
The Story Begins

The ray of light didn't bode well, as the sword hasn't reacted in the thousands of years of her lifetime, but still, Prophecy let the sword act on its own will. She, after all, did rely on it, and most likely would put at near-death if she were but to wield it, let alone interfere with its doings. She also tracked down the ark of light, to find that it pointed in the direction of a hospital, a baby ready to born right now as she thought to herself: That baby was not there before, and no one seemed to notice but her. The sword did by technicality rule over her domain more than she did, but she is the one that created the domain itself; she was the mechanic and the sword is a foreign power generator the likes of which is beyond any other of existence's creations.

"Interesting, I shall have to keep a watch over this boy. He could either spell disaster for us all or hope and a beacon of power and light," She said to herself, as she slowly turned into a ghost, flying away towards the now newly born baby.

As John was getting packed up, a wave of nervousness went through him. He was going to the local school for sorcery, and that meant he would be away from his parents for the majority of a year. And, not only was he going to a school for sorcery, he was going to one of the twelve well-renowned and kingdom-sponsored schools in his world. There were four in each kingdom, and four kingdoms in this world. However, unlike most other worlds, one of the kingdoms fell after their king was killed in a war, caught toying with powerful artifacts to attain true immortality. Most people even think that he attained it right before he died, but there was no sign of him except for a cult-like group being formed to complete his work. But even they have been found out and suppressed, leaving very few who still carry out his work. This king went by the name Eletric. But he is long dead, and people wanted him killed before then, even. He was always known for his radical ideas and his worship of Sheedo, the dark god. But John, like everyone else, knew that what happened to Eletric, there's no way to come back from that.

As John got back into the car, he noticed that his father had not come with him and his mother on this exciting and nerve-racking new chapter in his life.

"Mom, where's dad at? Is he not coming?" John asked curiously.

"Oh, you know how your father is, always absorbed in his work. He had to leave right as we were leaving, unfortunately. I know how much you wanted him to be here, and how much HE wants to be here," John's mother replied

"How is he so busy when he doesn't even have a job? All the stress goes to you, and none to him?" John said, after thinking about this for a while now.

"You'd be surprised how much money your father makes, and even though your dad doesn't have a job, he still has so much work to do, more than either of us could ever know," John's mother replied, "In fact, to this day I still have no idea how he makes so much money, or what he spends his time doing."

John wondered too, but eventually, he stopped as he saw a familiar man walking across the side-walk, about to get hit. He outstretched his hand, and an electrical shockwave swept through the car, stopping it. He then snapped his fingers, commanding the windows of the car to pull down. As he approached, he unlocked the door and got into the car.

"You didn't really think I'd miss my son's most important day, now did you?" John's father said as he snapped. The windows rolled up, the door somehow shut itself, and the car sprung to life once again.