
Sorry [Dropped]

Primordial_Devour · Oriental
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9 Chs

The Chosen Ones!

<< Excellent>>

She praised the crowd with a smile. 


No one made noise as they were afraid of attracting the attention of this formidable being nor did they understand the purpose for being here, but many guessed it must be where they would go through the wheel of reincarnation to move on to their afterlives.

<< As many of you have already guessed, you have indeed died>>

There was a collective gasp from the crowd as the reality of their situation sank in. Some looked shocked, others resigned, but the being continued in a soothing tone.

<<But fear not, for this is not the end.< p>

This is merely a transition to the next phase of your existence.

You will have the opportunity to begin anew, to learn and grow in ways you never thought possible.

Embrace this chance for growth and renewal>>

Many became confused, unsure if they had the authority to ask the angel for what would happen next.

The being sensed the confusion in the crowd and smiled reassuringly. 

<< The purpose of you being here is compilated but I will make this much of sense as possible. 

My master, the god of the void, is reaching the end of his life after exiting from the dawn of time and he has decided to make one of you, his successor. 

To ensure he chooses the best one, he has gathered thousands of you and will have you participate in a game for the next few hundred years.

You will each be given a random gift and be thrown into a random world to be able to learn, grow, and adapt to these new conditions for the next thousand years. 

To ensure your peace remains, all of you will be in different universes.

After the given time has passed, you will all be able to transfer to other universes and be forced to kill one another, until one of you remains. 

Your gift can be anything, from having a needle as your soul weapon to the ability to bend reality.

These gifts can be classified into several categories such as basic, intermediate, advanced, peak, supreme, or even higher levels that could rival gods.

Your chances of succeeding will depend on your capabilities to use the new powers you accumulate from your adventures and use them to the best of your capabilities>>

Suddenly the face of the angel started turning cold leaving everyone to wonder about the reason behind it.

<<And for those who don't want anything to do with this inheritance, fair note you would be thrown into hell and will suffer torture the rest of eternity>

Everyone gasped in fear!

<< For those who would still like to proceed, please come forward>>


'As expected, if they could avoid being thrown into hell they would do so, but what about me, it's not like I have reason for continuing to stay here' Alan thought inwardly. 

' Wait!! ... if I could accumulate enough power, I could go back to earth and kill those who have wronged me, ' he chuckled as he hypothesized.

' But what if by the time I return, they could all be dead from old age.' his mood died down as he shook his head to prevent himself from daydreaming, there were more important things at hand. 

<< I know what you all must be thinking at the moment, to get revenge on those who put you into the current situation but don't worry, time works differently in some universes so if you're lucky by the time you have enough power you could potentially go back>>

The angel's words brought a flicker of hope to some in the crowd, including him, who felt a surge of determination at the possibility of seeking revenge on those who had wronged him. 

When he used to be alive, he always daydreamed of returning the favor in the future but now that he had a chance, absolutely no way was he going to blow up this opportunity.

<< That is all, I'll give you a day to collect your thoughts in order before sending you on your way>>

And with the angel disappearing, he started memorizing all the information that was given to them and finding hidden meaning behind some of the information.

Most likely in a few centuries, many of these people here will forget their origin so it was important to never forget them as the game would start in a thousand years.

He had read many novels in which characters forget their origin after being reborn in another world, so he valued this information very much.

While others were also collecting their thoughts, he started making mental notes of everyone whom he thought could give him the most trouble.

There were three people in particular, one of whom was the blonde young man called Zahkier, the one with the highest potential for growth. 

Within the allocated time, he learned that out of these thousand people, he ranked 337 according to the potential shown by the glow from their clothes.

After a few hours, everyone decided to start teaming up, and Zahkier was swarmed by the crowd, trying to make connections. 

Alan had been looking at everyone like a hawk and suddenly when he was keeping tabs on him, their eyes met for a moment, forcing him to look in a different direction to avoid trouble.

Zahkier frowned but made no moves that targeted him and went back into making connections.

As for him joining a group, there was no chance as he preferred working alone, and he was always antisocial forced by the conditions.

Working alone gave him a sense of freedom that a group couldn't offer.