
Songs of the Villainess

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Queen_Ricky · Fantaisie
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18 Chs

Song's of the Villianess Chap 11 2 training 1 girl

Jasmine was done bathing Donald stood beside Jasmine while she dressed

Donald-surprisingly you look exactly like Constance but more beautiful

Jasmine-Are you Constance admirer.You talk about her Everytime

Donald-Dont say such thing , and if i love her or not it's non of your business

Jasmine-Ok,You gonna teach me how to use magic, while Ali is gonna teach me how to use the swords and arrows,So how are we gonna do it

Donald-You will see, oh look it's time for breakfast

Donald took Jasmine hands and led her downstairs

Jasmine sat at the table but surprisingly no one was there except Prince Ali

PRINCE ALI-Welcome have a seat

Jasmine-Where are King James and Queen Lora

Prince Ali-They are having a little chit chat Alone,so that makes us the only ones at the dinning table

Jasmine-Well no the maid's are there

Ali motioned for the maids to go as well as Donald

Prince Ali stood up then came near Jasmine bent down and whispered in her hear

PRINCE ALI-We are alone now

Jasmine-We-Well then we should start eating

Prince Ali-Yes,i got something for you

Prince Ali showed Jasmine a diamond ring heart shaped


Prince Ali-I didn't give you a Ring when i proposed to you

He slid the ring in her middle finger

Prince Ali-Now i have given you one

Jasmine was blushing her face turned White to bright red


PRINCE Ali-Your welcome

He sat down Back and they ended their dinner

Prince Ali-Time for practice are you ready

Jasmine eagerly stood up and said yes they went to the barracks,Jasmine wore her amour so did Ali and they started training

Prince Ali-Are you resisting,,Go on attack with full might

Jasmine was finding it default ,prince Ali was to fast and good at defending

JASMINE-Your just too fast

Jasmine said while panting

Prince Ali came to her with a kerchief and cleaned her face, cause she was sweating

PRINCE ALI-Then take a rest,i don't want to exhaust you

Jasmine-No,le-lets continue

PRINCE ALI shrugged and took his sword

PRINCE ALI-These time you Defend,wanna do that

Jasmine-that sounds better


In the night while everyone slept Jasmin changed her clothes and wore a long free dress

Donald-Are you ready,i wanna see if your a weak being or not

JASMINE-Lets see about that

Donald bents down

Donald-climb on me

JASMINE-WHAT no , remember that I have a fiancee

Donald-And i don't fucking care up on, Don't you wanna learn how to use your powers

Jasmine-i do

Donald-Then up on my back,and it's not like you are truly inlove with the prince

Jasmine-How did you know that

Donald-Dont question me mortal,up on

Jasmine climbed his back and he turned to a dragon he flew her out of the Castle quietly while everyone slept he took her to a vast land where their is no one,It was a dessert where thier is only sand,