
Sorcerer's Redemption

A gripping tale of Sarah and Matthew's journey to parenthood, marred by tragedy and a fateful encounter on a forbidden mountain. As they face the enigmatic forces of darkness and grapple with the mysteries of their unborn child's fate, the boundaries between past and present blur, unveiling a haunting exploration of loss, resilience, and the possibility of reincarnation.

Susan_B_Thicke · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

A Random Tune of Melody

After reaching the hotel, Sarah asked Matthew if he knows what priest was trying to say.

Matthew was trying to dodge the questions by Sarah as his eyes were telling a different story than his voice.

Dissatisfaction etched across her face, she turned away, leaving Matthew with his own secrets.

"Sara-....", he called, but she was gone by then.

Not much long before the delivery, Sarah started seeing the sights of a third person everyday for a few moments.

It felt like something... Maybe someone....has been constantly watching her.

Unseen eyes followed her, and an unsettling paranoia settled like a fog, clouding the edges of her reality.

They were in the living room, a serene scene painted by the slow dance of the breeze and the gentle melody of wind chimes.

"You love the sound of it, don't you?"

Matthew's attempt to break the silence hung in the air.

Sarah nodded, an acknowledgment of the simple pleasures that had once bound them.

"Its melody is soothing even though it has no rhythm in it," he continued, his words a balm to the unspoken wounds.

"I believe life is just like that, calm... and soothing whenever I'm with you, even though it never worked like we planned. I suppose its beauty lies in uncertainty, a random tune of melody."

Sarah blushed and buried her face in her sweater. They shared a moment of quiet introspection, the slow breeze carrying the weight of unspoken truths. But as night fell, a haunting melody crept into their tranquility.

At 3 a.m., Sarah was awakened to a dissonant symphony. The wind chimes, once a comforting lullaby, played in a rhythm... forming a melodious song now.

Tun tididin, tididin tin tin,

Tin tididin, tididin tin tin...

The song was very familiar to her, which was scaring her even more. She decided to look out if Matthew left the TV on, as she thought someone was playing the tune in repeat.

While going back to the living room from her bedroom she checked the clock before leaving the room.

When she went downstairs, she found out that the sound is not coming from the TV which found out to be turned off.

She noticed that the sliding glass door in her living room was left opened, where the wind chimes were hanging.

Lost in confusion, she decided to close the window and check where the sound is coming from.

Tun tididin, tididin tin tin...

Tin tididin, tididin tin tin...

She was stunned when she saw the unusual behaviour of those wind chimes, playing this very familiar tune.

Before she couldn't understand anything, she saw a person, staring at her from far away, outside the house.

She couldn't choose what was more horrific, the song of the wind chimes or the stalker outside. The howling of dogs sent shivers through her, weakening her legs.

Sarah froze on the place she was standing. Her heart was beating faster and she couldn't breathe properly.

Tun tididin, tididin tin tin,

Tin tididin, tididin tin tin...

She wanted to take a deep breath to call Matthew but it felt like someone was strangling her with a rope.

Tun tididin, tididin tin ...tin...

Tin tididin...tidi...DADADADADADADADA..

She started scratching her throat only to find nothing. Her face started to turn blue and the red eyes were flowing with tears.

With every blink of the eye, the person lurking into the shadows came closer. She was still hearing the rhythmic melody of wind chimes when a voice came from the dark.

"sa....ruh".... She blinked,

"Saa...Raaaah".... She blinked again,

"SA-RAUGHH".... She clenched her eyes.

She suddenly felt a hand on her shoulder when her throat was freed and SCREAMED her lungs out and tears were flowing through her eyes.

It was Matthew. He made her a breakfast in bed, for their 11th wedding anniversary.

"Had a nightmare?" he asked with a gentle smile, soaking up water gently that she just accidentally spilled out of his hand.

The tendrils of nightmare still clung to her consciousness. "I'm ...alright and wait ... ", she smiled

"Did YOU make all that?"

"How did you prepare it so early, babe?"

"Um... Its 10 a.m.", he replied in confusion.

"Anyhow, taste this French parfait and Japanese rice bowl with egg... Thats the actual name, talk about creativity", he quipped, attempting to lighten the atmosphere.

Sarah's taste buds experienced an unexpected delight, momentarily eclipsing the night's horrors.

"Oh my-...THA-...this is really good. It's like after 11 years, you still manage to surprise me."

"Is that so?" Matthew chuckled, admiring her beauty in the absolute mess.

"Feels like there a lot more I dont know about you, Mr. Miller", she was praising him when she picked the bowl up.

She tasted it and immediately puts it back on the tray right after tasting it.

"I appreciate the effort and I love you... but it's horrible. Lets go to the kitchen and I'll teach you how to make it",

"OUCH!.. go easy on me, Mrs. Bully Miller", he taunted.

She fixed her hair and clothes and proceeded towards the kitchen.

"If you think this is horrible, I would not recommend you to see the mess that may or may not ... have been made in there... By me" he shouted from the hallway."

"I don't want you to scream again, dear"

'wait..Did i actually scream?' sarah thought in confusion.

Meanwhile, Matthew was trying his own creation when he realised something.

"she was right, it sure is horrible... maybe I should leave it upon my sweet little angel!!"

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME MATT? ...JESUS", Sarah shouted from the kitchen that was turned into hell.

With a resigned smile, he knew his time has came to an end...