
Sorrow, Depression, Death

Deep dive into the Skin of a character, who is experiencing Negative Thoughts, Depression, till he...

Dod9 · Politique et sciences sociales
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The person that gave me birth is, of course, my mom, and the one who was chosen to create me is, of course, my dad. Everyone knows that, but what not everyone knows, is that not every chilhood is the same. Some got what they always wanted without any punishment and are happy. Some did not get what they wanted but are still happy, and there is ME, who Neither got what I wanted, nor the things I needed, and by what I mean by "Needed" I mean, of course, affection, Love, and Support during my childhood.

With time, things for others improved, some parents changed themselves and changed the way they took care of their child, some were fine in the start, and got worse as the child grew up due to negligence, and there is ME who was hoping for a better childhood as I grew up, but no, nothing change, No, to be honest, it changed, but in the worse way possible.

Since I was little, I have always got some dark thoughts, I think it is useless to describe those things, but some of you will understand. I never got to befriend people, because I was always home, and I wasn't allowed to socialize. At that time, I did not know what were the reasons for it, but I will explain them one day. I did not get to go to school too, I was beaten every day, either by a drunk dad or by a frustrated mom.

I have always been Downgraded for what I was, a child, a useless child, to their eyes of course. It was always me doing everything while they were Relaxing. I have other family members, but honestly, they don't care about me, so yea...I wasn't able to escape and comfort myself to aunts, uncles, Grandad, Grandma...they always said that they were occupied, and were never home

Again let's jump a little bit in the future, I'm now 10 years old, and of course like always, things got worse for me...I mean worse, if I count correctly, how much time I escaped Death...well "Countless" is the best number, my house, was a battlefield for me every day was a survival Arena. Their anger grew so much that they tried to kill me, so I let you imagine how many bruises or Cutting I have on my body, it looks like the war wounds soldiers have when they came back from another country. Different ways of ending my life have been tried, Drowning while making me bathe, trying to burn me alive while cooking, Chocking me to death, beating me till my body stops responding. How did I survive...will you Ask, Easy, but let's keep it for later, but what I can tell for now is that I lived my life alone.

Besides surviving, I got some hobbies to occupy myself when they were sleeping, I was creating things for myself, like some airplane paper, trying to learn to read, because I had a dream like everyone. I always wanted to be a Technician for NASA, stars, and planets were so interesting, I was obsessed with them, so when I had time, I was learning to Read articles, and reports about what they have accomplished so far. The night was my favorite time of the day because I was free to cry, free to think about what dreams I wanted to accomplish, free to think about how to survive the next day, and of course free to think about how to get out of that hell that my house was.

Then, one night an idea came to my mind, I got out of my room, went towards the kitchen, took a knife, went to my parent's room, and I just plunge my knife into them, the first victim was my dad because he was stronger than my mom, the knife was situated into his Heart. The expression he got on his face was for whatever reason, so satisfying to watch, so yes, I watched him dying slowly in front of him, after "Four" long minutes of Agony, finally took out his last breath, but of course, my mom was already trying to stop me, but of course, in my attempt to try to fight back, my knife has finished his way into her neck, after that the knife entered her neck, she stopped moving and was watching me with a disgusted, and Anger, and of course, my stare was blank, I did not felt anything, it felt like it was the best thing I could for myself. She was coughing a large amount of blood, the entire bed was covered in blood. A few minutes later after watching her agonizing, she threw her last breath, a few words could be heard: "Useless", "Child", "Finally" "Accomplished", and then she just collapsed.

After both of them was dead, I was still not filling anything, I was watching their dead body, my dad was facing the Ceiling, in his eyes, a blank expression, his hands on his chest, I guess he was shocked by the sudden pain, is the mouth, opened, surely because he was trying his best to breath. My mom was facing me, her expression still full of disgust, mouth closed, hands on her Neck, surely because she was trying to slow down the bleeding.

After a few minutes, still watching them, I could see that their blood was still flowing down their body, the floor was starting to look like a pool, but I decided to I don't why, resume my usual activity, till I decide to sleep.

The Next day was here, and yet still no noise could be heard in the house, it was a nice feeling, I was thinking of what I could have done that day, what kind of new Activity I could try. So I head to my parent's room and tried to play like a doctor, but I was not equipped, I remembered that my mom, who was a nurse, kept still at her workplace some Sharp instruments, the kind of I instrument used for surgery, so I took them, and started to try to close their wounds, but failed, but it was an exciting experience, my hands were all bloody, and Sticky, some piece of skin could be felt on my hands, so as all good doctor, I washed my hand, and left their body here.


Our neighbor, who had never the habit of talking to us, rang at the door that day, I suppose that was because of a kind of pungent smell that could be smelled out of the house. Out of curiosity, I decided to open it, I tried my best to make them remain outside. The first question was "What's that disgusting smell?" I said that it was me who did not decide to bathe, to do an experience. Surprisingly they did not insist and left without trying to escalate it. After their departure, I decided that it would be better to take care of the bodies before someone discover the truth, but failed, the smell was so strong that I could not even walk near them, and don't that was a 10-year-old little guy, so naturally, I could not transport them.

Eventually, the cops and firemen came to investigate that pungent smell, they took me away from home, and placed me in residence for children who have no parents or has been abandoned.

This is how I killed my parents, what the first half of my childhood have been like, and how my life will continue to get worse.