
Episode 4

(The episode opens in the morning, Sorlos is eating with no colors in her eyes)

(Behind the clouds "October 11")

(Maebara runs to Sorlos)

(Hora and Hino stop Maebara for a second and shakes their heads)

(Maebara escapes)

Maebara (sincere voice): What's wrong?

Sorlos (no colors in her eyes) (in low volume): They were my only friends, I thought we would go on adventures and have fun, but now we can't, and I know their spirits must hate me.

Maebara: I disagree.

Sorlos (looking confused) (in low volume): What?

Maebara: I disagree, if they really are your friends, they would know you were doing everything in your power to save them.

Sorlos (looking unconvinced): What if you are wrong?

Maebara: What if I'm right?

(A strong wind hits Sorlos, then she turns around and sees two figures)

(These figures are revealed to be Seno and Matsuorinji with white dresses on)

Sorlos (low volume): How?

Seno: Well, you didn't think we would let you feel guilty about our deaths, when it was those punk ghosts' fault and you blew them to dust; so we are angels in training.

Matsuorinji: So, don't you dare stay there moping, we are happy, so live your life. Sure, we aren't happy the way we died, but we aren't going to bitch about it.

Sorlos (low volume): I thought you hate cursing and you shouldn't say that if you are an Angel.

Matsuorinji: Many higher ups have said worse, then get their mind wiped, so we'll be fine, now don't make your aunt worry and make new friends.

Sorlos (low volume): I will and (hugs Matsuorinji and Seno)I love both of you.

Seno: Good thing, we are angels.

Matsuorinji: I agree.

(A bright light shines on Matsuorinji, Seno, and Sorlos)

Seno (looking annoyed): Yeah, we're coming.

(Sorlos, let's go to Matsuorinji and Seno)

Seno: We love you too and we will be watching you, so be good.

Sorlos (low volume) (waves goodbye): Bye, I will.

Matsuorinji: We will be saying goodbye to our families, so don't worry.

Sorlos(low volume): Okay.

(Matsuorinji and Seno disappear up in the clouds)

Maebara (smirks): Told you

Sorlos (low volume) (smiles): I guess you did

Hino (runs to Sorlos): Would you like to be my friend?"

(Maebara and Sorlos' looked shocked)

Sorlos (low volume): Yeah, I would love that

Maebara (with his arm around Hino's shoulder): Great, now you have two new friends.

Sorlos (low volume): Yeah, I think somebody is trying to get your attention.

(Maebara and Hino turn around to see a 13-year-old girl who has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing a black fur coat, green pants, and brown boots

The girl (mouths): It's time for breakfast

(Her name is Mizusawa)

Hino: Oh, we have to go, but we will be back, we promise.

Sorlos (low volume): Okay, I have to make a quick trip home, then I'll be back as well

(Hino and Maebara go back to the mansion)

(Sorlos enters a portal and goes back to Ryuichi)

(Ryuichi is waiting outside, she is wearing a purple work dress and a purse)

Ryuichi: Sorlos, I'm glad to see you are doing better, I have to go to work.

Sorlos (low volume): I got it, I'm going to be with some friends, don't worry about me.

Ryuichi: Okay, try not to get into any trouble.

Sorlos (low volume): Of course, and I will have my phone at the ready.

Ryuichi: Good, see you later

Sorlos (low volume): Yeah, see you later.

(Sorlos runs into her house)

(Sorlos goes into a living room and sees a cherry blossom plant and smiles)

Sorlos (low volume): I wonder what should I do since I can't go to school.

(Sorlos feels her phone vibrating, grabs it, and answers it)

Sorlos (low volume): Hello

A person: Sorlos, how are you?

Sorlos (low volume): I'm good (confused). Who is this?

(The person laughed)

The person You don't recognize my voice. It's abbie.

Sorlos (low volume): Abbie, I thought you were in France.

Abbie: I just came back, say everybody in school is saying something about a giantess and rumor is it is you, is that true?

Sorlos (low volume): Yup

Abbie (shocked): No way!

Sorlos (low volume): I know

Abbie (shocked): Oh, and I also heard something happened Matsuorinji and Seno, I'm sorry

Sorlos (looking sad) (low volume): That's okay

Abbie: So, tell every cool thing you have done

Sorlos (low volume): No problem

(Episode ends with Abbie and Sorlos talking on the phone)