
Chapter 2

"Where were you?" John and his mother asked at the same time.

"Well, you know how my work is. Very unpredictable. In fact, this world's future has been unpredictable ever since Eletric's death. I'm not supposed to tell you this, but somehow a dragon broke free and rampaged a city in Rona. They lured it back to its seal, but it's scary that it even broke free in the first place," John's father said, with a look of confusion on his face as he thought it out even more.

Dragons used to roam around freely ever since the expansion of the world. They became so powerful, that they fused their strength together to form a dragon god, and he made more dragons. After a while, the dragons sought to expand, and they raged war on peaceful worlds. Prophecy stopped the war, killed all the dragons, and threw the dragon god into an empty world with no way to ever come back. Thousands of years later, he somehow crawled back to where the other worlds were and raged war with an army he's been building for centuries. He, combined with another war-hungry god, caused too much stress for Prophecy, and she "killed" all the gods. But, in doing so, she made herself weak and her brother, now having a lust for power, killed her. Humanity fought with themselves, being influenced by gods long dead, and dragons flew around killing people. Finally, after thousands of years of senseless war, Prophecy summoned up enough power to "re-kill" the gods, and wipe the minds of every mortal and erase all evidence of gods ever existing. Prophecy then fell into a deep sleep, while humans fought to seal dragons in magical spires spread throughout the multiple worlds. Dragons haven't been seen since then, and that was 4,000 years ago. Mortals, including John, did not know this full story. All they knew was that dragons were sealed in spires long ago, and up until now, they never returned.

"You really need to tell us about what exactly you do. I mean, we've been married for seventeen years now, and you refuse to tell me what your job is. In fact, you somehow don't even look a day older than when I first met you," John's mother said angrily.

"Okay, but if I disappear one day... this is why. I work for the gods. I carry out their bidding. The dragon I was talking about, I was the one that put him back where he belongs. Atta and Rona both also give me work to do," John's father said, as he looked immediately up to the sky.

"Your kidding right? There's no way you work for the gods," John's mother said.

"How else do you think I've looked the same age this whole time, how I make so much money but refuse to tell anyone how," John's father replied.

"Why didn't you tell us sooner?" John's mother asked, half angry, half shocked.

"Well, if you didn't know, the gods aren't exactly supposed to be alive. I mean, Prophecy wiped mortal's memory of them, but somehow the memories, the war, the kingdoms, it all came back eventually. Try as you might, you cannot erase history," John's father said.

"How did the gods not die, and if they didn't die, what happened to them. Why aren't they roaming around on the worlds?" asked John curiously.

"Well, the gods cannot die, because they are immortal, not even Prophecy could make them die. They will forever exist, as long as Prophecy is alive. And like Prohpecy, the gods aren't dead, but they're as close as they can be to death. They are like ghosts, a small collection of power, fused with their soul. They slowly collect energy and power, and when they have enough, they'll start influencing the world once again. Prophecy is among them, on the verge of death, but literally not allowed to die. Oh, and some gods do roam the worlds. No one knows where they are, what they do, or even what they look like, but they disguise themselves and live among the normal people," John's father explained, seeming to pause and think multiple times.

"I don't know what to say," John's mother said, "I thought you worked for Atta, maybe, but I never realized that one could just 'work for the gods.'"

"What do you do for them?" John asked.

"Well, sometimes it's random tasks, sometimes I have to retrieve power and give it to them. That's what I was doing with the dragon. I used magic to absorb its magic, I then lured it to its stone and sealed it," John's father replied.