before. The pain is gone."

Yamiyo: Time to collect the orb. It's not fully manifested yet.

Hikari has an orb within her body. Her grandmother put it. When they are talking about the soul contractor.

Suzuya: Yamiyo! Don't touch Hikari!

Using his borrowed power he attacks Yamiyo.

Yamiyo: I thought you were sleeping your a persistent one.

Suzuya rushed to Yamiyo.

Suzuya: Crimson Fang!

He used a crimson fang which Yamiyo easily blocked.

Yamiyo:It's still not enough to defeat me.

Yamiyo:Dark: Dark Grasp!

Yamiyo uses his ability to grasp Suzuya.

Suzuya:*caught* *can't breathe*

Suzuya: I'm stuck. Then summon. Katana!

Suzuya summons Akane's katana and uses it to slash.

Yamiyo releases Suzuya.

Suzuya:Haah... Hah.. *gasping for breath*

Soul Contractors can also summon what their partner was using weapons and other things but it needs training.

Yamiyo:*dodge* I didn't expect that you can also use that ability now.

Suzuya: I just force it.

Yamiyo:Force it you say?

Suzuya:Yeah. I'm new to this kind of thing but if I want to be strong. Then I will need to use every ability I can attain.

Yamiyo: You're quite greedy.

Suzuya: Greedy? You can call me anything. But this time I will surely save Hikari.

Yamiyo: Save? You? Hah.

Yamiyo mocks Suzuya

Yamiyo: Ahmya. Do it.

Ahmya:Yes. Yamiyo-sama.

Ahmya follows Yamiyo's order and...

She attacks Suzuya from behind. Before he can react there's something in his back.

Suzuya: Ack! *Cough*

Suzuya has been stabbed in the back.


Yamiyo:Your core it's too early for you to release it. Shadow. And it's dangerous if you use it here.

Suzuya: Ah... Blood? Ha..ha..ha...

Suzuya starts laughing and before the shadow can take him and drag Hikari. He uses all his strength left to retrieve Hikari.


Yamiyo:Heh. He's been stabbed he can still move. But it's enough.

Ahmya:What? What about the orb?

Yamiyo:Forget about it. I will take care of him myself. Talk with Chikako and Yasha to pull back my order.

Ahmya: Yes. As you want. *Bows her head*

Suzuya: *Breathing hard* *Droplets of blood*

Yamiyo:You can't escape easily here. Look there's blood.

Yamiyo follows the trace of blood.

Hikari:Suzuya! Your bleeding let me go we need to get you to the hospital.

Suzuya:It's alright Hikari. *smile*

Hikari:How can you still smile in this situation?! *tearing up*

Suzuya: Don't worry about me. Smile Hikari.

(Suzuya: I'm losing it. But first I need to at least put Hikari where she can be safe. And meet up with Akane.)

Been stabbed and beaten up. It's all thanks to the mana. But mana can't fix wounds. So he keeps losing blood.


Chikako tried to leave but...

Akane:Where are you going were not done yet. You thought you can bring me down with just that?

Chikako: "..."

She looks at Akane who is at her feet again.

But before she can continue.

Someone message her.

"Pull back. Yamiyo's order."

Chikako:It's your lucky day. I'm out of here. Goodbye.

She left.

Yasha is still annoyed about what happened. With him against Suzuya.

Yasha:What a pain. Pull back?

Walking footsteps echo through.

Akane heard footsteps.

Akane: Who's there?

Suzuya:Akane... Glad you are safe.

Akane:You too... *saw the blood dripping*

Suzuya:I leave her to you.

Suzuya then left Hikari in Akane.

Suzuya:Get out of here immediately. It's dangerous.

Akane:What about you? Are you crazy look your bleeding?

Suzuya:Bleeding? This is nothing just go!

Akane: "..."

With no other choice, Akane left through the door and rush to the exit.

Akane:Sorry Suzuya...

Suzuya:Haah... Now.

He takes off his jacket.

The jacket he was wearing earlier is full of blood.

Yamiyo:Quite a mess we got here. Oh, where's your partner and Hikari?

Yamiyo:They left you hah.

Suzuya:Left? It's always been like this I'm used to it so...

Suzuya:Let's finish This.

(Suzuya: I can't last much longer. Damn it. I've done it acting like a hero.)

Yamiyo:You sure? You're going to die at this rate.

Suzuya: C-concerned? N-now?

Yamiyo:Nope I pity you.


Suzuya dashed through the darkness of the room and uses

Suzuya:Aka Style: Crimson Slash.



Yamiyo: That was nice. But not enough.

Suzuya manages to scratch Yamiyo causing him to bleed but not enough.

Suzuya: Guh! *cough* *down*

Suzuya's collapse bleeding and...


Yamiyo:It's too early for you. You are too reckless.

*phone rings*

Ahmya:Yamiyo-sama they're coming you need to get out.

Yamiyo:Coming? They're too late. I'm going out now. I'll leave it to them.

Yamiyo and the others escape and a group of people came.

Meanwhile, Akane and Hikari manage to escape too safely.

Akane:*Senses something*


Akane senses something through her link with Suzuya but it's faint.

Akane: I hope Suzuya is all right.

???:There's someone here!


????:What's going on here!?

The one who infiltrated Yamiyo's base is an organization of Soul Contractors there they find a boy full of blood. "Reporting we found a boy and he's in a critical condition. He has been stabbed in his back and bruise. Call an ambulance.

"There's no need to call an ambulance it's just going to make more commotion."

"Then what are we going to do with him?"

"She can handle this."

"She can?"

Flash Back

Kenichi Success in inviting Hikari but unexpectedly someone else turned out.

Hikari:Sorry I'm late. And Suzuya is coming too is it all right?


Suzuya lazily waves his hand.


Kenichi: I-its okay.

Hikari:Good. Let's go.

Suzuya:Yeah. Where are we going anyway?


Kenichi:Yeah coming.

(Kenichi:It's not going the way I planned this because of Suzuya.)


Suzuya:What? Hikari?

Kenichi:Let's go here's the place.

Kenichi gets between Suzuya and Hikari.

(Kenichi:Tch acting like a couple.)

They head to the restaurant and order and seat.

Kenichi is next to Hikari.

Suzuya:So what do you need Kenichi?

Kenichi:I can't answer that I'm here to talk with Hikari-san.


Hikari is eating happily. Suzuya is watching her.


(Kenichi:What's with this man? He's watching her as if she's someone so special to him.)


Suzuya called Kenichi.

Kenichi:What is it?

Suzuya:Thank you for bringing Hikari here.

Kenichi:H-huh? You don't need to thank me and it's not for you.

Suzuya:Yeah I know but...

Suzuya:Don't you ever try to make Hikari sad if that happens...

Suzuya glares at Kenichi.

(Kenichi:Scary... I can't believe he can make others expressions.)

Kenichi got a chill.

Kenichi:Heh. I know I know.

Suzuya:Good. And...

Suzuya stands up from his seat.

Suzuya: Hikari I need to go I remember I've got something to do. Bye.

Hikari:Okey. Bye Suzuya *waving*


Suzuya leaves and headed somewhere.

Suzuya:Now. What do we get here?

After walking in the streets he arrives at his destination.

???:Hey took you long enough Lone wolf.

Suzuya:What a pain. I'm done with you guys.

???:Done? You thought I will not get back at you for what you did Huh!?

Suzuya:Then let's finish this already.

Suzuya didn't stop getting involved in some fights but he kept it a secret from his family and Hikari.

Yoshitsugu Suzuya is known as a lone wolf who is always alone in fights.

???:Can you dodge this?

He moved sideways and his stance is different from before...

???:I've been training for this moment Yoshitsugu!?

He dashed at Suzuya at full speed

Suzuya:*dodge* fast.

Before it can land.


Suzuya blocked it. With one hand and punch him in the gut.

???:Gough!? *cough*

He backs away.

???:As expected. Damn it.

Suzuya:You what's your name again?

???:Huh!? You don't remember my name? *pissed*

Suzuya:I don't bother remembering other names it's a pain.

Chapter 21 end