
Son of the Spirit Beast (New Version)

* This is a new and improved version of the original Son of the Spirit Beast. It will start from the beginning until the end, so no more hiatus until is finished. * Rainbow Island, one of the several islands in this world governed by martial artists, is the stage of an incredible event. A newborn infant, Hei, is saved from a tragic ending and raised by a spirit beast spider. Under these unusual circumstances, Hei ends growing up with the body of a human but the mind of a spirit beast. However, this world is filled with conflicts, and his vision about spirit beast differs by the rest of the world. So, in order to protect his family, he decides to become a martial artist, beginning a journey that would bring him toward the peak of martial artist society while discovering the concealed story of the world.

NagatoSaitou · Fantaisie
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5 Chs


Book 1 - Chapter 0 - Prologue

Nestled within the intricate weave of my silken web, memories of that fateful day sent tremors through my eight legs, sorrow clenching my spirit core with an unyielding grip. A cold and ruthless dagger seemed to thrust deep into my soul, making every breath a struggle.

Visceral memories surged, overwhelming my senses. Heavy with the metallic tang of blood and charged with the oppressive weight of spirit power, the air forced each breath to become a gulp of the battlefield's essence.

Agonized cries echoed throughout the battlefield, forming a haunting symphony amidst a landscape littered with uncountable lifeless bodies of humans, demons, and spirit beasts.

Millennia of relentless warfare had brought us to this pivotal moment: the ultimate showdown to determine the true victor between our races. My kin, led by my soulmate, fought against the other two — not just for our survival but for the whole world. 

Though distanced from that grim spectacle, its shadow still lingered in my mind. A part of me remains tethered to that blood-soaked land and more so to him: my shielding darkness in the burning light.

His voice still echoed in my soul, a constant drumbeat in my heart, reminding me of promises made and sacrifices endured, "You must live. No matter the cost. Only then will hope endure."

That was his last whisper, caressing my head with his tail as he had always done for the last time — a gesture to remind me that he would be forever with me, no matter the distance.

Then, all-consuming darkness descended upon my weary body, engulfing me in its comforting embrace. As clarity returned with the light, my eyes beheld the vast expanse of a mesmerizing forest, its vibrant hues painting a surreal tapestry. 

A sunny sky burst through the canopy above, its brilliance momentarily blinding, a stark contrast to the shadows I had emerged from.

The earth's damp aroma rose to greet me, a refreshing caress against my senses. Blossoming petals, vibrant against the green, danced in the air, their colors a teasing whisper of life's persistent march. Each step on the forest floor released the gentle rustle of fallen leaves, and the occasional distant cry of a bird pierced the otherwise silent air. 

The forest's environment was so different from the agonizing battlefield I had been on moments ago: no more cries of pain, no more blood in the air, no more corpses scattered every inch — an absolute and peaceful contrast to the cacophony of war. For a moment, I thought I had been dreaming all this time until now. Yet, I couldn't recall ever setting foot in such a place. 

Amidst the beauty and calmness that enveloped me, a profound sense of disorientation washed over me. A piercing loneliness took root: a painful reminder of the solitude I thought I would never have to feel again in my life.

The one who had once encompassed my world, my guiding darkness, was no longer by my side. My friends and comrades, with whom I had shared the joys and sorrows of life during our arduous journey, were now mere reminiscences of the past. They remained on that fading battlefield, vanishing into the depths of the unknown. Only I had been granted salvation, spared from the clutches of fate.

In his final act, my partner had teleported me away from the precipice of destruction, even if I had preferred to remain by his side. During the teleportation, I felt as if not only space but also time itself was being devoured. Something that should have been impossible but became a reality due to his new powers.

"Gone. All gone. My comrades, my allies, my love — all lost. Why did you make me leave? Why did you stay behind?!" My heart cried out, the pain so sharp it felt like I bled hemolymph from within.

As my heart ached, I recalled his words whispered during a quiet night long ago, 'In times of despair, look towards the stars. Their enduring light proves that even in this cruel world, beings can shine. Remember: darkness, although it appears to engulf them, can protect them from the dangers of life until they become strong enough to stand on their own.' 

Each word weighed heavily on my soul, a mix of comfort and unbearable sorrow, binding me to a past I could not return to.

"Yet I lost you… I lost my protective darkness. I am not strong enough to shine on my own."

At that point, my body and mind had reached their limits. A bittersweet relief washed over me, anticipating a final rest and hoping for a reunion in the afterlife. 

"Perhaps in death, I'd find him again."

Or so I hoped.

Drawing from the remnants of my strength, I enveloped myself in a protective silk cocoon, wishing to shield my body from the vile beings responsible for the demise of my kin. I closed my eyes with a heavy heart, yearning for them never to reopen.

But alas, my wish was denied. Fate, in its capricious nature, had other plans.

I cannot fathom the length of my slumber; to me, it was like an eternity passed within the confines of my cocoon — time had lost all its meaning in my eyes. However, eventually, it ended.

Reluctantly, I felt an urge to break free. The cocoon's walls, once comforting, now felt restrictive. With every ounce of my strength, I pushed against the silken barriers, again emerging into the world. Above me, a starry and clear sky welcomed my awakening.

A gut-wrenching realization set in: my ardent plea for eternal rest, for a union beyond realms, had been ruthlessly denied. Yet, as time's sands trickled, the wisdom behind his actions unveiled itself.

As I wandered, lost in my grief, a gentle warmth burgeoned within me, an unfamiliar yet comforting sensation. To my astonishment, I discovered two eggs pulsing with life. Within those fragile shells, two living beings were growing. 

"How? How can it be?! Did you know it? Is that why you send me away?" I cried aloud while I was overwhelmed by happiness and pain.

Tenderly, I expelled them from my body. There, nestled in a bed of silver-green grass under the moon's gentle glow, lay two eggs about 15 cm long. 

They were unlike any I had encountered, radiating a warmth that seemed to penetrate the very coldness that was suffocating my soul. Time stood still for a moment, and all the forest's whispers fell silent as if nature held its breath. Even the pain I was feeling disappeared momentarily.

I stopped for several minutes to look intensely at them. I feared they would disappear if I took my eyes off them, leaving me alone again. However, I soon realized it wasn't the case. 

With trembling legs, I reached out, still fearing that my touch would dispel the eggs like a mirage. Yet, the textured surface beneath my fingertips was unmistakable, as real as the grief that had led me here. Warmth spread through my being, not just from the eggs but from a spark of hope, reigniting a flame I thought had been extinguished. Then, I embraced them tightly, filling myself with their warmth.

When I thought I had lost everything and returned to the lonely life I once had, a beacon of hope was given to me as my partner's last gift: a tangible link to our love and bond, struggles, sacrifices, and shared dreams. The discovery of the eggs gave me a reason to persevere in this cruel world. 

"Your father fought and died to give you a chance to live. As your mother, I will protect you at any cost. It's now my turn to be the protective darkness until you can shine on your own." 

After taking a long breath, I called my spirit power and infused it inside the silken web I produced, creating a cocoon around those two fragile eggs: a shield against external threats. Then, I secured my two children behind my back.

Embracing this newfound purpose, I embarked on a quest to explore this enigmatic realm, ensuring its safety for the fragile lives entrusted to me. Every step forward resonated with the weight of responsibility, and a silent prayer filled my heart, yearning for a safe home where my children and I could find solace.

As I delved deeper into the forest's depths, an unsettling thought gnawed at my consciousness: the ceaseless struggle between humans, demons, and spirit beasts, my kin. They posed the most significant threat, and the uncertainty of whether this uncharted territory harbored powerful enemies tortured my mind. 

With unwavering resolve, I moved towards the forest's outskirts, every sense alert, where I would be more likely to encounter them.