
Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

Game of Thrones fanfiction, A Song of Ice and Fire fanfiction. Transmigration, no harem, no system, no technology. No poison, supporting characters to stay close to the original. Mainstream storyline without being too bland, with occasional satisfying moments and interspersed with epic scenes. Protagonist name: Gallen of House Crabb Starting title: Lord of Whispers Family motto: United we stand Family sigil: Marsh Marigold ////This is a translation, my fourth(?) one so far. The original author name is 双河无忧. I do not own this book or anything that is related to it and so on. The original name is 冰与火之铁王座. Go support the original author. The original book have 330 chapters so far with steady update. I've read it all to make sure it'll stay good so it won't end up like my arcane fic. I've watched the game of thrones series but I haven't read the book. Even though I search the wiki, if y'all notice any wrong terms I used, point it out so I can fix it. Well, enjoy.////

TypicalFicEnjoyer6 · TV
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94 Chs

-88- The Beauty

////Sorry for not updating this one for quite a while. I am prioritizing my other two translation so I'm neglecting this one a bit...////

King's Landing in the evening was not gloomy; under the setting sun, it was tinged with a faint red glow.

At Gallen's signal, Samwell took out a key and, with a click, unlocked the door.

Wasn't it supposed to be a randomly found key...? Samwell was momentarily stunned, scratched his head, and looked at Gallen.

Gallen shrugged.

This was typical Lannister humor. Since arriving in King's Landing, Gallen had spent the most time with the Lannisters and was well-acquainted with their ways.

Anything linked to gold dragons, the more valuable the item, the more the Lannisters would downplay its worth.

Entering the courtyard, Gallen looked up at the three-story building and said to Jaime, "Ser Jaime, it truly is a small house."

Jaime Lannister laughed heartily and patted Gallen's arm.

"Ah ha, if this isn't Lord Gallen? Long time no see. Has the warmth of the Reach not entranced you? Ahem… well how do you like your new residence."

Tyrion Lannister ambled over as he spoke.

If not for his appearance, Gallen thought Tyrion's entrance was quite stylish.

Jaime asked, puzzled, "Tyrion, how did you get in?"

After speaking, Jaime glanced around at the high walls of the house.

Tyrion's eyes followed Jaime's gaze and then he said, "My dear brother, thank you for thinking so highly of me."

Jaime spread his hands, asking, "Did I leave you here?"

Tyrion glanced at the unfamiliar Samwell, nodded slightly, and walked over to Gallen, patting him on the thigh.

"Thank you for your subtle words about my abrupt appearance here. Actually, I wanted to tell you, I found many books in the study of this house. I got engrossed in reading and when I snapped out of it and tried to find you, I found the door wouldn't open. So, to be precise, I'm the poor soul abandoned by the Lannisters."

Jaime smiled helplessly. "Sorry, I thought you had left for something."

Tyrion grinned, "My height makes me easily overlooked. I might be suited to be an assassin. Be careful, Kingsguard, the short assassin is everywhere."

Jaime tugged at the corner of his mouth, deciding not to respond.

Gallen had already noticed Samwell's reaction at hearing about the study.

Gallen smiled and said, "Sam, go check out the study."

Samwell nodded vigorously and immediately started walking.

Tyrion looked at Gallen, his tone full of suspicion, "Gallen, your eyes tell me you like him. Is he the lover you brought from the Reach? Congratulations, and I will never get drunk in front of you again."

Gallen couldn't help but laugh, saying, "Lord Tyrion, rest assured, he's my future advisor. He loves books just like you and has a mind egar for knowledge."

"Ha, hearing you say that makes me like him too. It seems you've gained a lot this time, adding a brain to your side."

Tyrion laughed out loud for a while, then suddenly lowered his voice and asked seriously, "How is the Reach? You know what I mean."

Tyrion was never serious for more than three seconds, but his enthusiasm was contagious to Gallen.

Gallen played along, pausing deliberately before speaking, "The fields of Highgarden are filled with golden roses as far as the eye can see. The fruits are so ripe they burst in your mouth…"

Tyrion's face showed undisguised impatience.

Gallen smiled up at the sky and continued, "The weather in the Reach is very hot, so hot that the girls there can't wear long clothes, only sleeveless short ones... In the heat, the riverside is a dazzling white."

Tyrion finally nodded in satisfaction, "That's the Reach I remember."

Gallen gestured for Jaime and Tyrion to enter the house.

Gallen and Jaime slowed their pace, letting Tyrion walk alone in front.

Gallen looked at Jaime: No chance to talk business today.

Jaime returned the look: It's okay, no rush.

Gallen and Jaime silently communicated behind Tyrion.



The waves of Shipbreaker Bay continuously crashed against the rocks, leaving circles of white foam.

Stormlands, outside Storm's End.

Brienne was the only surviving child of Selwyn Tarth, the Lord of Evenfall Hall, residing on Tarth Island, close to the Narrow Sea and Stormlands.

Brienne's father, Lord Selwyn Tarth, had always sought a suitable marriage for her. Though not an easy task, Selwyn had found three men, each attracted by Brienne's inheritance.

From a young age, Brienne was extraordinarily tall and as strong as any man.

Brienne loved wielding swords and her dream as she grew was to become a knight.

Brienne was pure and straightforward, though somewhat willful and stubborn.

After Brienne broke three bones of her third fiancé, Lord Selwyn stopped seeking marriage for her and sent her to Storm's End to be taught combat skills by Ser Goodwin.

Brienne learned from Ser Goodwin how to fight more skillfully with a longsword and how to battle in plate armor.

The time spent learning from Ser Goodwin was a rare period of happiness for Brienne.

But Ser Goodwin passed away.

"You have the strength of a man, but still the heart of a woman. Training with a blunted sword in the yard is one thing, but driving a foot of steel into someone's belly and watching the light go out in their eyes, that's another."

"On the battlefield, a moment is a lifetime. I saw a man draw a dagger and thrust it into my friend's armor. His strength, his speed, his bravery, all the skills gained from hard training... worth less than a jester's fart. All because he hesitated at the moment he should have killed."

Brienne recalled Ser Goodwin's teachings.


Gallen, while in the Kingsguard, also thought of the beauty, Brienne.

Most men, and even women, in Westeros had a colored view of women wielding swords. Brienne's situation was likely worse than those Gallen knew.

This was also why Gallen didn't bring a spearwife from Crackclaw Point to King's Landing. Being distinctive when weak only invited unnecessary trouble.

Unless Gallen's ambitions were confined to Crackclaw Point, it was essential for House Crabb to move beyond it and improve its image.

The unique environment of Crackclaw Point had created the spearwife-led Thorn Corps, which Gallen believed would greatly appeal to Brienne.

Gallen hopes that the powerful and straightforward, loyal Brienne can join the Spearwife Battalion and, at the right time, leave Crackclaw Point with them to earn her rightful fame.

However, he knows that currently, the young Brienne harbors a crush on her liege lord, Renly Baratheon, Lord of Storm's End.

Until the time is right, Brienne, due to her personality, will not leave the Stormlands.


Samwell's sudden addition made Gallen change some of his plans.

From what he later learned, Samwell was dragged along by Talla and Dickon to watch the tournament challenge organized by Gallen.

It was this coincidence that led to Gallen and Samwell meeting.

And this meeting prevented Samwell from being forced by his father to wear black and join the Night's Watch, as in the original plot. Instead, he voluntarily chose to leave Horn Hill and join Gallen's faction.

Therefore, on his way back to King's Landing, Gallen arranged for some things in advance, such as sending Anguy, one of his guards with relatively good eloquence, to make early contact with Brienne.


Anguy was very excited to be entrusted with this "important" task by Gallen.

Anguy felt that the day he would be knighted by his lord was drawing closer.

With some intelligence provided by Gallen and his experience as a mercenary, Anguy easily found out Brienne's location upon reaching Storm's End.

Brienne was extremely tall, her face round and rough, covered with freckles, her teeth protruding and uneven, her mouth wide and her lips very thick... Her hair, though golden, looked like dirty straw, brittle and dry.

This was Anguy's first impression of Brienne.


Most of Brienne's life was spent amidst others' ridicule; at best, she received a little pity from others.

Because of Renly, the young Brienne once tried to dress according to noble ladies' standards. However, due to her lack of feminine charm and the clumsy attire, she received even more ridicule.

Brienne, dejected, gave up dressing like a woman and reverted to her familiar warrior attire, continuing to endure gender-based scorn and discrimination.

Due to these factors, Brienne appeared not only clumsy but also somewhat stiff in personality.

Anguy did not rush to approach Brienne but instead observed her in the shadows, looking for a suitable opportunity to meet.

In his covert observations, Anguy witnessed the burly Brienne challenge a swordsman who had spoken ill of the late Ser Goodwin in private, amidst the crowd's jeers.

Brienne's swordsmanship was broad and vigorous. Though lacking some finesse, it seemed to burst with explosive power.

Anguy thought Brienne's sword-fighting style was very similar to the House Crabb's combat style, which also pursued one decisive strike.

The usually taciturn Brienne seemed like a completely different person in combat, radiating the most confident light.

Anguy unconsciously thought of Mordin Waters, usually meek but turning into a beast in battle.

Brienne, she was a natural-born warrior.


The fight ended swiftly and decisively with Brienne's victory.

The crowd dispersed with boos, leaving only the downed swordsman, who was still cursing despite being unable to get up.

Anguy seized the moment, kicked the man unconscious, and greeted Brienne amicably, "Good day, Lady Brienne."

Anguy's words made Brienne pause for a moment.

Brienne did not respond to Anguy's greeting. She sheathed her sword and walked away.

Brienne's reaction stumped Anguy for a moment.

Thinking about his task, Anguy quickened his pace and followed Brienne.

As a born archer, Anguy was not lacking in patience and silently followed her all the way.

Finally, Brienne stopped and looked at Anguy, "What is your name?"

Brienne's voice was low and hoarse, like a man's.

Anguy placed his hand on his chest and bowed, "My name is Anguy, and I am Lord Crabb's bodyguard"

Brienne's hand, gripping her sword hilt, twitched slightly, "I see, you must be very skilled..."

Anguy thought, does she want to fight me?

"But I don't want to get married."

Brienne's next words left Anguy dumbfounded.

A gust of wind blew, making Brienne's hair even messier.

With a strong psychological disposition, Anguy covered his mouth and coughed, "My lady, please don't misunderstand. I am here under my lord's orders specifically to meet you."

Brienne shifted her stance, "Lord Crabb?"

Anguy nodded, "Yes, my lady. Our House has an all-women's battalion called the Thorn Corps. Our lord, while in the Kingswood, heard about you."

Brienne's expression remained stiff, and Anguy couldn't guess her thoughts. He had no choice but to continue, "If one day you wish to venture out, Lord Gallen Crabb wishes to invite you to join his battalion."

Brienne remained silent for a while, then nodded and said, "I understand. I will remember this. Please deliver Lord Gallen my thanks."

With that, Brienne turned and walked away.

Seeing Brienne leave so decisively, Anguy called out, "Lady Brienne! The commander of the Throne Corps will soon be knighted! We want to invite you to the knighting ceremony!"

Brienne stopped and glanced back at Anguy.

Although there was some distance, Anguy, with his excellent eyesight, clearly saw Brienne's expression.

Her lips twitched slightly, and her chin nodded a bit.

Anguy finally breathed a sigh of relief.



That night, at the mansion in Hook Alley.

Knock, knock, knock.

Upon receiving a response, Mordin Waters entered the study, carrying a tray of food.

"Good evening, Samwell."

Samwell Tarly looked up from his book and smiled at the affable Mordin, "Good evening, Mordin. You can just call me Sam."

Mordin chuckled, placing the tray full of roasted meat beside Samwell, "Sam, I brought you some food."

Samwell gave a smile, thanked him, and grabbed a piece of meat to chew on.

Mordin watched Samwell with his usual simple smile.

After swallowing the meat, Samwell wiped his hands and said, "Mordin, is there something you wanted to discuss?"

Mordin nodded his large head, chuckled again, and then asked, "Sam, I wanted to ask you how to be a good commander?"

Mordin had a very keen intuition, which told him that Samwell knew many things that ordinary people did not.

Previously, while on the road, Mordin hadn't had a chance to consult Samwell.

Tonight, seizing the opportunity, Mordin showed his sincerity by bringing out his most precious offering—a tray of roasted lamb.

Although Samwell didn't dare to wield a sword himself, he had studied all the military books in Horn Hill seriously in an attempt to gain his father's approval.

Samwell thought for a moment before replying, "Mordin, the primary task of a commander is to lead the battalion to victory. I think you could learn from King Robert. His warhammer ensured the army's victory."

Samwell lowered his voice, "In the Battle of the Trident, King Robert used his warhammer to kill Prince Rhaegar, securing a decisive victory."

The Battle of the Trident? What is that? Who is Rhaegar?

Mordin scratched his head, "Sam, are you saying that finding an opportunity to kill the enemy leader will lead to victory?"

"Yes, that is what I think would suit you best."

Mordin chuckled, "That seems similar to my usual way of fighting. In battles, I always like to target the enemy leaders. As long as they can't run away, they can't stop me."

Samwell was slightly taken aback, "Are you that formidable?"

Samwell quickly added, "I don't doubt your abilities. I noticed your strength while we were traveling..."

Mordin shook his head, "Hm.... Maybe I should just find a chance to show you how I fight?"

Samwell agreed, "That would be best. Then I can study it carefully and give you more advice."

"Sam, you should eat some more... and tell me, besides fighting, what else does a commander need to know?"