
Songs of the Villainess

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Queen_Ricky · Fantaisie
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18 Chs


Once upon a time there wasa girl named rose she got married to Jeff and they had a lovely daughter Jasmine but sadly died while giving birth to their lovely daughter,who had the talent to sing ,she started singing from 6 yrs

Her 6th birthday party

Everyone one whore a nice white and royal blue dress to celebrate the girl birthday when a tall man with a mustache and little grey hair styled at the front with bright white teeth and grey eyes who wore a nice royal blue suit came with a little girl who had grey eyes small pink lips with a beautiful light skin and long dark hair ,who whore a long white dress with white flats came smiling like her Dad.Came to face everyone Jasmine was the most beautiful girl at the hall people loved her cause she was, honest, caring, beautiful, thoughtful, smart,wise and also has a good singing voice her Dad said to everyone "Everyone today is my beautiful daughters birthday,and today we found her talent she is a really good singer,and she would love to perform for you all" everyone clapped for her Small Jasmine climbed on the stool and started singing *Lovely by Billie Ellish* when she was done people cried and clapped for her she was pampered and cared for alot by the maids in their mansion. Some envied her cause she was pretty, talented ,and too kind to be true and she forgives alot.but Jasmine hated herself cause she thought that she was the cause of her mother's death She cried in the night every time her classmates said that so she started home lesson with her governor.

12yrs later

Jasmine grew up to be a carefree child who was loved by her father. She is now 18 and it is time for her to find a suitor it is said in the village whosoever doesn't have a husband at the age of 25 is a witch and her dad keep on pressuring her to get married but she didn't want to go away from her dad she loved home and she loved her Dad Just too much. When Jasmin was 15 men doted on her asking her to be their bride she always refuses . then her friends made fun of her Everytime and she cries

Ella-Jasmine, Jasmine you have a call

Said a maid with brown hair and blue eyes with a short height running to Jasmine who is alot taller than her


Jasmin took the phone and placed it on her hear

Jasmine-hello?,Yes my dad isn't home, Important papers?,ok I will be There

Jasmine dropped The phone and went to her room to change, Ella ran after her

Ella-Jasmine where are you going

Jasmine-i want to go take some papers from Dad's workers

Ella-No my heart us telling me that you shouldn't go it's dangerous

Jasmine placed her hand on Ella's shoulder

Jasmine-Dont worry nothing is Going to happen to me the lord is with me

Ella - ok then i will follow you


Then She changed her clothes and they both went to go take the papers.

They took a carriage and stopped at a huge mansion with tight security

Ella-is this really the place he told you to come to

Said Ella whispering


She said while smiling

They got off the carriage a group of men then took Jasmine and Ella and took them inside the mansion while putting each of their hands at their back

$-Well,well,well isn't it Jasmine the sunshine of everyone's world said a man walking slowly towards them with a huge ugly mask on his face, with bug lips and strong muscles and dark short hair.

Jasmine-Free us you monster

Said Jasmine while struggling to get free

Sky-Ooh, monster no you shouldn't say that from now on call me Master, and you and your friend are the slave or didn't you hear.?

Ella-hear what

Asked Ella confused of why they where held handycapped

Sky-You guys have been sold by one of your maid's.said sky while pointing at Jasmine.

Jasmine.thought -*These might be one of the maids that are jealous of me and Ella

Jasmine-I will pay you any amount pls let us go

Jasmine said with pleading eye's.Sky held her chin and laughed

Sky-I don't want money from u if i where to sell you i will have a fortune and we will be able to also enjoy your maid here

Sky said while looking at Ella

Jasmine-Dont you dare do anything to Ella.Said Jasmine while foaming with anger

The men all started laughing

Then sky slapped Jasmine don't you dare order me around i am your master. He said and walked away while waving to the men They took Jasmine and Ella to a separate room they changed Ella and Jasmine and put them in a hall filled with people who were crying and dirty looking some outfits where tattered some where bleeding while some looked ugly.

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