
Sorry [Dropped]

Primordial_Devour · Oriental
Pas assez d’évaluations
9 Chs


As the sun rose from the east, its rays of light were illuminated with a golden glow, and the world awakened to a new day.

Zhu Chen, who had been deeply engrossed in cultivation, slowly opened his eyes. Getting out of bed, he started the day with some stretches, causing his bones to creak from sitting in the same position for too long.

It had been three weeks since he arrived in this world, and during that time, he had been diligently working on his cultivation.

He had accumulated 2.1 qi points, earning 0.1 each day.

Although progress was slower than he had hoped, he managed to gather more than two thousand system points from various quests that had appeared.

Peering into his pouch, he noticed only a few gold coins remaining. "Guess I'll take on some sect missions," he thought to himself.

He quickly got dressed and made his way to the sect's mission board where various tasks were posted for disciples to undertake. 


Sects mission Area

There were all kinds of disciples gathered here. Most of the new arrivals looked tired after a hard mission while the ones that were already here were wasting time on which mission to pick.

From time to time a group of disciples would pass by while carrying giant monsters, attracting the envious gazes of those with low cultivation.

In the middle of the mission area was a long wooden board, densely packed with posters of tasks that were yet to be completed. 

The tasks were arranged according to their difficulty, easy, normal, hard, and extreme.

Easy tasks included gathering herbs from the forests, swiping the leaves off from an elder's country yard, etc...

There were only a few remaining due to having low demands and took a small amount of time to complete. The highest reward one these tasks were gold coins.

Normal tasks were usually for hunting wild beasts issued by local restaurants or shops that sold meat and these were the ideal tasks for people with his cultivation level.

Hard missions involved tasks like killing bandits with their leaders also being cultivators or hunting down sect traitors who abandoned the sect intending to leak their secrets to neighboring sects.

These types of missions usually had high rewards but also major consequences if you failed to protect the sect's secrets. Many disciples started avoiding them due to it and after a certain amount of time had passed without the mission being completed, it would fall into the hands of elders with much free time.

There were also missions like hunting down magical monster with their strength ranging from the first stage to the ninth and trading their corpses for high rewards, more than what the market offered.

The corpses of monsters have a variety of uses so it's always in demand.

For the extreme missions, only inner or core disciples were assigned to them after carefully accessing their abilities. 

Not many knew what these missions involved because it was top secret and those who leaked the details would immediately be considered a traitor and have a bounty put on their heads.

Looking at the mission board, he directly skipped the easy and normal ones as he wanted to gain more experience, which left him with only the hard ones. 

The first one he looked at was an escort mission to help escort a group of merchants through a dangerous mountain known for magical beasts. 

This mission offered a total of ten qi stones.

' Should I take this one? ' he considered, although the mission would last four weeks, the reward was equal to three months of resources given by the sect. 

After a deep thought, he decided to look at the other missions first before making a rash decision. 

The next mission that caught his eye was bandit hunting. 

The description told him that a small village, three days away from here had an issue with mountain bandits.

They were constantly getting raided and decided to gather up all their valuables and commissioned the nearest sect to hunt them down. 

From what they knew, the leader of the mountain bandits was in the third stage of body tempering, and the same mission rewarded 30 qi stones. 

It was a very dangerous mission for him with his current strength but if he was careful enough, he could give them a surprise attack and somehow win.

With no hesitation, he ripped off the poster from the board and brought it to the young lady at the counter to make it official. 

Placing the poster on the counter he exclaimed " I would like to register for this mission to hunt down the mountain bandits. Please mark me down."

The young lady behind the counter, who was busy organizing paperwork, looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. She examined him for a moment, taking in his determined expression and firm stance.

"Are you sure about this?" she asked, her tone cautious. "Hunting down mountain bandits can be a dangerous task, especially for someone of your cultivation level, and without a party is basically suicide."

He met her gaze with full confidence. "I understand the risks, but I believe I am capable of taking on this challenge."

The young lady studied him for a moment longer before nodding in agreement.

"Very well, I will register you for the mission but remember it's your funeral... Now then sign your name here," she said, pointing to a parchment where he could confirm his acceptance.

He ignored her remark and quickly signed the paper. 

With a nod of thanks to the young lady, he left the mission board, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nerves. This had been the dream of every otaku out there.

To freely travel the world, doing quests and gaining strength. 


[ A new quest has been issued]

[ Mission: Hunting bandits]

[ Bandits Remaining: 213/213]

[ Rewards: 225 System points, + 10 Qi]

[ Would you like to accept this quest: Accept/ Reject]

He smiled and with no hesitation, he clicked on accept, however, when he looked at the mission again, he finally noticed the number of bandits.

' Wait! ... TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTEEN Bandits?!' his eyes widened in disbelief. This was no small feat; it was a massive group of enemies to take on single-handedly. 

'The number of bandits listed on the poster was only 37, it seems like they wanted to reduce the rewards by making the mission look easier, and once it was completed, they would deny all the accusations by making excuses like they did not know such thing.'

[ These types are people are a common occurrence, I'm sure you already know that by now]

He neither confirmed nor denied her.

Taking a deep breath to steady his nerves, he began formulating a plan in his mind. He knew he had to be strategic and smart about how he approached this mission if he wanted to have any chance of success.

' What's the cultivation level of the leader' he asked the system.

[ Peak of the third stage] 

Registering the information in his mind for a few seconds ' This is much harder than I initially thought however since he is that power, he must've hauled up a decent amount of treasure' he licked his lips, imagining all the treasure that would belong to him after the mission.

Also, since those pesky villagers decided to hide such important information, he would threaten them and get more rewards than what the mission offered.

Making his way back to his hut, he began to prepare for the task ahead. He packed essential supplies, including his mortal grade sword that was purchased for 20 gold coins, a few herbs, and some rations for the journey into his system storage.

' How convenient,' he thought to himself, grateful for the system that provided him with storage capacity for his belongings. 

He couldn't have asked for a better life partner.

[ At your service] 

He chuckled. 

The more time he spent with the system, the more he started liking her.

As for anything else he needs for the mission, he decided to put it in a bag after running out of inventory.