
Sorry [Dropped]

Primordial_Devour · Oriental
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9 Chs


He turned to face Xiao Liang, feeling a mixture of surprise and wariness at the unexpected encounter.

"Senior brother, what are you doing here?" he asked, locking eyes with the other disciple.

Xiao Liang flashed a charming grin, his demeanor relaxed and nonchalant.

"Just passing by, thought I'd check out what's going on in the library. It's not every day that I see you buried in books," he replied, his tone teasing.

The young woman beside him giggled, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she looked at him.

" Brother Zu, are you still mad at what happened before?" Lin Yan asked, her voice soft and apologetic.

' Before? So, it must've been her fault that the previous owner of the body passed away.

Looking at her cute face, I can most definitely she is a snake in human skin.' 

His expression remained neutral as he processed her question. He couldn't help but sense a hint of insincerity in her voice, and a feeling of wariness crept over him.

"I'm not mad, water under the bridge," he replied calmly, choosing to not dwell on the past but keeping his guard up around both of them. Although that is what he may have told them, inside he was burning with fury. 

Xiao Liang, ever observant, noticed the shift in his demeanor and exchanged a quick glance with Lin Yan before turning back to him with a charming smile.

"Good to hear, Zu Chen. Let's focus on the present and the future, shall we?" he said smoothly, trying to diffuse any tension that lingered in the air.

He nodded slightly in agreement, his mind already formulating a plan to get revenge for his predecessor while maintaining a friendly facade for the sake of harmony until he had enough power.

If he started a fight right from the bat, there was no telling how much trouble he would be in later, especially because of how well-dressed he was. 

Just from a look, he could tell they must be expensive, and his cockiness meant Xiao Liang had a backer he couldn't provoke.

With the current situation, he prioritized his life more than an act of quick revenge. 

If it came down to it, he would use schemes but since he was just a rookie, he could quickly get discovered because there could be an old monster lurking in his shadows.

With how rich his family is, there is no way he would roam the streets without any security.

" Alright senior brother, I have to go practice." As he excused himself from Xiao Liang and Lin Yan, he couldn't shake off the burning desire for revenge that simmered within him from the last host.

Walking away, he knew he had to bide his time, build his strength, and plot his vengeance carefully.

' Come to think of it, I still have yet not known what my gift is?'

After entering his small hut, he tried calling different phrases to receive the Gift that the angel talked about.


[ System has been downloaded successfully]

[ Connecting the system to the host's soul]

[ Connection complete]

[ Initializing System]


[ Hello, Host]

Zhu Chen was left dazed as he read the rows of panels that appeared before him. 

' Finally, I have a system' he rejoiced.

He would have never thought he would have a system of his, and now with such cheat backing him, forget about the competition he would have in the fight for being the heir to the god of void.

This game is about to be in easy mode. 


The system said again loudly. 

He was suddenly brought out of his daze and finally remembered the system said something.

' Yea...Um, hello' he replied awkwardly. 

[ Oh Wow! What a lame response]

' Huh, what do you mean.' 

[ Forget it, I just meant it wasn't a very good first impression]

'Yeah, I get that, I was just a little surprised... But aren't you supposed to sound robotic, at first, I couldn't tell the difference between your voice and that of a female human.' 


The system stayed silent on what her host was mumbling about, she didn't understand one thing he said.

[ Sigh! host, I am programmed to sound like the person from your weird fantasies, so if you want to complain, blame your taste] 

Hearing the system, a blush appeared on his cheeks because all of his secrets had been exposed.

Regaining his composure, he quickly replied ' Do you see me complaining.' 

Although he didn't mind how good her voice was, he didn't want the system to have an edge on him in the future.

[ Pervert]

' Hehe! I've Won' he chuckled. 


' Cough! Let's pretend this conversation never happened.' he asked feeling embarrassed at how childish the whole conversation was.



With a slight shake of his head, Zhu Chen dismissed the playful banter with the system and refocused his attention on the task at hand. The conversation may have been light-hearted, but he knew that he had more important matters to attend to.

' System tell me all your functions.'

[ Affirmative!]

[ My first function allows the host to view, the stats of himself and anything he wishes to see] 

[ Note: If there is a huge difference between the cultivation of the host and the target, the scan Could result in an error.]

[ My second function allows the host to receive rewards from the quests given by the system]

[ Note: The system won't be able to issue quests that contradict him in any way and the host is allowed to refuse them according to his will]

[ My third function allows the host to go to the system mall and buy anything he wishes in exchange for system points]

[Note: System points can be given from the quest function, Elimination of monsters, or anything with consciousness, selling items of value to the system in exchange for system points]

[ My fourth function is system storage in which the host can store anything he wishes and once the items are taken out, their condition would be the same as before they were once put in]

[ Note: The number of systems storage slots depends on the host's cultivation levels and the host can't put a being with consciousness inside. The same items can be stacked in one slot]

[Current limit: 5]

[ My last function is a lottery in which the host can spend a thousand system points and win something of value] 

[Note: the items won from the lottery are random and the host may win something godly or win nothing at all. This function is not dependent on the luck the host accumulates from the world so don't even think about using an item to boost your luck] 

[ More of the system functions may unlock after the system update]