
Song Tian's Farm and His Daily Life

This novel is on hiatus! Song Tian just graduated from high school, and his dream is to become a farmer. Although his wealthy parents already had an inheritance prepared for him, he didn't take it and starting to look for an empty land to start his farm. ________________________________________________ WARNING: NO HAREM! This slow-paced novel is all about Song Tian's farm, his daily life, and his interaction with other peoples. If you expect some actions in this story, you'll be disappointed. This is my first story, and English isn't my first language. Release Rate: 2 or 3 chapters/week. Novel Tags: Slice of Life, System, Farm, Outer Space, Fantasy, and 0.5% Action/Martial Art. Virtual Editor: Grammarly. Book cover by me. Any constructive criticism is very much appreciated. Thanks for reading :D

OrzDemonic · Urbain
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158 Chs

Spiritual Crop

Hearing an old man voices, Xiao Yu eyes started to shine again but stopped by Song Li.

"Don't, it's only a wandering spirit," he said.

Song Tian heart was beating fast, as the old man is nowhere found. He took a deep breath to calm his mind.

"Senior, pardon our rudeness. We didn't know this cave still occupied," he said.

Su Wen looked around and didn't see anything, "Senior, forgive me for taking your mushroom. I'll return it to you," she said as she opened her dimensional storage.

"Hoho, at least you guys can admit your mistake," the old man said.

Song Tian asked, "Senior, can you show yourself? It's weird talking to the air," he said.

The old man slowly appeared in front of them, and the surrounding area suddenly becomes brighter.

Song Tian and his friends were surprised to see the old man wearing the clothing which they never saw before.

The old man had short red hair, and his face is covered with a beard.

The old man chuckled, "Weird just because you're talking to the air, huh? I even saw people these days talk with a brick," he said.

The old man looked at Song Li and Xiao Yu, "Immortal Cat? What a rare sight," he muttered.

Wang Hai took out his phone and showed it to the old man, "Senior, is this the one you're talking about?" he asked.

The old man nodded, "Yes, that one. Don't you guys feel weird talking with that brick?" he said.

Wang Hai scratches his head, he thought the old man in front of him might be a spirit from an ancient time.

"Senior, this is a phone. It's for communicating with other people in a long-distance," he said.

The old man furrowed his brows, "So there's no voice transmission on this era anymore, huh," he muttered.

Su Wen looked at the old man, "Senior, can I take the mushroom, please?" she asked.

The old man snorted, "You already took one anyway, but I won't let you take my plants anymore," he said.

Su Wen smiled apologetically and didn't say anything as she was in the wrong.

Song Tian looked at the old man, asked, "Senior, since you're already a spirit, why you're still here? Is there any wish you didn't fulfill before you pass away?" he asked.

The old man smiled bitterly, "There's only one thing which makes me regret to not live just for a little longer," he said.

Song Tian asked, "What is it?" he said as it will help him completes his side quest.

The old man grinned, "Do you really want to know?" he said.

Song Tian was speechless, "It's fine if you won't tell us," he said.

The old man laughed, "Alright, don't be surprised later. All of you, follow me," he said as he started to makes a hand's gestures.

Not long after, a portal appeared in front of the old man, which makes them surprised.

Lin Hua looked at Song Tian, "Is this thing safe?" she asked.

Song Tian shook his head, "I don't know," he said.

Xiao Yu looked at the portal, her emerald eyes started to shine through it.

"It's safe," she said as the light on her eyes started to dim.

After they went through the portal following the old man, they found themselves in a massive garden filled with a lot of plants they never saw before.

Song Tian looked around the plants, and there was a small barn with a feeding trough, but there are no animals in it.

"Senior, are you a farmer?" he couldn't help but ask.

The old man smiled, "Farmer? Not really, I only focus on the plants," he said.

The old man continued, "Introduces yourselves," he said.

Song Tian smiled embarrassingly as he even forgot to introduce himself, "I'm Song Tian, senior," he said.

Su Wen and others also started to introduce themselves.

The old man smiled, "I'm Alvis, no surname, just Alvis," he said.

Song Tian nodded, "How did you end up in this cave?" he asked.

Alvis answered, "When I was alive a long time ago, there was a war between kingdoms to claim the empire's throne because The Empress is getting weak by her sickness," he said.

Alvis continued, "I'm hiding in this cave so I can focus on my experiment with the plants," he said as he continues to explain the stuff that happened during his time.

The empire had no name, and Alvis is a citizen from one of the kingdoms under the empire.

The king requires all of its citizens to be armed to start an all-out siege to the empire.

When all the kingdoms started their siege, they didn't know The Empress even in her sickness is too strong for them.

Not even one day has been passed since the siege started, the kingdoms failed their assault and ended up getting slaughtered instead.

The Empress was disappointed to see the kingdoms were rebelling to The Empire.

After razing all the kingdoms out of her anger, The Empress makes an announcement.

"Starting from this day, all of you will have to depend on your own as I don't want to see the empire my husband painstakingly build filled with a lot of ungrateful peoples."

After the announcement, the empire's castle mysteriously disappeared without traces.

Song Tian and the others were puzzled because not only The Empire had no name, it also disappeared mysteriously.

Song Tian asked what's the name of The Empress and where's The Emperor, Alvis only smiled bitterly as he didn't even know the name of them.

Alvis told them that The Emperor always appeared and disappeared mysteriously.

Song Tian shook his head as it's getting nowhere because Alvis didn't even know the name of The Emperor and Empress.

"So, what's your unfulfilled wish, senior?" he asked.

Alvis went to the box and took out a sack made from leather, he handed it to Song Tian.

Song Tian took the sack, "What is this?" he asked.

Alvis smiled bitterly, "There's seed inside it, it was my creation before I pass away," he said.

Alvis continued, "If I live just a little bit longer, I would've seen it grows. Too bad, the time won't allow it," he said.

Song Tian opened the sack and saw bean-sized seeds, "This is your creation? You can make the seed on your own?" he asked.

Alvis nodded, "Yes, it is my creation. You won't understand even if I told you. See those plants? That was my creation, the rest of it were mixtures of several different types of plants," he said as he pointed to one of the plants in his garden.

Song Tian and his friends walked closer to the plants, it looked like a wild weed and didn't have anything special on it.

"Isn't this just a weed?" Song Tian asked as he already tried to see the stats but it only filled with [???].

Alvis laughed, "Try to water it, and you'll see," he said.

Song Tian took the watering can nearby and saw it's already filled with water, he started to pour the plant in front of him.

Not long after Song Tian poured the waters in it, the plant started to shine as it's slowly growing bigger and saw several huge yellow round-shaped fruits hanging on its branch.

All of them were shocked to see such a phenomenon happened.

"What plant is this?" Song Tian couldn't help but ask.

Alvis laughed, "Open it," he said.

Song Tian immediately took one and opens it.

Looking at Song Tian didn't say anything, Lin Hua curiously asked, "Song Tian, what is it?" she said as she walked closer to see what it is, surprised.

Song Tian couldn't believe his eyes as the stuff inside the fruit is a bread.

Before he saw it, even if his own ancestor told him the bread came directly from the plants, he wouldn't believe it as it was scientifically impossible for it to happened.

Wang Hai jaw widened as he also can't believe it, he also took the fruit and open it to see it also stuffed with bread inside.

Su Wen looked at its stats, and it said to be edible, so she immediately ate it.

"Oh my, it really is bread, it even has a strawberry jam inside it," she said.

Song Tian looked at Alvis, "How is this possible?" he said.

Alvis smiled, "Everything is possible. Nothing is impossible as long as you believe in your own effort to achieve it," he said.

Alvis continued, "Let's set that aside. If you let me see the growth of my last creation, I'll allow all of you to pick one of my seeds in this garden, and you can grow it for yourself," he said.

Song Tian eyes lit up as he didn't want to miss the opportunity, he looked at his friends, "Come on guys, it'll be a jackpot for us," he said.

Wang Hai shook his head, "Nah, I can't even take care of my own garden, let alone this," he said.

Lin Hua smiled bitterly, "I don't have time for that, Grandma Zhao will scold me if I neglect my training," she said.

Su Wen smiled, "You're the only one here who had that experience, I'll just wait for you to plant it and be sure to give me one of its fruit," she said.

Song Tian looked at Alvis, "Senior, If I'm the only one to plant this, the rest of them can still pick the plant of their choices, right?" he asked.

Alvis nodded, "Yes, as long as one of you plant and let me see its growth," he said.

Song Tian smiled, "Good, I'll plant this for you. But how do you see its growth if you're stuck in this cave?" he said.

Alvis smiled bitterly, "Who said I'm stuck in this cave? I can go to wherever I want even in this form," he said.

Song Tian surprised, it turns out the wandering spirit didn't get stuck in one place like the one he saw on comics, novels, and other stuff.

After driving his friends to their home, Song Tian arrived at his farm at 1 AM with Alvis following him.

He immediately went to the greenhouse and starting to makes another tilled soil for Alvis's creation.

Alvis looked at Song Tian tilling the soil, "Good, this young man already knows the way to prepare a spiritual crop field. Too bad he's focusing on the wrong thing on the plant, I hope he'll realize it soon," he thought.

After Song Tian watering the seeds, he immediately went to sleep.

In the morning, after Song Tian is already done with all his work, he went to the greenhouse to water his crops, and the seed Alvis gave him.

Looking at the plants already grows, Song Tian shocked, "Isn't this too fast?" he couldn't help but ask.

Alvis laughed, "It is, it's spiritual crop after all," he said.

Song Tian asked, "Spiritual crop? What seed is this?" he said.

Alvis smiled, "It's just a crop contains spiritual stuff. If this went well, it would be ready for harvest in a second," he said.

Not long after, the crops started to shine, and it began to grow bigger.

This time, it had several white cocoons hanging on its branches.

Alvis was satisfied, "Young man, pick it up and see what inside," he said.

Song Tian pick one of the cocoons and tries to open it, he saw rice mixed with other things inside.

"Senior, what is this?" he asked.

Alvis smiled, "It's rice mixed with a soy sauce, some fried mushroom and garlic. It was my wife's favorite food," he said.

Alvis sighed, "Too bad I can't show it off to her since she already left this world a long time ago," he said.

Song Tian saw a longing in Alvis, he decided not to say anything.

Alvis looked at his last creation, "Thank you for letting my last creation grow, I'll name it a Lake Meal crop since my first encounter with my wife is on the lake," he said.

Alvis continued, "You can have the seed, It'll produce cocoons every seven days," he said.

Alvis started to makes hand gestures, and he drew it on toward the back of the greenhouse.

"I already make a small dimension garden for you and transfers almost all my creation in there. I also left some book if you're interested in that field," he said.

Alvis smiled as he's slowly disappeared, "Song Tian, don't focus on the yield. Take your plants with better care, and they will produce a better result. I hope my book will help you realize that," he said.

Song Tian bowed to Alvis, his eyes opened to the new possibility, and Alvis also left him some books for him to learn.

Song Yi's voice suddenly rang in his mind.

"Master, congratulations for completing the Side Quest 9: Supernatural," she said, and the scroll appeared in front of Song Tian.

- Quest Rewards: Communicate with any spirit, spirit stats, and new [Building Interface] unlocked.

- (Claim Now).

Song Tian looked at the rewards and delighted to found he also got another [Building Interface].

Before he claims it, he asked, "But didn't I already communicate with a spirit earlier?" he said.

Song Yi giggled, "It's different because the spirit let you see them. Now you can see them directly without waiting for them to appear in front of you," she said.

Song Tian nodded, he looked around but didn't found any spirit which makes Song Yi laughed.

"Master, no spirit can enter this area without both of our consent, you have to go outside of your farm to see it," she said.

Somewhere in the garden, Alvis didn't dare to look at the old man in front of him as the guilt overwhelmed him.

The old man in front of him is his master.

Alvis was raised by the old man after both of his parents passes away.

When he became old enough to travel by himself, Alvis found a new hobby, which is to study the plants.

As the times goes, Alvis starting to indulge himself in plants and slowly forgot that his master's path is a total opposite of his new hobby.

When he went back to a place where he used to live with his master, he found out that the area was now barren land.

After his final wish fulfilled by Song Tian, he didn't expect to meet his master again and found out his master's true identity.

The old man smiled, "You don't need to be like that, it's not your fault," he said.

Alvis didn't dare to say anything as it was his fault to not follow his master's teaching.

The old man looked at the screen and image of Song Tian playing a game on his PC appeared.

Alvis looked at the screen and shocked, "Master, did you know him?" he couldn't help but ask.

The old man sighed, "I planned to make him my disciple, but I didn't expect he's already in my eldest sister's domain," he said.

The old man continued, "Now you already finish your mortal life, I'll ask my eldest sister to resurrect your wife and allocate both of you to start a new life," he said.

Alvis couldn't hold back tears coming out from his eyes, and before he says anything, the old man waves his hand.

"It's not your fault, it's natural for you to choose that path," he said.

Several moments later, after sending Alvis and his wife to another universe, the old man sighed.

The young woman looked at the screen in front of the old man, asked, "You can't even take him as your disciple anymore, why are you still monitoring him? There's a word called stalker in human language, brother," she said while chuckled.

The old man snorted, "What stalker? I just want to see if he wants to change his mind. I even let a clone of myself disguised as a Master Chu to rope Song Tian in my domain, if it were not for another universe can't keep their hands out of trouble, I would've made him my disciple already," he said.

The old man continued, "No matter how you look at it, Song Tian is fit to be my successor. I can't even fathom why his ambition is getting stuck on his farm," he said.

An older woman beside the young woman chuckled, "His ambition will remain in my domain," she said.

The old man sighed, "Sister, when are you going to take him as your disciple?" he asked.

The older woman smiled, "Who knows, it might be tomorrow or it might be a hundred years later. We'll see," she said.

Thanks for reading :D

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